Vega support in Linux 4.15!

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So basically, ootb support? Damn, it's merged with the mainline kernel itself.

Another reason to stick to AMD.

Now all we need are those RR laptops


windows has had this for ages


so how is amdgpu driver? i only know xf86-video-ati and it's alright

Open source Vega drivers? Lool

no one cares about open sores bullshit

we get our shit fresh from the manufacturer, we don't wait around for some neckbeards to autistically make barely functioning drivers

kek you can see the tears of butthurt in this post lmao

enjoy your clunky proprietary pajeetware

Why would I be butthurt?
Can't play games or use hardware acceleration for graphical applications and digital production with open source drivers (because of the shitty performance, so this is literally non-news.

Ironically, drivers ARE written by weird neckbeards. Not like you would know, try getting hired in a tech company instead.

OK so this guy just never have tried it.

this is made by amd though?

lmao what a joke

why no min max on the r9

what is the point of wasting powerful hardware on barely functioning operating system?

Windows neither had open source nor ootb proprietary amd drivers for ages, no. Best it ever had is a generic vesa analogue and the ability to download some of the proprietary drivers through the update manager.

You must be only familiar with nvidias open source drivers, which are total shit. Because nvidia gimped them. Mesa on the other hand, is much better than the proprietary drivers.

Awesome while I was using RX480, can't wait until 4.15 repo release.

What a time to live in.
And to think that five years ago Linus told AMD to go fuck themselves.

>Linus told AMD to go fuck themselves.
That's Goyvidea

Yea, that's why we're glad the linux drivers are viable enough for inclusion in the kernel. One of the last hw support obstacles to dropping the barely functioning Windows disappearing for people with more needs than what a Windows os on autopilot with a hour long update to invade your privacy ever deeper offers. Though of course most already essentally ditched it for Android in terms of actual usage anyhow.

Oh shit you're right, I don't know what's up with my memory.

>no one cares about open sores bullshit

Isn't it funny how brainlets feel no shame showing their idiocy online

>he prefers powerful hardware become a microsoft botnet instead
I wonder why

While nVidia asks me to use EGLstreams as a dildo.
Parner Vega when?

I ask windows users this all the time. The only answer they can ever give is "mah videogames"

Well, duh, it's bibeogames and some specific software.
Otherwise Linux is better.
Shame all DEs are fucking shit.

>video editing
>photo manipulation
>fully working graphical acceleration
>Fully supported office suite
>productivity software
>full cloud and enterprise solutions
need i go on?

So, some productivity software and videogames?
And that's it?

and what exactly you need a graphics card for? bitcoin mining? setting high res anime wallpaper?

Personal computers are for 3 primary purposes

Productivity, socialisation and games (in that order).

Windows ticks all 3

Linux ticks 1.5 (social and the .5 for their mimicry of productivity)

You are only right about the videogames and DAW

If no one cared about open source code, it wouldn't exist. Nice projection though, Microsoft.

>need i go on?
knock yourself out

he is right about everything listed there bud.

Those are pretty good results considering is a port of a game it was not made with linux as a target. This basically says AMD drivers are on pair with windows drivers. Even if it were a completely fair comparison i'd rather lose some frames if i can use an OS i actually like and that doesnt screw with me. Just saying.

He isn't though.

prove it then

In that case i would say 2.0 because you're conveniently ignoring the huge amount of games available on linux right now natively without even counting what you can play not natively.

produce a fully fledged Word document with all supported features without office

Produce a studio quality song in linux using recorded instruments, mixer etc. Standard hardware.

Create and manage quickbooks without Wine

Create a feature rich mail server for enterprise deployment without Microsoft Exchange.

Provide a image editor as feature rich as PaintShopPro or Photoshop

Create a video project filled with filters and special effects without Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere or After Effects.

Create advanced 3D models and renders that are high quality without 3DSMax

Play AAA games on linux and stable framerates without Windows libraries or emulation.

You have 24 hours.

So, videogames, office trash and editing?
That's it?

windowns had one thing going for it
it looked professional
not anymore :^)


and that's just on steam lmao

Could you hide your defeat and butthurt any less lincuck?

>produce a fully fledged Word document with all supported features without office
All my uni papers are either PDF or .doc and since they have not lost any mark on being "fully fledged", I'd argue I've done this many times

Poo in the loo, micropajeet.

