

Apple was a mistake

They did fix the glare apparently

right looks way better you dumb pajeet

getting rid of SKEURRUURURMORPHISM was the best thing.

Fuck Steve and Jony for thinking it looked good.

i don't get it.

What are we looking at exactly?

I think the old dock looked better. This did this to the macOS also.

How skeuomorphism is shit compared to modern design.

Why do autists on Sup Forums think the glossy monstrosity on the left is an example of good design? That shit needs to be left in the mid-late 2000s.

>t. soyboy

stop forcing this failed meme

no u

The only improvement on the right is that it shows the battery percentage. Otherwise, I prefer the design on the left.

Pic related drinks soylent and uses an iPhone. Most iPhone users do as well. The wheels of memery have started turning, all you can do now is watch in horror.

soyboys grow up into BASED traps that will 1488 using their boipucci and inverted benis. Xenoestrogens did nothing wrong tbdesu fampai.



Wait, all this time (two weeks) I had thought soyboy referred to soy product fans in general. Are people really taking to soylent?

Yes, that's how stupid vegans are. They're so inclined to follow their cult that they'll risk developing breasts. You're god damned right they'll have iPhones now that the CEO of apple literally sucks cocks.

it's known that ingesting soy in large quantities produces a lot of estrogen inside the body, making men grow tits, moody behaviours and some other shit along that.

soy boy = beta male

Holy shit, that literally describes male SJWs so perfectly it's not even funny. Why hasn't this shit been banned yet? Or does the government benefit from girly men?

Oh boy. I'm really afraid. I'm really afraid of these soyim.

most of them are still on KK or ICS so it's what they're used to

you can make more proffit if you fire the designers and just use whatever random shit comes up first

>icons made in mspaint look better

iOS 7 is nearly 5 years old at this point

people with iPhones use them for stuff, they don't rice the thing all day.

He's the reason iOS 7 made the big change. If you want to look at skeuomorphism, look no further than Scott Forstall.

I liked the old icons :c

>Game Center
>before: games
>now: lol just put some bubbles dude nobody fucking cares anymore

>before: a photo
>now: lol just put some fuckin colors dude nobody fucking cares anymore


Not relevant as most have iPhones on monthly leases and iPhone SE is only $100.

Agree, although it's been down-hill since iOS 7.

>iPhone SE is only $100.
I've only ever seen it onsale for $250.

No idea what I'm looking at but I prefer the right.

I think he means with a plan.

And yet conservashit politicians think if you can afford an iPhone you can afford private health insurance.

There like $121 on Straight Talk. Have to use there service for like 6 months to unlock it, but for what the iPhone SE is its a steal

It's an inalienable right to fuck with corvette drivers because they're retards.

Jesus that's cheap.

God I hope they don't fuck up the SE replacement (assuming there is one).

Just don't let it be like an IPhone 5C, Keep most of the guts of the normal models. (CPU, Camera, etc) just on a smaller phone. the current SE is only missing a few things from the bigger models but it still is just a smaller 6S

all non-contract prepaid carriers have it for $100-200

That's cheap though