Boomer parents bought pic related botnet TV. What do I need to block at the DNS to cut off the surveillance?

Boomer parents bought pic related botnet TV. What do I need to block at the DNS to cut off the surveillance?

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My big fat cock nigger

Smash it with a hammer.

Back in 2013-2014, it was:

No idea now.

LG smart TVs are ok
is that the one with the gyro in the remote that functions as a pointer? those things are nice as fuck to use

>is that the one with the gyro in the remote that functions as a pointer?
The one they have isn't.


It probably is. The menu is the same as the one that my parents have and it is that model.

However, you have to buy that remote separately.

Oh hey, my dad has one of those too. He doesn't connect it to internet though.


the fuckin paranoia is ridiculous!!!

Is there a coffee maker that doesn't track your personal info

Not so much.

Will third party firmware become a thing in the future for smart TVs?

Will there be a D-link 54g of TVs?

I got nothing to hide

explain to me why a fucking TV needs internet access

To stream you fucking moron.

no that's what you get a chromecast or whatever for
a TV does not need to be anything more than a thing to display images/video

Don't give a shit and watch some god damn TV like a normal child.

To be fair, blocking those websites as instructed will block this snooping and also act like an adblock for your TV. Sounds pretty good for a small bit of effort.

I'm looking to buy a new TV. Are any brands particularly good or bad?

Well why not just have a smart TV and have one less device to connect to your WiFi and take up a power outlet.

Sony still has some of the best color reproduction IMO, but their panels are always getting more expensive. Lots of Samsung TVs are getting HDR support if you're into that, but chances are if it's a brand you've heard of, it's also a 'smart' TV so you'll have to worry about the DNS shit in your home network. If you can't manage that you'll need to look into some chinkshit.

>Has boomer parents
>still lives at home.

Shouldn't you be in your 30's and started your own life ages ago?

>one less device to connect to your WiFi
literally not a issue if the TV doesn't have it in the first place
>and take up a power outlet.
how is that even a problem
have you never heard of a PDU

Your argument is retarded. Why wouldn't you just incorporate it into one unit? Do you carry a dumbphone, mp3 player, camera, diary? No you use a smartphone because it's more convenient.

Saying that I currently have a dumb TV and the thought of getting ads on the main menu is despicable.

because it's a portable device and space/weight is a constrant
I'm used to a TV being essentially a big computer monitor that you plug things into
you have few constraints in such a fixed location, so there's no need to roll it all into 1 abomination

>don't connect TV to wifi
>never have any problem with it

Why don't they sell TV's with DisplayPort inputs?

They use the same menu across their entire lineup. I have a cheapo LG one and has the same menu.

unplug it from the internet

just watch the goddam TV airhead

Does it have a cam or a mic? If not, what's the concern? They'll know what you watch. Oy gevalt, they already know this.

>Configure smart tv to use wifi
>TV's os is so trash the smart features are never used

T-thanks Samsung!

Most people are using a cable box or Tivo anyway, who cares?

>implying they don't have static DNS servers set

it's nothing short of hilarious to see people complaining about botnets and le jew trackers while they post on a board that doesn't allow VPNs.

The cheap menu is different.

OP's model is the webos with magic remote one.

Source: Talk to an LG tv rep every week

pihole and block the known domains

>Do you carry a dumbphone, mp3 player, camera, diary?
I carry a dumbphone and a camera, thank you very much, because both of those combined are significantly cheaper than a smartphone and if i drop one on the ground it doesn't break.

This hasn't been unknown, Samsungs have mics in them but you didn't know that until the Vault 7 leaks. Who knows what's in there.

>implying they don't get DHCP
Windows 10 can be blocked through DNS hijacking, and besides if any of the spy servers were static they wouldn't need DNS at all.

I'm trying to figure out what the known domains are.

It's webos with no magic remote

Just don't connect wifi and the network cable.

But they "need" muh netflix and amazon video. I did this first and it's the most pissed I've seen them in a while.

>Windows 10 can be blocked through DNS hijacking
Win10 includes a built in list of IPs, blocking DNS or using the hosts file are and but futile attempts

get whatever dongle amazon has

Then explain this to me.

