Is LibreOffice the best office suite available?
Is LibreOffice the best office suite available?
I use it for my invoices, so yeah
my gf Libbie is the best
How complicated are your invoices?
Does it still have formatting problems when opening .doc files?
Have you had problems recently?
OnlyOffice is nicer and does more also its free
Libbie is fat!
> free
I don't think you know the meaning of that word, shill
How's 2006 again?
Ironically, LO may even fix transitional docx issues youmay orherwise experience using different versions of ms office; the only conundrum is Calc interoperability with few xlsx in some corner case scenarios
Libby a cute!~~
Fucking degenerate.
LibreOffice was never good for an advanced user
It is plenty good for ordinary people and ordinary office fags (95% of all users for any office suite)
Now that's not acceptable.
>im not a furry
>im not a furry
>im not a fur-
Throw yourselves off a cliff.
Glad to see you finished your drawings
No freetard shit can compete with MS Office.
This was mentioned back when the first sketch was posted.
I never had any interest in furshit nor do I plan to develop one now but that furry crotch is weirdly intriguing.
Why do you fucking furfags think that libby has fur?
I installed the docker community server, document server and mail server for, also it's open source so go fuck your ugly mascot you degenerate
You're a furfag.
Admit it and kill yourself.
* for free
Right after you stop projecting your insecurities onto others.
She's an oryx. She has a thin coat of fur.
How did they botch this so badly.
The only good parts of ms office is excel and outlook.
And they keep making excel worse.
When amount of EXTRA THICC is just right.
Furfags and their shitty fetish is pure cancer.
Off yourself.
Traps are gay and anal is disgusting.
We all have things we don't like.
Sup Forums is one of the most furry boards, user
you might want to leave
>enter a thread about a furshit mascot
>complain about furshit
She will always be the one for me. Even if they don't want her.
for brainlets yes
the rest uses Latex
>Being this delusional
wew lad
If you're going to go the effort of capitalising LaTeX, at least get it right next time.
>t. I browse only two or three boards
Except you didn't do it right either.
You fukken wot m8?
check em
>fall for shitty bait
>get ebin hexatuples
You know, for being so butthurt about your waifu losing a logo contest you sure are determined to make sure she'll never win one in the future.
>Never had to write anything of value in his life, other than HS essays.
Yes, because logos always have correct capitalization.
does libby look good in latex?
I'm not talking about capitalization you fucking retard.
I'm talking about the superscript A and the subscript E.
>Not using LaTeX for everything
wtf I love free software now
>at least capitalize it right next time
>i'm not talking about capitalization
Czech republic'd
>first miku monday died
>then pantsu samus normalized trap faggotry
>then gay furries came in through desktop threads and spread across the rest of the board
>and a transient brony problem arose and stayed long after they got a containment board
>now straight furries are flooding in
>tfw Sup Forums in 2020 will be covered in busty wolf women without a single maki on the entire catalog
>without a single maki on the entire catalog
I'll be the first one to support this change.
stop wasting sextuplets you bakas
Fucking retard, you're the one who is talking about capitalization.
I am and I simply told you that you didn't do it right either. I wasn't necessarily referring to capitalization ONLY.
Ok, you do it right.
I still use office 2010 and it just werks.
You can do whatever the fuck you want to me with those digits
>you're the one who is talking about capitalization
That was my first post in your retarded argument. said that did it wrong.
Then you said that did "it" wrong too. You didn't specify what "it" is so it's reasonable to assume that "it" is capitalization.
>not m16
It's pronounced Lay-Tech.
WPS is better imo
Actually it's lah-tek
Wtf, Microsoft Office is
Unicode subscript/superscript characters are too small, and there's no subscript uppercase E.
Never used it, but it's probably a steaming pile of shit like OpenOffice.
Actually it's L'Tkh
It was invented by klingongs
Here's your (You) ya fucking bunch of dog fucking, horse molesting, dick jerking, furry loving degenerates.
Thats exactly why no one wants anything to do with furries, put your dick beaters to good use a real distro and go use a real faking office suite.
No god damn business with a gram of common sense would use some furfag tier mascot or even associate with you furfags crawling with AIDs and god knows what other kinds of sick degeneracy do to the public rep disaster it would become.
BTW, TisonFag or what ever the fuck is his name can go choke on a dick for all i care.
>reddit spacing
does using libreoffice make me a furry?
No one wants to go anywhere near you with that shitty art.
owo dont be so furstrated user-sama
Reddit loves furries.
day of the jigglin when?
I need to see the libreoffice mascot wearing LaTexXx now
You can see why it's not spelt like that now.
>guys i read ED do I fit in yet
Just "yiff in hell" would have worked
Nice filename
Furries should be hanged first on the day of the rope.
>fuckhuge corporation uses anime in advertisement
>literal nobodies don't because it's "not professional"
>All this feminist-tier asshurt
I'm glad I opened this thread.
Lets just stop the lies and circle jerking, Microsoft Office is superior to all alternatives.
It doesn't take a feminist to wish for a furfag to yiff in hell
If you have to use MS Office or LibreOffice, your job is trash.
Both are garbage.
Get with times, gramps,
No serious business uses FOSS garbage.
Yeah, I write my reports in javascript that generates the HTML representation.
>Completely missing the point
If you need to use ANY office software for your job, your job is trash.
So, w3m and emacs are office software?
I don't know how you came to that conclusion.