Why are men even hired anymore?
Why are men even hired anymore?
OP i dont think this thread is suited for this board. you might prefer the identity politics board, Sup Forums. cheers
>tfw think again
Because the small proportion of women that are actually better in tech than the majority of men is small.
wtf OP BTFO. he really believed that, and you pwned him
Why do men even exist anymore?
because when you hire men you get a 30% discount
>be male
>arrive for job interview as linux sys admin
>greeted warmly by room full of female interviewers
>First interview question "So user, can you tell us the name of the first woman to contribute code to the Linux kernel?"
linus torvalds
at least she's keeping to the kitchen
>your mom
Do you think their lizard female brains would get enough validation if I namedropped Ada Lovelace?
>men start doing something and make advancements in it for decades
>it becomes mainstream
>women suddenly want to dominate it
>interaction engineer
let's play "Spot the woman involved in the leading open source project"
i dont think ada lovelace ever contributed to the linux colonel. in fact, im nearly certain she didnt
Easy. Sven.
But she was a girl doing important science stuff.
>"nope, and I'll see myself right back out"
>"see you all in five years! oh wait, no I won't"
>hearty chuckle as I close the door
wrong again
>"how do i ENGINEER all these men into unemployment via sexual harassment claims?"
Sven is a Scandinavian first name which is also used in Estonia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, South Africa, Germany, and Austria. The name itself is ...
Meaning: Young man; young warrior
im not...
She contributed more to the Linux kernel than Richard Stallman
It's just a fancier name for a UI/UX developer.
Lel try going into Network Engineer. It's full of males, womyn can't into Routing/Switching/Security.
their periods attract bears. bears can smell the menstruation
that wasnt the question...
>Iron Yard
>Entirely closed down
So I can hire women, pay them less and they are better programmers?
Some major corporations trust the security of their networks to women. Equifax, for example.
Time to get a /biz/ user!
>neckbeards who have a rejection based resentment for women actively keep women out of projects
>see?! I told you women are no good at tech
>women are so stupid and pathetic they can't make anything on their own
>women are parasites who have to leech off a host unable to survive on their own
yep. there's a reason why all the strong womyn never made their own successful country or society in human history. meanwhile men create every society, culture, country, or civilization. women are like the little retard child that's shitting their diaper but thinks they can tell men how to manage what men created.
if women can't create their own then they certainly can't manage what somebody else created
t. rejected neckbeard
Yes! Actually due to The Wage Gap, you can hire a woman for literally any job and pay her less than a man for the same work!
I have no idea who would hire men anymore.
men are made in the image of god. women are nothing but a spare rib that isn't 1/100 men :^)
actually nvm. i should read better, i missed the "the"
this is not reddit, retard
I lol'd
Women probably are more suitable to low level code monkey cubical hell office politics webdevshit.
we need people to lift heavy things until we have robots to get that job done
dude I am an E.E. haven't meet yet a female who can develop something.
the trend isn't because men are inherently better than women at tech, it's that they're generally more interested in tech.
testosterone makes you more interested in systems while estrogen makes you more interested in people.
This doesn't make you butch for liking tech as woman and it doesn't make you sissy for liking social careers as a man but it accounts for the gap that's seen over millions of people.
Even if women were 100 times better than men in tech and they stopped hiring men the problem would be that there just would not be enough people to fill positions because female interest is so low.
that's why women have always dominated the tech and science fields, r-right? because they're naturally better...
I don't like these men vs women debates.
But I would hire only men even when women are better at a job. Why? Simply because men are easier to manage. Less fights on the working floor. Women constantly play with their sexuality. On the working floor there should never ever be sexual things happening. The working floor is only and only about work.
Its not about who is better but about how they come to work and interest.
Man is capable to work everyday without shit like periods, pregnacy. Even if he is a fresh father he wont take free days.
Men team is better at cooperation than women team.
Cannot fill tech jobs with only women because they are rarely interested in Tech stuff or tech education. Usually in tech class for 30 people 1-2 of them are female.
Yes, why is MS created by a man, why Google created by men, why is IBM created by men, why is Sup Forums created by a men?