Now go into the business world where we use advanced formatting, complex and mission critical excel formulas, storage of essential business data in microsoft access, enterprise quality diagrams created with visio, manage projects and office socials through sharepoint and Exchange, and collaborate on the local network and in the cloud.

Your uni bs doesn't slide in the real world

>produce a fully fledged Word document with all supported features without office
duuuuude office werks fine with wine

>Produce a studio quality song in linux using recorded instruments, mixer etc. Standard hardware.
prolly possible with jack and some of the sound programs

Can you actually answer something read-worthy instead of being witty with no actual reply? i don't think so because you don't have answers.

>I'd argue I've done this many times
No you didn't because if you really used both, you should've known openoffice or libreoffice has incompatibilities with microsoft office which is not welcomed many times. Formatting is what is important, which opensource counterparts unable to do.

wow you're an oldfag
but edgy

Poo in the loo.

Average linux user, when hits the wall, he tries to be funny with poo in the loo jokes.

But then you're using Windows libraries.

So you lose.

Unless you're living in 2002 all of that cam he accomplished with the same results on non-microsoft software

>which opensource counterparts unable to do.
Depends on your needs but that differences are not LO fault. ODF is well documented and is an ISO standard. OOXML is supposed to be an ISO standard but unfortunately the program that creates +98% of OOXML documents doesn't honors that standard and uses a proprietary variant. Standards are supposed to provide compatibility among competing solutions but due to the OOXML variant used by MSO needing to be reverse engineered this makes the ISO certification moot. In fact there's info about OOXML being pushed just as a PR move done under shady circumstances.

I'm not sure about your requirements but in general:
- Use libreoffice and save your documents in ODF if you want to be always the owner of those documents and never depend on one entity. IF you need to share that document and it'll not be edited by other people use PDF.
- For documents that needs to be edited by more than one person i recommend online solutions like google docs. Honestly, unless you definitely need a feature only available on MSO, google docs is much nicer for working collaboratively.
- If you need to deal with Microsoft formats and you don't want to use their products you can check onlyoffice or WPS office.
- If you don't mind to use microsoft products but you don't like windows you can run MS office 2007 or 2010 on wine. I think you can run MSO 2013 with a recent version of crossver but i'm not sure about wine.

In 95% of the cases i'm well covered by libreoffice and google docs.

>Fully fledged Word document

You do realise that using lot's of supported features gives incompatibilities on other systems a lot of the time. You know M$ Office isn't even 100% compatible with itself right?

If you really want to provide documents to others use PDF with for example LaTeX.

t. M$ Office certificates owner

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

you did say anything about that until the AAA gaymes so you're gay

Poo in the loo you streetshitter.

>Now go into the business world where we use advanced formatting, complex and mission critical excel formulas, storage of essential business data in microsoft access, enterprise quality diagrams created with visio, manage projects and office socials through sharepoint and Exchange, and collaborate on the local network and in the cloud.
Instead of foaming up your mouth with buzzwords, please explain how your "business world" requires you to use "advanced formating" that are not possible to be used with .doc format. I'm waiting,

> openoffice or libreoffice has incompatibilities with microsoft office which is not welcomed many times
Actually, unless you do really crazy things, consize and well written documents without flashy animations (which is the 99.99% of your word tasks) actually work just fine.


>Instead of foaming up your mouth with buzzwords, please explain how your "business world" requires you to use "advanced formating" that are not possible to be used with .doc format. I'm waiting,
.docx is the new standard and has been since Office 2007 :)

.doc support is for legacy purposes only, hence why some things can break :)

I would get rid windows conpletely if I could use Reason/Live and my audio interface with linux. I can do everything else I need on linux though.

>.doc support is for legacy purposes only, hence why some things can break :)
Oh so you aren't employed. Good to know.

You're trying to push some nice dogmas but i'll leave this here and let people judge by themselves:
Godot engine
BricsCAD VS Autocad
Freecad Demo
Freecad BIM
Freecad & 3D printing
Gimp 2.10 features
How to install photoshop on wine
Pixar Film Production
Linux art 1
Linux art 2
Davinci Resolve
bitwig studio

This post, in many of its points implies a very sad mentality. The mentality that if one is using a certain operating system and cannot use a particular piece of software for a task, then that task cannot be accomplished. This is quite a silly mentality, as many Free Software programs can also handle such tasks, but as the user is brainwashed into the use of proprietary software by the CIAniggers, they see no other option than the one they are comfortable with.
Hopefully this user can overcum this mental block, and break free from the botnet.

