Does net neutrality matter?
Does net neutrality matter?
does the Pope fart in the woods?
well this website wouldnt exist for one
Yes, because it clearly a regressive step.
No, because i refuse to believe we will let this happen.
do you REALLY know that though user
>this website wouldn't exist if it wasn't for something that has never actually existed
what does this even mean
isp's would kill the traffic of this website so it would die
do you want to find out?
Depends on the level of mental gymnastics you're willing to perform to defend Donald Trump.
A year ago, there wasn't 1 person on Sup Forums who wasn't staunchly in favor of net neutrality.
It's a good thing it's going, net neutrality is a commie concept, no more freeloading in the USA, ONline or OFFline!!
i fucking hate all these rediturds astroturfing for muh net neutrality. get the fuck back
Net neutrality has never been law. ISPs have always been able to throttle the traffic to any website they want, and they haven't done it.
It's being pushed by reddit and nearly every major tech company so clearly Sup Forums must be against it.
One thing I don't see mentioned often is how repealing NN will give ISPs the ability to legally censor anything
It's all about how internet will be split up in to packages/pay by site/pay by bandwidth etc.
No one mentions that it could easily transform the internet in to a place where only politically approved sites are allowed.
It's all a move to control the flow of information, government wants the citizens they rule over to be as ignorant as possible.
And now it never will be the law.
And things will continue on as they always have
ok give me reasons why we should abolish net neutrality
Business profits are hindered by not allowing ISPs to monetize every aspect of packet delivery.
>ISPs have never selectively throttled websites
Yeah they have.
The why the need to make sure it was kill?
the FCC made throttling illegal in 2015
Strike this shit down. Fuck communist neutrality
Communism suddenly sounds real good
Then why is YouTube throttled to ~145 KB/s unless I'm using a VPN? Also even if it is illegal, it's not like the FCC with Ajit Pai is gonna enforce it.
For those who were still unaware, this could/should be your first clue Drumpf is not "our guy".
>Or just choose to remain clueless.
This is an actual list of Portugese mobile internet plans. You are restricted to only data from those apps/sites.
It's a pretty problematic dilemma.
Allow net neutrality, it gives the government a perfect reason to install even more shit that monitors everything to ensure net neutrality.
Without net neutrality, then, well fuck, bye bye anons.
Yes, as a result of the demolition of regulations reguarding media during the Clinton administration, it has the potential to be extremely harmful.
All major ISPs own a significant content provider that has an interest in slowing down things like netflix and youtube to promote their own, often inferior, content.
Comcast has NBC
Charter has Sirius XM
AT&T is trying to get Time Warner
The companies are way too big for this to be anything close to "free market" principles
Liberals support it, so it can't be good for normal people.
Even if the current fcc rules arent being strongly enforced like you say, why would you want a strong federal thumbs up for isp's to throttle anything they want and essentially kill off any site
What the fuck are you talking about? I never said I wanted the FCC to let ISPs selectively throttle websites. I'm against that bullshit. I just said that at least one ISP does it.
Get the fuck out of here. If net neutrality is removed i am joining a riot, or starting a fucking riot.
i promise you people will be outraged. This isnt a joke its your freedom of speech.
haha lol, not my freedom of speech burgerfag.
Pope is a rockstar
I don't use any of those fucking services at all, none of them EXPECT for youtube
If they wanted to do something useful, they would make "the last mile" public.
We would have competing ISPs again like in the dial up days.
This whole net neutrality thing is just companies like Google and Amazon (who've bought politicians on the left) making a move against telecoms (who bought politicians on the right).
Anything having to do with the consumer's best interests is just a consequence.
anything that makes facebook be destroyed is good
Written, not implemented or enforced
So the portugeese are a bunch of jews?
facebook would only get stronger
facebook will never die
>If net neutrality is removed
The US has never had "net neutrality".
The internet you've grown up with didn't have net neutrality.
The ISPs have no interest in restricting your freedom of speech.
The companies and politicians on the net neutrality side... not so much.
That's why not everyone is jumping onto the net neutrality bandwagon with them.
>implying amazon only buys democrats
As many others have mentioned; yes, it does matter.
The only reason ISPs are attacking NN regulations is because instead of re-investing capital in their product, they paid huge bonuses to executives or merged with or bought other companies to increase stock price. They did that for decades to increase their valuation without ever re-investing in their core products.
