So I just installed lineage os, what next?

So I just installed lineage os, what next?

Other urls found in this thread:

Throw your phone in the garbage can

You now start your own lineage. Go fuck a girl.

Install Magisk and adaway


With or without GAPPS?

Install your apps and enjoy being free

I'm about to install them, I ain't that autistic and I'm socially active.

NOOO! Don't! Just install Yalp from F-Droid, it'll give you access to the Play Store without Google Botnet.

Even whatsapp?

Yeah, if it's in the Play Store, you can get it with Yalp. Yalp creates a fake Google account that let's you get apps and keep them updated.

Thanks. waiting for f-droid to update.

enjoy android that just werks

Brah ever since i installed lineage without gapps my phone has become super comfy. Love the battery life and i can do everything i really need withoit turning myself into a product for jews to profit off. Superior feels m8.

You won't be able to use WhatsApp properly; notifications require google cloud messaging (or microg, but that's a whole other mess of dependencies)
Just install gapps as you were going to, and read up on microg at some point

> Year of our Lord
> Fuck with Girl

i installed lineageos without google botnet and my whatsapp works just fine

>what is microg and not using snapchat, enemy of your freedoms


Getting micro g on lineage? And is using an unofficial build a bad idea


you tell me ;)

Install Gentoo

Shut up

Just use Unified blocker from Magisk. Systemless and you can use Termux commands instead of a meh app.