It is always men who create things. Sometimes women do too...
Women always try to get a higher position in society with their sexuality. Not by using their working capacity. Usually it is necessary to eat shit and dirt to build something. Women want to be pretty. Women don't want to eat shit to build something. To prefer to get raped by someone in Hollywood to get a nice role.
My mom. You may know her, she was xXXxVinc3ntValentinexXXx
To truly pioneer in tech, one must be an artist with it.
As we all know, for the past 2000 years and beyond since the first art schools in China and Rome gave women the total freedom to engage in the arts and compete with men when men were even more busy with war and politics, men were in the end the ones who created the greatest masterpieces. Since the inception of pianos, women were gifted these instruments left and right while a minority of men played them, yet men turned up with the majority of masterpieces.
When the modern times came and women had even more freedom than ever before in history to mingle and market themselves through arts, it was still men who made rock and roll, jazz, blues, hip hop, all the electro genres, and pretty much every genre of modern music.
Women failed even where they had a handicap and total freedom, in the very field ascribed to femininity, the arts.
A sad and pathetic existence.
men are the new pajeets
why is she wearing and underwear while promoting programming?
it would be disgusting if Linus would promote contributions to kernel while wearing brown underpants with his mantits..
>pass job interview
>told to go meet your team
>open door
>see this
what do
>cuntnet fake news
shove off, mane
Going to University at the moment. Shit's pretty fucked. They've been pushing the whole, "we need more women in tech" thing HARD. Posters up all over the college, there have been multiple speeches and emails thrown out about it, etc. And yet for all that effort there's only about 3 chicks in every programming class. Hell, in my Fundamentals III class there's only 2. And I dont even know if I can count one of them because they're probably a tranny.
Jesus christ what is that thing on the right
There is a surprising number of women in security, but very few in system administration and network. The only female sysadmin I have ever met was a hardass Eastern European old lady.
literally me. same here in poland. funniest thing is all the women in CS know jackshit and survive by code send by their many beta orbiters.
faggot betas are the ones enabling this whole women in tech shit.
That's just some bullshit article to fish for clicks from soccer moms who are frustrated with life.
Most of the people I work with are men and I'm fine with that.
The world doesn't need to be pink for me to have a place in it.
t. user who lacks a penis and works in tech.
send bobs
She's the one being kept around the rest of the group can feel better about themselves.
>t. user who lacks a penis and works in tech.
ever regret your surgery?
show vegene pls
So how does this work?
When the brapphog starts brapping during the interview, am I supposed to avoid all contact entirely to make sure she doesn't feel offended or shamed?
My workspace has toomany niggers. Thinking of quiting my job.
Why is it that people like this always manage to produce heaps of text without actually saying anything at all?
definitely don't keep a job with more than one token nigger.
I'd sniff on the chairs when they leave. Until then I'd buy myself in and spend them cake and tea, having a fake facebook account open if one peeks on my MacBook.
fuk this
Usual feminist propaganda,you need to be a woman to believe it's true.
ummmm sweaty stop spreading misogynist fake news.
i bet some pathetic virgin boy wrote that. - cant get a girl so you lash out at women, pathetic.
You can do better
>Women are better
>But there are absolutely no differences between the sexes
ffs, make up your mind
>It's not sexist when we do it
>women are good because they can successfully pick at the carcass of weimerica
Somebody build a Silicon Valley in Alaska. Please.
The trick is that they do the same thing when they have a job until they get into a managerial position
UX is serious work, though. Screw up and your product tanks. She'd better be good.
>being afraid of women
>being afraid of someone taking your job
If you get pushed out for some diversity hire then your employer is retarded or you weren't worth keeping.
>Interaction Engineer
>Diversity Technician
>Women's Rights Hacker
>Social Justice Programmer
>Privilege Redistribution Operator
>Patriarchy Disassembler
And that's how you get women into STEM.
thats what you get for lack of domestic domination with women because of technological progress by men. Those dishes ain't gonna clean themselves
>oh wait they are
tfw the general advice is to never be alone in a room with women.
Not talking to women is also considered harassment so you are fucked either way.