Bam, new content providers emerge and nearly destroy their market share in content. Now, because they're all corrupt crony assholes, they're trying to remain relevant the only way they can -cheating the system and bribery.
If only Sup Forums knew just how delusional they really are. Only in America will you find a poor white person voting in retards, because "I don't like the other side, cuz muh SJW's."
Y'all voted for people who take advantage of you, then blame it on the other side. Who's the real cuck in this relationship?
Then you're out of luck.
Want to access Sup Forums? Nope, you need to get the premium 99 dollar plan for that. University website? Also nope. Wikipedia? Nope nope nope.
This is why net neutrality is a problem. It allows ISP's to restrict access to ONLY the services that have bribed them to be accessible.
Without it, ISPs will be able to slow down websites that do not pay to be in the fast lane, which will make impossible for small business and startups to exist, and they will also slow down your connection if you don't pay for the fast lane.
Although arguments against NN often say that the market will have more freedom, we have seen ISPs abusing their powers again and again without net neutrality protections, not only in the US but also in Europe.
Long story short: Yes, net neutrality matters and is essential for a good internet.
>A major corporation doesn't have an interest in restricting freedom of speech.
You're retarded.
>The ISPs have no interest in restricting your freedom of speech.
>The companies and politicians on the net neutrality side... not so much.
how does this even make sense
>The ISPs have no interest in restricting your freedom of speech.
Yes they have
This shit wasn't even a partisan issue until a few years ago. Some of the staunchest advocates of net neutrality were republicans, but not anymore.
It's amazing how much influence bribery and propaganda have in this country.
>amerifats shitting themselves
Can't wait for /amerifat-free-net/
Some of you burgers are pretty based but sadly most of the cancer on here comes from American traffic.
Nothing personal.
Yeah I remember that bad ol' days before 2015 when you couldn't access Sup Forums.
Since we're talking about net neutrality, I suggest this podcast
It shows both sides of the argument
>So the portugeese are a bunch of jews?
Not really, most of the Jews were either expelled or exterminated by the Inquisition.
The EU has NN laws and those mobile plans don't restrict access to sites. Those packages just give you free data on those sites regardless of the 10Gb data cap.
Yes and no.
The underlying ethical principles behind it are sound and sane and should be defended by anyone claiming to love liberty of information.
Politicians in America are fucking retards the higher up the ladder you get (especially in STEM matters), so it's not possible for enough of them to get together at a high enough level to put pen to paper in an effective means of regulating how ISPs are going to dole out parcels of internet. They can hide behind jargon to do whatever they want; capitalism doesn't ensure minimum price for the consumer by any stretch of any imagination, but it at least ensures excessive bullshit will be noticed and called out. It makes sense for ISPs to throttle certain things on certain networks and certain platforms, as there are billions of people around the world accessing the same backbone infrastructure every second of every day. For the sake of logistics, they have to enforce some degree of intelligent self-regulation.
The underlying issue is one of free speech and should be where the focus remains; everything else is smoke and mirrors to give corporations fiscal quarters to play with rates while politicians bicker about things they don't understand.
In the absence of a free and open internet, tech hobbyists and enthusiasts should seek to create an "alternate internet" under the auspices and custodial care of the free software movement that at least creates a radio network for sharing information and learning materials for people interested in sharing cybernetic resources and wisdom outside of official corporate channels.
I want net neutrality but I have absolutely zero trust about said implementation of it by corrupt politicians. Trump is a retard but he's /my-retard/ for at least having this instinct.
This is fake news. This guy is trying to push his opinion through fear. Net neutrality is communism.
Actually though, it's only communism in the sense that state healthcare is communism (if even that). Criticise net neutrality for what it is, rather than what you associate it with in your mind, you goddamn drone.
No, the FCC voted to institute a plan to make throttling illegal by 2018.
The plan has since been revoked. Laws about throttling have never actually been put into place.
You aren't. Your experiences and memories of being on Sup Forums are being artificially implanted in your brain by the government's mind-altering devices
fug, its ober
Are you a FCC bot or just a fucking moron?
You Trump is you're retard? You haven't recognized that he's done basically everything you voted against Hillary for, and then spat in your face and put Goldman Sachs to every position he could fill? How does it feel to get played?
