Memes aside, does anyone here actually use Gentoo? Is it worth it? Why?
Nope. Just use Windows 7!
its ok i guess
Arch is way better
Also I use windows 8.1 which is even better
i dont know why you would use it over funtoo if you're going into that realm
Im using Gentoo and its comfy
can gentoo into binary?
Oh hey look another day on Sup Forums. People just saying things are better or worse with no reasons.
Oh hey look another day on Sup Forums. OP can't fucking bother to read the archive and instead makes another garbage thread
Gentoo uses systemd
The few people who use it do so for reasons that no sane person would have. Reasons include:
>Being paranoid to the point of mentally ill, believing all windows users are constantly spied on
>Being paranoid with reason because they watch kiddie porn, and are hence mentally ill.
>They want an autistic level of control over how their desktop looks, and lack the ability or knowhow to create a custom GUI for windows
>They prefer to use terminal only, presumably because they think it makes them leet haxors.
>They can't afford windows, or are otherwise boycotting it
>They like to think they're a special snowflake
There are no other reasons to use gentoo, or linux at all. In fact there is only one other reason not to use windows:
> They suffer from terminal homosexuality, and as such can only use mac products.
If anyone would like to offer any other reasons, I would love to hear them.
it doesn't if you don't want it to retard
>spreading false information
What? Gentoo has no false promises about security , privacy , or freedom
It's none of these things
It's just good to learn Linux on
>ad hominem argument
>custom UI for Windows
>terminal is only for hackers
>can't afford is the same thing as don't want
So what's the reason?
To use Gentoo? Many, most of them might even be subjective and up to personal taste. That doesn't mean. I've used it to see what it's like. Compiling my software wasn't my cup of tea, but I can see the appeal. Others like how dirty they can get their hands into messing with the kernel. Still others just tried it first for a challenge and have stuck with it and now they use it because it's what they know. To them, it just werks™.
As for using Linux, I do use that and I just like the system better. I like how it handles updates, I like the tools that come with it. I like the command line, the lack of needing a license whenever I want to move my install or install a it on a new system. I like not feeling like a bad person since I don't need to crack said license just to use the software I own. And in response to "but you can't complain about that with Windows because you don't own your windows licence" I say that's just another point for Linux, not against it.
You don't like Linux? fine, it's not for everyone, especially those who are afraid of changing their habits/have baby duck syndrome. But you're being dishonest to say it has no purpose at all simply because YOU don't see the appeal.
That doesn't mean it's not a valid system to use*
I've been using Linux since the 90s and am only vaguely aware what Gentoo is; it forces you to compile everything including the kernel yourself, even on first install, correct?
>I enjoy waiting and watching everything compile from source
Literally for the mentally ill. That being said, Install Gentoo.
I had a server running it for years. It was stable and easy to run. OpenRC (which is a Gentoo project!) is a breeze to set up and manage services. I was using this back before systemd came into the spotlight.
It's a great way to learn Linux, and was definitely worth it. Though, I probably will never use it again. All my servers now run FreeBSD or Ubuntu.
I'm using it now. I can't understand arch users who cry about no binary packages. There ARE binary packages for larger software in main repository, but also there's a thing called BINHOSTS, servers hosting binary packages for Gentoo. For example CloverOS uses it, Sabayon uses it modified way. Also, using it because NO SYSTEMDEEEE, OpenRC and general freeedom of what you can install. Really, you can even install Gentoo with OSX Kernel and GUI.
I had it for a brief period on a laptop that decided to die for no reason.
If you're going to use a "hard" distro it might as well be Gentoo. Don't bother with a piece of shit like Arch, which subsists in some weird middle ground that pleases nobody.
I can't recommend any Linux distro in good faith today though. If you are serious about security and computing freedom, you should be using OpenBSD.
You can install Funtoo that doesn't require you to compile kernel, you can just use debian-sources package which provides debian's kernel.
Gentoo and Linux in general are insecure as FUCK. Especially a bleeding edge distro. Nobody uses Gentoo expecting security.
You don't have to compile the kernel. In fact you probably shouldn't.
Really, show me some Linux malware. Like real malware. I want to see some bot with ddos features and a silent miner.
Malware isn't the only proof of insecurity, brainlet. Linux has lots of highly publicized vulnerabilities because the development philosophy is "just add a kitchen sink of features lol!!"
OpenBSD emphasizes code correctness and the differences are night and day.
t. snowflake
>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.
looks like mods are tired to re enforce rules
That's not a counter argument. I'm fairly certain you're not the user i replied to in that post. If you want to contribute something, by all means do so. If you're going to resort to non arguments and memes kindly fuck off, this is an 18+ site
not on my machine
I have used gentoo exclusively for 5 years
Why would you use Funtoo when portage uses git, now? Default utf8? Is eselect that hard to use? It's not worth the downsides. Proof:
Binhost. Look at CloverOS. Sabyon has its own binary package manager, but, much like the project itself, it's pretty awful.
Careful, now. Someone might harass you for being an elitist, insecure teenage prick for not recommending YouTube tutorials instead of a constructive answer.
I watch kiddie porn, but that's basically it. I don't so much care about how my desktop looks, but it's true that I do like the control. I was use Slackware, but I find that Gentoo is, ironically, quicker and more convenient. I'm disfond of Arch's development model. Not that the project is bad, but, again, I'm a former Slackware user. I like my distros slow and stable. Also, isn't Windows free?
Whoa, that's kind of impressive.
Maybe you should try using GNU/Linux. That might help.