Yo so i have windows 10 on a shitty laptop. While i was updating the thing it overheated. Now it is stuck in an "attempting to recover installation" loop.
How fix?
Yo so i have windows 10 on a shitty laptop. While i was updating the thing it overheated. Now it is stuck in an "attempting to recover installation" loop.
How fix?
install gentoo.
I don't know know how to fix it, but for future reference, yes the Windows 10 updating processes (even the background processes that prepare updates) spike CPU usage.
It's been doing it to mine too, and it just shuts down in the middle because the chip gets too hot.
It's Windows 10's fault for being so unoptimised. But. While isn't that the chip can't handle the operations, it's that they also produce too much heat and shut down. Older/ordinary laptops have chips with higher TDU (thermal something something, basically inefficiency, heat production). Mine, a basic Core i3 has a TDU of 35W. In comparison, my mom has a much newer laptop. Same shitty specs. Actually her CPU is even weaker. HOWEVER, it's a lot more thermally efficient. A Celeron chip. Built for mobile (laptops). TDU of 7W. Has no problems with heating. Handles the shitty Win10 processes just fine. I LITERALLY wish I had a Celeron, kek.
In the meantime, what you can do (if you can fix this current problem) is limit your processor in power options to 50%. It's a shitty workaround but should avoid the overheating and shutdown. Good luck.
Here's a Korean slut for your attention.
Change your thermal paste with something good like mx-4 or arctic silver.
Ifit still overheats, bring im the big guns (liquid metal)
Hey thanks man.
K-slut poster here
I just redid my thermal paste Arctic Silver 5. Runs super cool with everythign else. But nto when the update shit happens. It's Windows 10's fault. Stupid unoptimised proceses running wild in the background. On an ordinary chip with a high TDU, even new thermal paste won't stop it.
You have to get a more thermally efficient chip. In the meantime you have to gimp your processor to 50% to stop Win10 form raping your computer.
How bad is your cucking cooling? My windows never gets half as hot as an aida64 benchmark.
Nigga the problem isnt that it overheats. Its that it boots, shows manufacs logo, show "attempting to recovet installation" and then restarts to show the logo. Rinse and repeat
Fans clear, blow air normally.
Laptop runs ice cool during everything else since the new paste application.
I'm telling you man, it's the Win 10 update processes.
And the TDU of the chip. Am definitely getting a laptop with a Celeron next time.
Do you have boot/recovery discs?
Either CDs that came with the laptop?
Or a USB emergency disk that Windows encouraged you to make (and you followed the advice)?
If you do, put those in, then when the computer boots, keep pressing the key for the boot or BIOS menus (Google the keys for you specific laptop). Boot from that. Hopefully that should break the cycle.
I run overclocked i5 2400 desktop and shitty i5 4200U with C reports and throttling turned off. It's not the chip. Jerry rig the fans to work 100% or use the bios for it
boot from your old windows cd. wipe it off start over.
Not familiar with all that terminology but I'll take a look, thanks.
You sure the desktop-laptop difference doesn't account for yours being ok and mine not?
Tried. Shitty thing doesnt recognize usb until after it boots up all the way. Learned that awhile back when i tried to put linux on it. Iys hot no disk drive or else id try that
>doesnt recognize usb until after it boots
Even when you bring up the boot menu or BIOS menu?
4200Us a laptop.
When i brimg up the bios i can only set boot priority or whatever its called. Unless im missing something. I can get the option to pick a device from the windows recovery menu, but it only gives me the hard drive as an option
I wish OC about OP being a faggot came back in style.
What boot options does the BIOS give you?
my bad
Look up whether you have an advanced BIOS menu you can get into.
Flying hoverdrums all across Mosambique. Who does that, really?
install gentoo
Pic related i suppose. Only thing that comes up for boot options.
If you mean if i can get into the comnand prompt. Yea i can
Is 'USB diskette' the USB recovery drive?
What happens if you put that at the top of the priority list, then restart?
Nothing changes.
sorry buddy I dunno then
In an emergency, to extract your files, you can either install Linux alongside, and then use that to get the files
detatch the hard drive, link it to another computer using a USB cable, and extract the files that way
good luck
Thanks for the help. Means a lot. Have a pretty girl.
Capatcha: corona vendor
hook up the drive to a different computer, recover the files, re-install windows or linux ( but we both knows thats not going to happen)
Actually installing linux now ya cuck :)