>it's only communism in the sense that state healthcare is communism
>state healthcare is communism
What the fuck am I reading
is this Sup Forums
>people on Sup Forums don't know what communism is
corporations are just as power hungry as any government. if you can't think of any reason a company would want to stifle speech then you are either retarded or clinically lacking in imagination.
that's only true for burgerfags
like this thread for instance, who else could seriously be asking if throttling access to certain websites matters but an american retard
it's not even fun anymore
how can a nation be so intellectually bankrupt ?
Yes, I can probably kiss piracy and many other services/websites goodbye.
Nice knowing you faggots but I've got to go start downloading before its too late.
Wow, thats actually pretty heartbreaking
Yeah, no, I would feel played if the media loved him but they hate his fucking guts. He has all the right enemies, including your reading-comprehension-lacking ass.
Do you have any evidence that would happen?
No. He is an unwitting shill of a fear campaign. Everyone begging for net neutrality uses fear tactics, nobody actually points at any harm done absent net neutrality. You want net neutrality you're basically asking for a Great Firewall to be installed.
>Votes for someone who screws him over
>Salty liberal tears amirite guys! TRUMPS TOTALLY NOT BOUGHT OUT!
What? Meo is the biggest ISP in Portugal. Their website with the plans can be found here:
Every large organization that can excercise power should always be treated with suspicion. That includes both governments and large corporations. Ideally you want the two to be keeping each other in check to some extent.
How has Trump screwed me over. Name ONE thing.
Yeah, those are phone plans, are they not? Net neutrality has never been proposed for phone plans, even in the US.
he made you look like a retard on the internet
Internet is pretty much cable subscription already, so it probably doesn't matter that much in the end.
Battle for the internet was lost way before net neutrality.
>Puts Goldman Sachs to the head of every single possible position, in which, he could possibly fill.
>Literally tried to repeal the clean air act.
>Put this Pajeet in charge to destroy NN.
>Lowered taxes on everyone, but yourself.
But keep believing Trump has your best interest in mind, it's never his fault!
jesus christ that feel.
it wouldn't if there was competition between ISPs and it won't change anything about that. Fake problem desu I'm tired to hear about this shit
>Puts Goldman Sachs to the head of every single possible position, in which, he could possibly fill.
not an argument
>Literally tried to repeal the clean air act.
Just because it has a good name doesn't mean it's a good law. See: Patriot Act. I remember the "clean air act" getting mocked at the time of its passage for being a BS law.
>Put this Pajeet in charge to destroy NN.
Good. NN is a meme supported by purple-haired leftists who want the government to end hate speech online and this is the first step.
>Lowered taxes on everyone, but yourself.
Speak for yourself neet.
>Clean air act
I want you to tell me what the clean air act is.
>NN is a meme supported by leftists who want the government to end hate speech online.
Do you actually know what fucking NN is you autist? It's literally the exact opposite as what you are saying it is.
You fucking sperglords voted for him because hes "anti establishment," yet he's put as many members of the "establishment, within his administration as possible.
He's actively trying to remove your healthcare so his billionaire friends can keep a couple hundred thousand a year.
>Speak for yourself neet.
>I vote for low taxes on the rich because someday I'll be a rich and I'll want low taxes
>putting a question mark at the end of a statement just like all those shitty shill "journalist" sites do
>totally not a shill
fuck off ajit poo in the loo
first poster was dumb but a state monopoly on healthcare is literally socialism
>NN is a meme supported by purple-haired leftists who want the government to end hate speech online and this is the first step.
NN protects hate speech on the internet though
>my isp has provided with internet for 16 years with great uptime and my speed keeps increasing.
>my isp has never once made a political statement about censoring my free speech or restricting what i can view
>every libtard net neutrality company is openly at war with the idea of my existence and wants to censor/ban me off the web
yeah my isp is the bad guy alright you fucking retard
So is every other fucking government service the government provides. Whoppty fucking do, the socialism buzzword boogieman only works on
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
I never said it was a bad thing fucking moron it's just a fact
>yeah my isp is the bad guy alright you fucking retard
>Big cable companies cripple Netflix to force subscribers to buy their TV service
>this is fine
nice argument you little faggot. my internet provider never suggested REMOTELY. EVER. NOT ONCE. they want to restrict, ban, or do anything negative towards me. every little faggot libtard like you has been crying to ban and censor me off the web you piece of shit.
good. fuck netflix. they're commie piece of shit pumping out libtard garbage propaganda and openly hate me. i hope comcast and other business destroy them