What was the problem with this OS again?
What was the problem with this OS again?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not Fedora
obsolete when released
because its stable usable for delepment and not fucked up with obscure window managers
the installer and apt
My ancestor :-)
Because it's package manager is shit
It's repos are shit
Everything about it is shit
If you want something "stable" just use something like opensuse or fedora which i'll be trying next
Muh minimalism.
they chose
The devs are lazy annd don't care about the user.
Having to fix xorg after it recieves an update every ten years.Happened to me twice.
Too many working on the politics
Too few doing real work.
Ubuntu minimal is better.
huge amount of things installed for no real reason
package manager is shit
repos are shit
ancient packages
Too many purple haired roasties on the payroll.
Your post should serve as a definition of an "uneducated opinion" in online dictionaries
It's not Crux, you fucking piece of shit.
Install linux mint.
ubuntu and debian are deprecated.
B-but almost every program has .deb packages to install.
I'm a brainlet and I actually have this issue where most of my daily stuff is prebundled in deb packages.
>huge amount of things installed for no real reason
A minimal install comes with 213 packages. How is that too much?
alpine comes with 20 and does the same thing
>shit installer.
>weird way to distribute their isos.
>implying other OS come with obscure window managers by default
>still distro-hopping
>doesn't actually get any work done whatsoever
>neet forever
Oh, that hurt, right?
systemd and kind of documentation, thats fucking it. Everything else about it is wonderful. Apt is not shit, in fact, it's one of the best package managers out there. Repositories are only "ancient" when running stable, but you can run testing or unstable and you have very up to date packages.
pretty much everything about debian is not modern or good.
hell they are ditching their monster shitfest alioth for gitlab because they are trying to keep up.
all the $$$ is in RH: Centos, Fedora, Atomic, EL
In this thread, Linux n00bs who have never used Debian spew cliches, nonsense, and general ignorance about it. Hm... must be Arch users.
yep. anytime I see someone on Sup Forums boiling something down to "everything is shit", I assume it's a retarded Arch user and discard their opinion immediately.
>mfw Debian is extremely popular as a server
>mfw it's extremely rare to find Arch being used in any capacity outside of a NEET bedroom
I get my facts from LWN. Drama all around. New releases are taken hostages to force "resolutions" on purity. Delays ensue.
It doesn't really matter. Debian can noodle around their committee fetishisms while Ubuntu delivers distributions actual people can use. Some of us want to use Linux for work, not for endless administrivia.
It's not Devuan
>What was the problem with this OS again?
It's too sexy.
I like debian so fucking much, you can talk shit all you want but it's gonna steer the newfags in the wrong direction. All i have to say it's severely underrated.
it's not Arch
Oh and the packages aren't fucking old. All you need to do is change aptsource.
I really like debian. Yea of course systemD could be better and everything but it has all the software i need in its repos, not to mention you can just download .deb online. Debian just works while giving you good amount of control over your machine.
faggy knock off version of Carmack
it doesn't ship with the latest version of systemd
You know you can remove systemd and use sysvinit, right? github.com
The installation fails
>he used the actual installer
use debian netinstall cunt
I agree with that other guy, politics have always been the problem with Debian. Anyone who remembers the slink/potato bullshit knows. Ubuntu's biggest contribution was taking Debian and giving it a dictator.
>simple shit doesn't work
>use this other complicated way instead!
Every derivative is better
You should have told me you are a noob ffs. Use ubangooo then, then once you are experienced use debian.
>20 packages
Delivering the same amount of software as 200 Debian packages. By your logic OpenBSD only has six packages in the full system install.
alpine seems easy to install, should i use it?
>systemd by default
>only worth if you're not using stable
>shit installer
>does not offer a WM with no DE by default
>devs get involved in shitty politics
Its better than Ubuntu, but it is still mediocre.
What do you use then?
it just simply has less shit to do the same
by your logic plan 9 must be as bloated as GNU
it just works
Install Gentoo.
Ubuntu is better
No, it means that Debian systems are more granular and you don't know shit.
>Hm... must be Arch users.
