Systemd needs to be destroyed

systemd needs to be destroyed.
Assemble the neckbeards.
It is time to begin.

Neckbeards are already actively working to remove it. Gentoo and Arch already did it, and now Devuan is trying to remove it from Debian.

Arch removed systemd? when?

Gentoo, use it but it's hard as fuck
Void, use it but it's hipster as fuck

Don't forget that Alpine and Void never had it.

Also Arch is still infested by default.

Oh yeah I meant that you can install OpenRC on Arch and it will work, It's just not supported.

Do you use it as a daily driver?


I don't use Arch. I primarily use Windows 7, and dualboot with Ubuntu.

>Windows 7, and dualboot with Ubuntu.
Switch to gnu/linux full time and switch to debian as well

>not devuan

I use Windows for games.
As for Debian, I've used it and I'm very familiar with it, but I just prefer Ubuntu because It's easier to use. I don't like any Linux DE's, really.

>>not devuan
Not stable at all what so ever.
Understandble, i don't use DE's personally either

nice buzzword

take your meds

It means packages older than you are

stable just means unpatched

Devuan fucking broke when i was using it. I don't trust that shit. Also the name is gay

I'll make the logo

You have 10 minutes.

>the name is gay
This is a nonsensical statement.

Contain your autism.

I do not have autism.




Install CloverOS

We'll never convince Sup Forums to campaign against systemd. Why? sys-temdies

I think systemd is fine.

I request mods to ban pooetterin.