They have a Roku box that they've been using with a dumb TV for years. I warned them about smart TVs long before they bought it but they wouldn't listen

Block all traffic to and from the TV at your router.

just because you blocked some requests doesn't mean you've blocked all of them
windows users are really naive

read the article. it says all you need to do is update the firmware and it will disable the spying.

Someone explain to me without memes how a tv having internet access to watch netflix or whatever the fuck is any different to using a pc for the same shit?

>Why wouldn't you just incorporate it into one unit?
Because when you join disparate things they are not guaranteed to be better than the sum of their parts. Smartphone have shit cameras and run out of battery faster, and writing long texts on them is tedious.

With smart TVs you get an spyware OS, ads, software that if you're unlucky runs slow, and in the worst case you end up being part of a botnet because companies can't into security 101.

You've got zero control over what the TV does compared to a PC.

>DNS request

Is Roku a botnet?

I would go to the store and look at how the panels display colours, how bright they are, you know just observe them first-hand.

I realised that reading about TVs on the internet is 80% a waste of time. At best, you know which features to look for.

But image quality can only be observed directly, pictures on a website are misleading af.

So, from all the models displayed at my local store, I noticed two models: a Sony Bravia and a more expensive Philips.

Of course, the QLED tvs were the best, but they were in the highest price range.

Well what should it be?

I left the win10 machine on all night, hooked up to a hub with a Wireshark on another machine, to see what all requests it was making when it was idle, and blocked everything I found in the morning.

The funny thing about boomers is that they were raised in the exact right time to get fucked in the ass by corporations; they were just in time for the TV/FM radio boom (advertisements up the ass), but born too early to even be aware they were getting assraped.

I know it's off topic, but this is probably the reason why so many boomers love corporations so much; they were literally raised on advertisements and corporations telling them they were on their side.

Maybe I'm just completely wrong about this, though.

Computer can run Linux and be botnet free.

Smart TVs can only run big brother OS

Bring a device with HDMI out and do some lagom tests on it.
That's how I choose monitors at least.

I love my smart TV. 65 inch 4K Samsung.

That thing literally has a mic in it sending voice data to the CIA

He loves that too. Imagine a burglar is entering his house, the NSA/CIA will notice and do jack shit.

What you don't see in dns requests are the IPs it has hardcoded. Naive

My parents have one and it's garbage as fuck to use

Sure, but I can't find the firmware source code, so that's unconfirmed info.

> 2013
Find something more recent.

The absolute state of Sup Forums

So? I have nothing to hide.

Because it's meant for office equipment and doesn't have DRM built-in.

>Nice TV
>Asian wife


Then they'll hear me talk about how much I hate Muslims and niggers. What's the issue?

Disconnect it from the internet and connect it to a HTPC.

Most of the people where i live end up buying some really cheap chinese smart 4k tvs that come with the shitty Opera TV OS. Can't imagine how botnet those pieces of crap are.
They end up putting them up for sale a few weeks later when they realize it's not Android and they can't install shitty android games and Kodi.

The whole thing is an ad you faggot.

You could always give up and just refuse to do anything in the same room as the TV, or connect to the same wifi network as the TV

>202X, a new femnazi LGBT is made president
>"we need to fix people who think the wrong things"
>"we have all this data from internet of things, let's use that"

>complains about botnets
>uses 10



big mistake, if android crash/bootloop/broken you need brand new tv kek.

Literally what I thought before opening the thread

Just run a PiHole on your network and leave the tv connected for a few days.

After a few days, go check the PiHole DNS log and then block the hostnames.

wrong. i have one with a dildo remote and the OPs menu, but my brother has a shitter version with a regular remote and the same menu

It's none of your fucking business. Let them use their TV however they want.

>buy big ass smart tv
>autistic neckbeard son freaks out, rips out network cable, starts ranting about nsa freedom hacking conspiracies
>lose patience for being told what to do with my own tv
>reconnect cable, tell son to fuck off and leave it alone
>he retreats to his basement to post about the experience on his Vietnamese knitting board

>block at the DNS

Where can you find a comprehensive list of dumb TVs? I already have all of the shit I need and just need it to do it's fucking job and display what I want

just don't plug it in to the internet dumb dumb