He installs non-LTS releases

>he installs non-LTS releases
How does it feel to be mocked in parties and everywhere else for this blasphemy?

They talk about releases at parties?

Of course they do you fucking nerd, if you had ever went you'd know

Well I mean if you only got new software every two years you'd celebrate as well.

LTS has old software
I need that new hotness to feel productive
bugginess isn't that big of a deal. usually some minor fix that someone else came up with already.
i usually do a fresh install at an interval less than 9 months, at a time, anyways. my data is on an external drive, so i don't really lose anything (except my time).

>4 year lts
you know you're going to update to the next LTS that's released every 2 years (for ubuntu)

what do big titties taste like?

Salty milk and sand.

>I need that new hotness to feel productive
That’s why no one talks to you at parties. Girls aren’t interested in fresh pussy chasers.

you're lying to me

Same as small titites, really. Except you're getting way harder and excited by the size of them puppies.

>tfw small tits gf
FUCK. I never asked for a long term relationship but it happened. Now I want a girl with tits but cannot ;_;


A fetish to big tits can be traced back to your childhood and your mother breastfeeding you. Back then you felt safe and protected. You subconsciously want to suck your mom tits.
That's disgusting you filthy animal.

I wouldn't know, I don't go to parties.

>he uses unstable rolling release and complains about breakage on the internet rather than contributing

>Except you're getting way harder and excited by the size
it's the other way round for me user, small tiddies are much better, and if she has proper flesh they won't sag with age

>going to parties instead of maintaning his OS
Fucking faggot

Sucking on tits is vastly overrated, it gets old after a minute or two

No senpai I just want to pay it forward to my son and let him feel safe in a robust bosom, that's why I'm attracted to big tiddies

Only 10/10 chads have it all. If you got a chick with big tits, she'd probably have a mediocre ass or some other feature worse than the rest. Just be happy with the good parts.

Depends on how much nipples stick out when they get hard. Pokies are fun to suck on.

true, that's why i slap/fuck and bite on them when i'm done.

Can confirm.

I do it to arouse my wife and to turn her on. For the first 10 minutes it's fun but it gets boring quick. But I stopped doing it since she gave birth and milk comes outside with the slightest suck, and I don't like the milk.

>He doesn't breastfeed off his wife
Sad! Many such cases of it!

Being disgusted by your family members is just a way to avoid inbreeding which produces bad genes, but if you date a big tit girl who is not related to you in any way it wouldn't matter if she's exactly like your mother. The downside is already taken care of. So if you don't have sex with your real family you don't have to avoid it with perfectly fine people with great genes and form.

> doesn't drink all of the french toast milk
I expected more from you.

>tfw having to install weird ppas to get a newer version of a program
was really close to updating to 17.10


Installing a lts in the era of the rolling release.

Who are these cum companions?

Hell yeah bro

>t. titlet or virgin
Get her tit implants. Not the same as the real thing but better than a flat chest.
>t. pedobear
>t. homosexual

>he uses LTS on desktops
no u



This. Rolling distros are what your grandsons will ask you about when they'll wonder how using computers looked back then.

>caring about other body parts
Thighs, tits and face is all I need


Dem tidies are heug.

yeh me too she's got some ass and sucking skills though and an anime girl personality

>tfw you're not a chad who can juggle 2 gfs, one flat and one with big titties so you can enjoy the best of both worlds

>and an anime girl personality
that sounds really annoying though