Enjoying forced Windows 10 Updates Sup Forums?

Apparently this update is the worst one so far, with lots of users reporting driver issues and even a completely unusable system (no applications run and user is forced to reinstall)

I'm going to run the update after backing my stuff up because I have no way to nuke Microsoft and prevent this garbage filth from infecting my system. Wish me luck!

Updated a few days before it was even officially released.
Never had issues with any updates.
I don't know how you people manage to fuck up an operating system made for normies.

No, so I turned them off.

>Never had issues with any updates.
>I don't know how you people manage to fuck up an operating system made for normies.

That's the point, there's no way to do anything. User has no control over updates so any 'fuck up' is on Microshit. One of the previous updates for me updated my wifi drivers to a version that caused an instant bluescreen every time:
>There was substantial internet activity
>You went to the Settings / Control Panel to try and rollback the drivers

I forgot how I solved it but it basically had me in a catch-22 blue screen loop. Windows 10's forced update thing is really fucking garbage, especially because there's no rollback / verification process. I work on an OS for a company similar to Cisco and all those high-uptime operating systems have a simple rollback you can use after an update (ie, one command to rollback with no hassle)

Windows 10 needs to ask the user if the upgrade went okay and explicitly provide the option to rollback. Also I'm really sick of every update being packed with more and more garbage I don't want on my laptop. I have a 256gb SSD I don't want it filled with Edge or Groove Music Player / Maker / whatever other fucking garbage software Microsoft shits out

I'm still using Win XP. I'm thinking eventually I'll get a chromebook for web browsing and continue using the Win XP machine for everything else. For me "everything else" is primarily note taking with WordPad.

>tfw W10 LTSB

I still can't believe some cucks actually knowingly uses that POS

Search services.msc
Scroll down to Windows update
Double click. Stop it. Disable it. Apply

What if you have home edition

Suffer, since you're a poorfag

Works there too. Enjoy the fruity lack of "service"

what does this mean?

my computer has a "activate windows" crap going on, and it even disabled word, excel, and other related apps. Too bad for them I'm lazy, and I just use google docs.


>Sup Forums unironically uses w10
I guess reddit finally took over

>Also I'm really sick of every update being packed with more and more garbage I don't want on my laptop. I have a 256gb SSD I don't want it filled with Edge or Groove Music Player / Maker / whatever other fucking garbage software Microsoft shits out
so install gentoo

>tfw need to track down regedit because there's no group policy in home edition
I fucking swear the difficulty to un-botnet it becomes more harder than using pro, enterprise or edu. I rarely use windows anymore though since I use MacOS through hackintosh.

>I'm really sick of every update being packed with more and more garbage I don't want on my laptop. I have a 256gb SSD I don't want it filled with Edge or Groove Music Player / Maker / whatever other fucking garbage software Microsoft shits out
But nothing is stopping you from installing LTSB.

>using winigger
>forced updates
>something breaks, Micropoo caused it
>not allowed to fix it yourself
Enjoy your toddler OS.

It amazes me with how much you people trash windows you faggots don't even seem to know the simplest things about.

If the new build doesn't work for you for whatever reason you can just go and revert back to the previous build immediately. It's right there in the settings pane and Windows 10 keeps the windows.old folder to do that revert for like a month before auto deleting it to free up space.

You have ample time to test your system and make sure it works and if it doesn't for any reason just go ahead and revert to the previous build.

I want off this ride.

I don't get feature updates :3

>he doesnt use powershell and group policy to at least make w10 bareable
Fucking plebblet

I have a dual booted system and i haven't been in windows for 2 months now, I was actually planning on playing some gtaV tonight but I am afraid of all the horrors I will encounter while going there, and I haven't even mentioned all the windows updates I have to do everytime I go back to that os just to enjoy some game. Also please tell me this new update isn't gonna mess up my dual boot, windows and linux are on separate ssd's but it still wouldn't surprise me

install LTSB, set updates to manual.

If all you do is play gtav then just disable your network or just disable windows update service.

Fucking shitty update. Can't even open network shares anymore. It worked before the update and all other pc still can use it. But not the shitty updated one. Fucking have to reinstall because of this crap

>Fucking have to reinstall because of this crap
Just follow one of the million troubleshooting guide for windows networking you lazy fuck.

The Software Protection service is probably down. It manages both the Windows and Office activation.

Sounds amazing. How do you get it?

i can't help but think that the people defending this shit by saying "just install LTSB" are probably the same people who complain about how it's unacceptable that the new firefox "forces" you to remove the flexible space around the url bar, or how picking a linux distro is too much work for "a normal user"

Sell your soul to Nutella.

>Windows Insider program
>Complaining stuff may break

>windows insiders

Torrent it and activate it with MS Toolkit

Already did so before posting. The fucking shit is still broken. Fucking microshit

>MS Toolkit
what is the legit link?

mydigitallife forums

The fact that so many tards on Sup Forums think updates are "forced" on 10 just means MS did a great job of keeping clueless normalfags away from the update settings.


>You decide when to make it happen!
holy shit such a blessing of grace, your overlords had allowed you to choose when you update your system
microsoft dev of the year 2017

Hell I even shut mine off, the most my W10 pc does is give me a popup asking me to download and I just close it every time. Its been doing this for months

>Apparently this update is the worst one so far
It's actually by far been the best for me so far. Everything works. I no longer have occasional audio skipping like I did on the previous feature update. And we FINALLY get a GPU section in task manager.

just disable them you mongrel.
inb4 you cant
it takes 1 min

Even with the latest updates installed i've got pretty solid up time.

>I work on an OS for a company similar to Cisco and all those high-uptime operating systems have a simple rollback you can use after an update (ie, one command to rollback with no hassle)

>You dont know about Enterprise editions for full control about updates
>you dont know WSUS

only people who have problems with windows10 feature updates are people who run all those "decrapify" scripts that they find online and those tools to "clean" windows

>not running cool fast scripts from windowsscriptsandwarezforum.net
>not using windows xp black pirate edition
are you even into computing

2.6.3 Added something 2.6.2 didn't have, 2 different "trojans" (according to Windows Defender) and another activator file. I removed the "trojans" and the activation works just fine still.
I got it from the MDL forums, too so I'm not sure what changed but that just seemed fishy to me.

Fun fact:
The update caused my A and B drives to be renamed as diskette drives.
They already had names, because one is my SD-card reader and the other for Micro-SD. I had to retest which is which after the update.

Also, this fucking shit re-enabled startup delay.

And they still haven't fixed tablet mode to make it actually usaböe.

Every time Windows updates on my lap top it breaks my bluetooth drivers, so I have to manually install the driver again.

I've done this over 10 times by now, so no, fuck Windows.

>Windows Defender
user...you don't really trust defender, do you?

Windows defender is literally the best AV for how quickly it gets updated. However it's not as good as detecting potential threats, this also means however that most programs won't run into issues with Windows defender. Some AV software interferes with installation and basic functions of certain software but I've found Windows defender usually plays nice.

Normal safe browsing practices + a hardware firewall configured to block connections from known malware and ad servers. That's all you need really. Maybe malware bytes or some other more specialized software as well.

Works on my machine

I've seen third-party AVs breaking both Windows activation and updates.

install gentoo

seriously though, you should try Linux if you're tired of WIndows 10 bullshit. Mint looks basically like windows, you'd be right at home.
That or just go back to 7.

>windows xp black pirate edition

was dis?