This is f-droid. Say something nice about it

This is f-droid. Say something nice about it.

It's less of a faggot than the OP.

It's not nearly as much of a clusterfuck as the junk filled GPlay

It respects my freedom and when some apps don't, F-Droid tells me

99% of its apps are shit but then the same can be said about Google play store

It's UI was nice, before it updated.

> it's
> it is UI was nice

Woops, that's what I get for typing while eating. Its* Just for you, user.

It's nice

>the ui was fucking terrible
>update barely improved it, it still looks like ass

Thank you. I'm sorry for being a grammar nazi, but I can't tolerate these mistakes anymore.

It's okay user, I just have a tendency not to proofread when I multitask.

Well, we can't go back to its pre-material design UI, can we?

it was better

The new UI sucks ass, desu

I use an iPhone, my app store is curated and full of quality applications. I feel sad for people this pajeet garbage but not everyone is lucky enough to be rich.

if only it had any useful apps other than clover and icecat it would be great



i don't get the new ui
where's the list of things i have installed?

Settings->Manage installed apps
Yes, the new UI is shiny but shit.

nah pass

that's some windows 8-tier "why the heck is that in settings" shit

the new f-droid makes it less of a pain to update applications but only because the old way was slow as fuck.

>muh $1000 mass produced toy owned by millions of niggers that I had to take out a loan to buy makes me rich meme

Plenty of useful things.
Not included in the screenshot:
>pomfshare (only works with
>simple irc
>vanilla music

It is probably some attempt to hide non-essential windows so retarded users dont get confused. Also notice how you can't easily see what version you are upgrading from and to if there is an update available.
On the other hand, this is just UI. If you notice how fast everything works now, that's the real change.

The old UI was better. I am never going to update.

>Also notice how you can't easily see what version you are upgrading from and to
yea, i hate that as well. i often like to check changelogs when there's a major version bump, but it's additional steps to do that now
this is the problem with "simplification", it's only simpler if you're using hardly any of the features

I prefer the old look.

>fake botnet
>not just yalp store

Games are trash

Anuto TD is decent

But that's right, isn't it?

It's doesn't always mean it is.

That guy is either trolling or a pajeet pretending to know how to use english.

If you see this, DO NOT UPDATE!!!!

I uploaded my tablet to that new mess of a UI but I've kept my phone pure.

>Anuto TD
my nigger


Mine does not look like that.

Thank you for existing

wait, the old one still works?
welp, time to downgrade

How do you view eve changelog? I never did figure that out

go on Freenode #fdroid and tell them the new ui stinks!

no user if [it's] has an apostrophe it always means it is, that what the apostrophe means you retard it signifies the missing i

Go away Raj


but what if it's denoting possession? as in his, hers, John's, it's.

yeah but it's still [it's] like if you said that is his dildo or it is his dildo

it's his dildo

I actually kinda like it.