I want to make a Raspberry Pi into a delay pedal for guitar. I already have a Cirrus Logic Audio Card and 1/4-inch adapters for the input/output.

My question is, are there any software suites I can download to make the coding easier? I've never coded a digital effects pedal before.

please dont even try, your throughput is gonna be delayed as hell. By that i mean the first signal witch should instant to keep timing


>your throughput is gonna be delayed as hell
No shit, it's a delay pedal.

Also, low-latency audio processing is a thing that exists.


good luck man

Your problem is going to be the drivers for the card, which are not upstreamed and are fucking abysmal.

Make an analog pedal it yourself. It's more fun.

For hardware, you want a real time system.
Anything else is just annoying to design.

>are there any software suites I can download to make the coding easier? I've never coded a digital effects pedal before.
Software Suites? Depends what language you use but a software suite should be the least of your worries. If all else fails just use vim or emacs and get down to work.

Why the fuck aen't you using an Arduino? A Raspberry Pi is not a microcontroller.

And an Arduino is not a DSP

Came here to say this, I'm getting into building stuff but rule of thumb seems to be
>if it has a screen use a rpi
>otherwise use arduino

Analog delay? What is your idea, tapes or coils?

>i dont know what a delay pedal does
since you're an idiot, let me tell what it does.
first the audio goes thorugh the pedal unchanged(this is where lag is a problem), then after a set delay it repeats the audio at a lower volume, producing echoes like a clap in a cave does.

also op is an idiot for asking Sup Forums so he cant be expected to do low latency audio

did you know about EchoBase delay PCB? pcb is $15 (i think) and all the parts are another 15 (or so). after soldering you can still work on modifying the interface parts (e.g. replace analog pots with digital interface parts. the funky stuff, you know)

OP need an (at least) 16bit 44.1Khz D/A A/D converter (a soundcard). There's something like this to Arduinos? He could make his one, idk if the cost would worth it and if the Arduino os fast enough and has ram enough to the task. I guess a PI could make an OK sound processor. For a delay, OP could mix (via pot) the original sound to the effect output, so there would be no lag at all.

>For a delay, OP could mix (via pot) the original sound to the effect output, so there would be no lag at all.
Good advice

Capacitors, resistors, and transistors. Google DIY delay pedal. You can practice making a Distortion pedal first cause it has a simpler design.

Man, how many modules will you make for a reasonable delay? I've seen some project with op. amps, but it was huge. Depending on how much modules, it could be a phaser or flanger. I don't remember if it was called delay.
I'm just guessing now, I believe OP means a modern delay, the kind that can go from milliseconds to 1 or more seconds. I think this would be impossible with discrete electronic components, because noise would surpass signal. But I'll google it anyway.

Look at old delay pedals for inspiration. You don't need a soundcard and it will be hard to find a microcontroller with enough ram built in. The easiest way is to get separate ADC, DAC, and memory ICs. The Boss DD-2 didn't even have an integrated ADC! They implemented an ADC in discrete components using the DAC! Older digital chorus and flanger pedals are also good to study. Fundamentally, they function the same as a delay pedal, just with much shorter delay times.

use registry memory memory

do it in hardware, retard