>use windows
>but don't use windows
the retardation of some people

what performance will this provide vs windows for mining

>11 buzzwords in one line
This must be a new world record

second pasta:
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

Libreoffice is vastly superior to anything microsoft made, and thats not even counting the favt that it's libre

I don't know how audio producers work so can't argue about that but I'm sure there are powerfull options

A botnet, nice, no botnet for gnu/linux unfortunately

There actually are people believing that setting up servers is better on windows?

Gimp alone is better than photoshop and is even simpler to learn.
I had one year license for the adobe shit.
Never again.

>what is blender

>see above

There are no manchildren on linux so noone needs such shit.
But there is still plenty of that

Wow I can't believe I responded seriously to obvious bait but here, have a (you)
Also how can you write with this spacing on a daily basis, reddit must be exhausting

It's a good thing that Libreoffice supports both then!

tfw customers write me and ask me to add .docx import to the software.
ftw I tell them "can't do because M$ patents"
fuck those normies

>openoffice or libreoffice has incompatibilities with microsoft office
and whose fault do you think that is

>Instead of foaming up your mouth with buzzwords, please explain how your "business world" requires you to use "advanced formating" that are not possible to be used with .doc format. I'm waiting,
He isn't going to answer this question. Because he has no answers.

I wonder that every day, but brainlets still keep using Windows.

>supertuxcart does barely reach 30fps on a gtx 1050 ti
the absolute state of linux gaming (and software in general)

Linux is fine for a decent quantity of games but there are things that tend to perform better on Windows.

So I thought "well, I could always emulate shit".

Tough luck. Although on linux I can use 15khz resolutions without any fucking arbitrary limits (and use low resolutions as well like 320x240 instead of 3840x240) its performance with some emulators just can't match Windows. And the thought of only having emulationstation for that sweet frontend is just eh.

I thought there was a decent thread
Presented to me
But all I have seen

How hardly these fuckers cling to a release that uses Vulkan because there's like 3 a year.

Nice. As a lord of the rings fan, the only game I ever play is shadow of mordor. Maybe I'll upgrade my hardware and get Vega when Feral releases SoW

it would help you to not be so general

How is all this shit related to Vega?
When are the partner cards coming?

what are partner cards

STK somewhat recently overhauled it's engine and now looks very sweet, it wouldn't be strange if it can push the GPU to i'ts limits (although i guess it still can be optimized a lot more). Also STK is available on windows too, by this logic it's also the "the absolute state of windows gaming (and software in general)". If you take this time to thrash talk linux at least answer the questions on the pasta:
>how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

>full cloud and enterprise solutions
Anyone who has ever used windows on server knows that it's goddamn terrible to work with.

here's some learning for you lincucks :)

> Learn about the MS-DOC binary file format that is used in legacy Microsoft Word products, including the basic structures and key concepts for interacting with it programmatically.
>used in legacy Microsoft Word products

What fuckers are you talking about? what release? doom? There's a more games the use vulkan, in fact it's supported by most common engines.

I know it's a weird specific setup, but it's a really good setup and it'd be cool to keep.

Other than that yeah, suddenly I want to play something like Dragon's Dogma and it just doesn't run all that well. Or The Witcher 3. Stuff like that.

Get a job, burger flipper. Business won't drop the balls to upgrade their system just because micropenis called them legacy. Millions of business today run on windows XP.

Not them but what's your point? that it's legacy? that doesn't negate what they said.

>>It's a good thing that Libreoffice supports both then!
>Which implies that it also supports Docx
>Which it does

Poo in the loo, Rakesh.


I do have a job, I worked for a Managed IT Company, and I'm the head of Solutions and Cloud Deployment.

Office 365 already has a 25% marketshare, and the last proper poll of business put Office 2010 at being the suite of choice in 85% of businesses.

But you know, if you used a search engine rather than living in your bubble.

>mission critical excel formulas
i just... can't

someone has never had a job in an office i see

Yeah we can see that, kiddo. Enjoy your "mission critical excel formulas".


Such a coherent response. Does it webscale too?