Why are Debian-fags so quick to blame Arch users? I use Ubuntu, but I have also used Arch in the past, it wasn't half as bad as people make it out to be. Where does the hostility come from?
no you.
alpine is probably more granular t.B.h
they both consolidate unix utilities, busybox for alpine and coreutils for debian.
the thing is, the 'minimal' debian installation isnt that minimal. i've just installed it and i see things like 3 versions of python or vim or bash along with dash. it has coreutils, busybox and bsdmainutils at the same time or dbus or gcc or gzip or grub or grep (agian) or perl or man or tar or xz and a bunch of weird libs and none of these are really necessary for a system
Fuck off, i know how to set up debian from a netinstall, i just don't wanna waste time so i usually use the complete isos (because guess what, i have several terabytes in my hdd and i couldn't care less if it come with something that i'll never use), too bad the latest don't work
No, ubanggooo is gayyyyyyyyyyyy
There is no problem, it's the best distro. People should all use it so third party software developers start taking it seriously.
No problem with Arch the os, just Arch the general userbase. They're mostly ignorant, pretentious, obnoxious n00bs pretending to be 1337 hAx0rs. Not all, but the majority. No other userbase that I know of acts that stupid. Well, Windows I guess...
>I just don't want to waste time
Nigga, netinstall pulls the same packages. If anything it's faster since you don't need to update afterwards.
You're comparing a distribution made to fit most use cases in existence with one targeting people who want small systems. Of course it's going to include more stuff.
>3 versions of python
Blame developers not updating their shit.
You mean vim-common, vim-tiny and vim-doc?
>bash along with dash
dash is for fast booting and bash is for the user. You can uninstall it if you don't mind the inconvenience
>coreutils, busybox and bsdmainutils
No idea about bsd, but again, busybox is for booting and coreutils for the user. When your OS is used by thousands of people and corporations someone is going to complain if an edge case is not supported out of the box.
Ok you got me here
Used for about 6 months, switched to ubuntu due to hopelessly outdated packages - past the point of a general purpose distro.
i.e. if you have no explicit need for extreme stability there is no need to use it.
I actually did not thats rather amazing
If outdated packages were your only problem, why didn't you just upgrade them? You can install stable and turn it into testing or sid in two minutes.
Look arch OS is good, but practically everyone that uses it saw a FUCKING SCREENFETCH OF IT and decided that it was the distro for them. 90% (yes not all) of people who use ARCH are queers who do nothing productive but change th GUI on there fucking desktop.
No driverz
And changing GUI is not productive
Netinstall is a waste of time because i have to download and set up the whole DE and a plethora of basic drivers/utilities
>Netinstall is a waste of time
It isn't, you get to build your system from scratch in a way.
What i do is get xorg, then install dwm. Couple of programs like a browser, different terminal etc etc.
The only driver i need is a wifi driver, xorg automatically installs the video driver
t. void linux user, symlinks just werk
I think it would take less time if I were to have everything installed and delete shit I don't need from there
> if I were to have everything installed and delete shit I don't need from there
That's called a clusterfuck, done it couple of time newfag. Experiment away
I honestly didn't use the last release because the name was Jessie and I hate a guy named Jessie
It's too stable with not enough security holes. Your uptime shouldn't be this high.
That's how I feel about Devuan.
> (OP)
>I really like debian. Yea of course systemD could be better and everything but it has all the software i need in its repos, not to mention you can just download .deb online. Debian just works while giving you good amount of control over your machine.
Not hard enough to install. Doesn't break enough.
I mean, he killed himself.
It is used on servers cus is good and stable as hell so archcucks are jelaous because linux sysadmins dont want replace debian and apt with ArchBarf and Barfman on server computers.
Litterally this. Faggots now of days trying to find the most complicated OS to install and fix every fucking minute. Just use debian. Or windows 7 if you are just gaming or some normal fag shit.
The creator went NUTS then offed himself.Only Debra lives on.
Who do you think Debra is anyway? Probably some dumb bitch who's name is forever associated with this pioneering OS.
I use Debian. It's fine. It's stable and let's me get my work done. Good enough for me.
> not modern
Bitch linux is the same shit it was 10 years ago. Its probably even worse now.
> outdated packages
How? Linux is basically just a glorified text editor anyways.
Too simple :C
it has the best mascots
You do realize that it's because of these people willingly beta testing things for free that you're able to enjoy stable releases, right? No reason to be condescending.
autistic package maintainers that have to do everything their own way instead of leaving upstream be
>using /thread on your own post
holy fuck!
They made their logo with proprietary software!
Hoow could they?
I don't care about building my system from scratch, why is it so hard to understand? i want something that works well with few tweaks, as some old complete debian isos did