It's okay to own Apple products.
It's okay to own Apple products
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fags are allowed in stores? whoa
> no itoddler i h8 u >:(
It's not illegal, but it's also not okay.
I work in tech, about 90% of my coworkers use iPhones and literally every laptop is a Macbook Pro. Android is so unpopular among tech workers that companies who write apps for Android and iPhone literally gift their employees Android phones on the condition they use the company's android app.
Reminder to report all commercial spam and astroturfing.
Its OK to own apple products as long as they were manufactured before 2006
>not setting the same white point on all displays
Absolutely disgusting.
People also say its ok to be gay.
It's an Apple store
why am i not surprised?
>giving a shit about what Sup Forums thinks of your personal tech preferences
Really made me think.
Its okay to waste your money, too.
Serial # of macbook pro: C02V29EBHTD6
quick get his address
already reported it stolen to apple
include me in the screenshot
Time to call up support and tell them I spilled coffee on it and took it in to get repaired by a 3rd party that's not authorized by Apple. :^)
Yes just for the mere fact that is pisses Sup Forums off and they’re also stable. The downside is they enslave Chinese workers.
>i sucker myself by paying 1000% more for generic chinkshit to piss off anonymous people on the internet
No one's pissed off at you retard, you're just the brainlet punchline we ridicule for laughs.
Strongly agree. I really wanna get an apple g5 case and throw muh "modern" hardware in it and boot Debian on that bitch. Shall look noice asf
The serial doesn't give you any special powers to disable it or mess with the care plan. You might as well say it's missing a copy of Battletoads.
It's okay to be gay(white).
i want that laptop
nice notch cuck faggot
LULZ! because apple users r gay! epic!
Yeah it's fine to own apple products, just don't jam it down our throats like the apple cock you happily suck.
Keep your homosexuality to yourself.
The only thing jammed down my throat on Sup Forums is how chinkshit is "good enough"
For the same reason the average person hates gays and their gay parades. These threads are the main reason iToddlers are shat on constantly by Sup Forums.
It's probably no coincidence either.
That is true dedication to shitposting, you actually bought all that just to fuck with us.
>apple logo
>OSX rhymes with GAY SEX.
>Steve Jobs died from anal cancer and aids
Coincidence? I think think not.
Have to say, iPhone 8+ is pretty good desu.
But I wouldn’t go out and pay full price for it. It only cost me $9 more a month on my phone bill for 24 months, pretty sweet deal desu.
>I work in tech, about 90% of my coworkers are SJWs and literally every member of HR is a virtue signalling Pro.
I also have purchased a desktop computer, a tablet, a smartphone and a laptop. I haven't posted a picture of any of them, though. I never felt the need to announce the world what i have bought.