We need more women in programming

We need more women in programming.

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Import H1B Europe east or outsource to pajeet girls.

See you guys later XD

Well. This image just show men are better.


>Well. This image just show men are better.

Not really, 99% of code lifetime is not writing, is maintaining

The left code can't be read by anyone but full autismos, while the right code can be read and maintained by anyone

End genre disparity in the sanitation and construction fields!

The left code does something a millions times more complicated.
She also removed the comments the code originally had.

Pic related, allegedly John Carmack's comments found in Quake III code, where it was heavily implemented and probably noticed by the masses for the first time.

So if a ==b, then we get 5, genius.


don't worry lads, besides few female pajeets and smart asian women won't make it, SV can do their diversity hires as much as they want but in the end the shareholder will fuck them up they don't produce results.

women (especially white) will never step to industry not because the ugly neckbeards don't want them but because they can't and don't want.

pls no more posts about that blonde cunt "coding".

>the comments
enough cringe for a thousand years Xd

the left one is a quicksort implementation you retard.the mathematically possible fastest algorithms are usually ugly but not like a python/javascript code ninja artisan like you would now.


wew lad

>constantly reposted
>fuck all people bother to fact check it

Its fucking FAKE you dumb cunts.

then why are you so upset?

>Quick sort

Lmao imagine being this indian

Stop trying to enforce women to do what you want, your shitlord.

uhh, really? 99% you're a troll but the left side is the famous fast inverse square root.

What are those casts to long and float and then dereferencing actually doing?

Man that what the fuck comment always gets me.

Karlie "KKK" Kloss
Karlie "Kike Killer" Kloss
Karlie "Ethnic Kleansing" Kloss
Karlie "Kode 1488" Kloss

What cracks me up is not the pathetic strawman, but the necessity to pat herself in the back like "look how superior I am". The fucking ego on women is why I'll never not laugh at them.

Carmack didn't actually write that function. Pretty sure OP is fake just by the comments, but even Googling it I only found the same thing.

t. Increasingly nervous John Carmack

We need to give more hormones to cute boys who program instead.

Male brains > Female brains.
The only way to keep the area free from bullshit is to have trap programmers taking the female programer roles.

Female programmers use windows 10 and OSX
Trap programmers use GNU/linux.

holy shit you all are retarded neets getting trolled so hard lmao

OP's post is obviously fake and

is trolling super hard

If I remember correctly, the cast to the long is taking the binary representation of the float and casting that value directly as a long.

>If I remember
So... You can't read it?

This means the code on the right is better

Basically what said, but they're casts to types of pointers and not to long/float, which is an important distinction. Breaks strict aliasing though, so it's strictly undefined behavior but should generally work.

Probably trolling, but it's really basic for any C programmer.

Honestly she's right. The code on the right is undeniably better. I've been working as programmer for years and the best programmers I met were all women: women are more rational than men, can resist much better and their ability to organize is simply superior.

>can resist much better
Can I get that in ohms?


What's the original? At first I heard she deleted it.

>women are more rational than men
I really hope this is bait


>the literal state of Sup Forums in 2017


A-user, that's Carmac's Reverse

holy shit are you the real terry?

My dad works for program.com and he says women are worse.

My dad owns Nintendo and confirms that you're right

the right one is a max function that returns 5 when a==b.

>the best code has a giant fucking bug in it
you have to go back

The trick here is that even the comments are falsified.

Should I teach my daughter to code. She is about to turn 6 and their is like a coding class for children that is offered at her school as an extra curricular activity. Its taught in Python I think. I was thinking of signing her up for that after Christmas break. She loves to watch me code.

fucking comic sans

Why doesn't F have to be declared?

It's not an identifier, it means the value is single-precision.

we need more women in memegramming

obviously yes

we need more white women

// what the fuck?

>needs a comment to explain what an operator does

If the other women on your team are too fucking retarded to understand if a smaller b return b means and you need someone to waste a ridiculous amount of time adding nonsense comments to code, you're fucked

Literally anyone, without programming knowledge, can understand what that means

It's literally spelt out
if a smaller sign b return b

How fucking retarded would you need to be to not understand that

Fuck I love that thing h14s.p5r.org/2012/09/0x5f3759df.html

are you sure this isn't fake user? can't find the tweet

>She loves to watch me code.
What exactly does a 5 year old find interesting in watching someone code?

Also yes.

should I make corn dogs for dinner?

they giggle and find it funny when you pull your hair, scream, and smack your monitor because of evil poo in loo code

Better yet: work with her and bond over it

yea it's fake

i dislike karlie kloss as much as you guys but i don't believe in spreading around fake information

>She loves to watch me code.

She doesn't give a shit about coding. She loves hanging out with her daddy.

this desu