OpenBSD or CentOS or Slackware?
OpenBSD or CentOS or Slackware?
MX Linux 16
100% Slackware
Centos because OpenBSD is meme with cuck license and Slackware is almost as much of a pain in the ass to install as Gentoo and Gentoomen will still mock you for installing it.
Stop pretending BrokenSoftwareDisappointment is on par with GNU/Linux.
Slackware is really easy to install.
What are you on about?
>okay, I know what this guy* is going for
>wait, what
* I hope I am not misgendering here.
OpenBSD cause UNIX-based is better than UNIX-like
do you value your time? no slackware
do you value hardware support? no openbsd.
do you value systemd? no centos.
install gentoo.
I dont want systemd
CentOS uses systemD
>slackware is easy
but its worse ine very way compared to bsd
What? Slackware respects your time the most. Fuck are you saying?
OpenBSD is an easy system to administer with sane default configuration and excellent documentation. If you don't mind being limited to free software only it's a good desktop system.
and you're saying its better than all linux in all situations
Only an idiot would imply that. If you want a secure and stable Linux, use Ubuntu with one of the alternate spins like MATE. The others are either hobbyist trash without any real assurance or ass-dragging corporate bullshit like Centos.
Whats wrong with Slackware and CentOS?
Why Ubuntu instead of Debian? I would argue that Debian is more secure and stab;e than Ubuntu without being hobbyist trash at the same time.
>Slackware is almost as much of a pain in the ass to install as Gentoo
t. never installed Slackware
t. probably never even used it either
Slackware is a hobbyist distro without any real integration testing or sane defaults. The build process may be tainted who knows, the distro doesn't strive for any goal except when it's ready.
Centos is RHEL which is corporate trash and the distro driving pulseaudio, systemd, network-manager, GTK3 and the deprecation of many Unix norms. Centos patches are also out of date and it's basically for homos.
Debian is decent for sure and a lot of Ubuntu merges back into Debian, but Ubuntu defaults are tested with a focus on a base sane configuration for usuable desktop.
Regardless, use OpenBSD stop being a faggot.
OpenBSD is shit, why is that even listed
>implying Ubuntu isn't just as much corporate filth as RHEL is
Nothing's wrong with Slackware.
I estimate 9/10 people who complain about it have never really used it, but feel entitled to complain about it because text files are scary.
So then what do I use if I dont want systemD among other ideals
Just use OpenBSD, no syndromed.
thats the most pain in the ass to install and use and has no software too.
Dragonfly BSD, Slackware, or Void. Maybe netbsd. Maybe Alpine.
Why netbsd? Why dragonfly?
Open is topdog
OpenBSD is very simple to install, much easier than Slackware or Centos, the latter having one of the worst installers around.
All major free software works fine on OpenBSD, so stop lying.
Why was it called Slackware?
>openbsd is easier than slackware
top kek
unironicallly ill just sitck ot gentoo
CentOS is for squares. It's an OS meant for use in classrooms and offices, so people can do word processing and spreadsheets.
OpenBSD is the easiest thing on the planet. It's the one "just werks" system that unironically just werks.
I've used only CentOS and OpenBSD of those three, OP, and I'd certainly use OpenBSD over CentOS. CentOS didn't even come with man pages in the default install, nor a compiler.
Because Pat is a member of the Church of the Subgenius (parody religion/cult), which is based around the concept of "Slack" (like slacking off).
Incidentally, they just finished a kickstarter to make a movie about the church, so you might want to check that out whenever it's released.
>OpenBSD is the easiest thing on the planet. It's the one "just werks" system that unironically just werks.
Really? Colour me interested...
Last time I used it, it was fucking awful. But that was around the time Mandrake Linux became Mandriva.
I might have to give it another shot. I used to use Slackware for almost ten years up until I installed Windows 7 in December, but I've come to remember why Windows frustrates me so much. Was planning on switching back to Linux in January after I've moved house.
>Last time I used it, it was fucking awful
It still is,core got into some SJW drama and canned one of their devs just because some bitch complained on twitter.
Stay stay from them.
>core got into some SJW drama and canned one of their devs
>some girl "dev" joins OpenBSD
>core trying to be polite lets her on team
>they give her personal mentor
>she is everywhere on their irc on twitter sharing maymays ect
>together with her mentor she finally creates some installer front end (or something menial in that nature)
>girl dev is called to work for Amazon
>abandons core but remains presence in all their platform
>still on their irc still on twitter
>the bitch is now calls shots and dictates policy
>she goes full SJW mode on twitter over some bs
>dev trolls her on twitter
>she complains to core
>core removes dev from the project
Core has no jurisdiction to act on maters that devs do outside the scope if the project.
Not only they listened someone who does not work for core anymore but they dont have the right to remove anyone working on the project unless the consensus of the community.
Their rules after this debacle have gone on the bottom of the river.
Pardon my grammatical errors.
wasn't that FreeBSD?
oh shit you may be right.
Pardon my confusion