Are you suppose to power down your computer/laptop every night or leave it in sleep mode...

Are you suppose to power down your computer/laptop every night or leave it in sleep mode? What's better for the longevity of the computer? Having a big debate with a buddy of mine.

i love Akari

I just leave it on 24/7. Don't see any problem with it as long as you aren't leaving it on high load.

Me too. I got like 5 gb of akari images user

I'm sure your laptop is more comfy while sleeping than dead.

do you have the link ?

After putting my rig to sleep consecutive times it slows down a noticeable amount until I finally kill it.

I've always heard hard shutting down is bad but I'm not sure there's any truth to it.

The big downside of turning it off and on (other than having to boot it up all the time) is with the HDD spinning up and down. Also potentially hiccups with software, but eh. For everything else including the power bill, powering it down is better, but the HDD is the thing that's most likely to break anyway. So whatever.

It's hard to say.

On Consumer grade hardware i'd say it wouldn't matter much (except on hard drives)

On enterprise tier hardware 24/7 is the norm.

give me the akarins

>turning off your pc at all

If your only storage is solid state power it down completely. If you have a HDD you'll probably be fine powering it down. Just dont do it 20 times a day.

Post uptimes and HDD poweron times, I need some boner fuel. My oldest HDDs with 90000 hours died with the rest of my shit in a fire.

09:22:41 up 4 days, 7:51, 3 users, load average: 0.43, 0.55, 0.50

yea i reboot sometimes


my parents dont tho, they just suspend
must have had months of uptime on that shit :D

Those are some nice empty rooms.

here you go

It is highly unlikely that it will matter much with consumer hardware. I think technically sleep mode is slightly superior (and that mainly if you have HDDs).

But that's just for longevity. For me the big difference is in full disk encryption -- you have to shut down to fully benefit. So that partly depends on your physical location.

In the end, it's really about encryption and your general workflow/preference. It doesn't matter.

Don't know about longevity but i do, same with the router (disabled wifi and removed antena), i'm really paranoid about leaving both of them in standby/sleep for long peroids of time (ie more than 1 ~ 2 hours)...actually my phone (old dumbphone) is the same, i turn it off and remove the battery while i sleep.
Shit, i think i need help.

there isn't really a longevity difference and there hasn't been for a long time. Do whatever's convenient for your use case, power on, suspend, hibernate, shutdown.

I'm the same user.
I always remove the power plug, too.

It all started with my printer sending stuff to the internet...

This guy's going pretty good. About 8.5 years old, been on for most of it.

>t. yuropoor

I've been using microcomputers since 1982, and I repaired them for a living for about 10 years. I turn the damn thing off if I'm not going to be using it for a long time, e.g. overnight. You can do whatever the fuck you want.

Powering it down or putting it in hibernation means no power use
Sleep mode means that data is put into RAM and only that is powered

Post those akaris, my man

came here for akari


I want to breed with Akari.

Kill yourself, faggot. She's 8.


I don't care about her mental age.

that makes you a pedophile

>HDD spinning up and down

Excuse me but it's 2017 not 1997.

This is my oldest HDD that has survived shitty PSUs and fried motherboards.

Meant to quote

This, with an SSD my laptop is fully booted in under 6 seconds. There's no reason to leave the thing on at night anymore.

i didn't know you used Sup Forums mom


>just buy hitachi, better than le seagate and le wd xD