I need ideas.
What did you do with your raspberry pi, Sup Forums?
I need ideas.
What did you do with your raspberry pi, Sup Forums?
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I tried using it as a file server but I have yet to find a real use for it
sent it back and got this
I made mine into an internet enabled buttplug. It has a vibrator, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, heart rate sensor, and wifi.
attached a battery and a camera to it and hid in the roof of a women's bathroom
I thought to make an audio machine, but hey, that is a good idea
I used a pi zero. Potted the thing in transparent silicone. I highly recommend that you do this, because it's amazing. Heart rate sensor + some algorithms to control the vibrator keeps me on edge for hours.
and what di you do with this ?
Throw it out and get something that respects your freedom
Just the usual small scale server.
>I need ideas.
Check out the Pi Mag:
build 4 engines, 4 wheels, servo, camera and wifi card.
Build a card, write an app for android phone that will allow to remotely control car over wifi + stream camera from car.
How do I stream from a pi running OpenMediaVault to another pi running kodi?
I'm running ssh, pihole and openvpn with 70mb of ram usage and 15% processor load
what are you on about you mental midget?
I installed Retropie on my first gen Raspi and it couldn't run Mario Kart without stuttering
So now it's just there gathering dust
Don't get things BEFORE you know what to do with them.
that thing is for kids. grown men use fpgas
>have unused rpi lying around
>tried making a piratebox out of it, didn't work (wifi adaper crashed when I tried to connect to it)
>tried making a GIF proxy for ancient web browsers, some python garbage was missing and would have been a mess to install manually
Don't have one yet, might use it for kodi.
>first use
>set up a mediocre NAS with my USB hard drive
>learned about the massive bottleneck with the shared bandwidth between the ethernet and USB ports
>hard drive was accessed at 1 MB/s at best over local network
>second use
>set up a torrent client to remotely load torrents over the internet, and have it automatically download to the USB hard drive
>supposed to be a "low-power" solution to downloading as opposed to leaving my desktop turned on
>still mediocre
>third use
>copped out and turned the RPi into an emulation machine with RetroPi
>terrible UI, had little reason to emulate shitty old games, installation became corrupt in a week
>fourth use
>put it up for sale on Craigslist
>sold it to a drunk guy
>his breath smelled strongly of whiskey
>pretty sure he crashed after he drove off; I heard a boom down the street, and sirens five minutes later. Didn't bother to look, too scared.
Thus ends my adventures with Raspberry Pi. I have no reason to use one. You might, but I don't.
>Im a maker xD
i have never browsed a make magazine and not thought "but why?"
You can actually host a half decent web server on one. Just install alpine linux, nginx, and then install fail2ban or set up ssh-key only login so you don't get raped by the chinese spambot mafia
(Using about 1/3 raspi ram right now)
Buy an Odroid C2, install kodi and enjoy a media center. I personally just use mplayer with the frambuffer to double the c2 as a torrent machine all the time.
Arduino, de ubuntu of dev boards, why you brainlets cant learn how to use a modern 32bits µc, try k64f its userfriendly