Why is rooting so fucking cryptic and ambiguous?

Why is rooting so fucking cryptic and ambiguous?
Why can't I just tick a button in developer options?
Why do I need 10 different programs that may or may not work to even begin loading a custom ROM?

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Because having a pop-up dialog with a big red exclamation mark in a triangle next to it telling you that you will lose your warranty if you press “Continue” isn’t enough.

Imagine all the calls, retail/online support tickets, emails and whatnot from customers blaming the manufacturer for bricking their devices, because “it wasn’t clear enough/they didn’t know”

Imagine the bad press.


Wow it's almost like people get paid to give support and control damages.

>Why is rooting so fucking cryptic and ambiguous?
It's not

>Why can't I just tick a button in developer options?
You can if you use a custom ROM

>Why do I need 10 different programs that may or may not work to even begin loading a custom ROM?
Because you didn't do any research before buying your phone

Because giving easy access to root is in most cases at leat questionable

I have a supposedly easy to root GS2 and so far I need cf-root, Odin, cianogen and god knows what else.
I just want lineage OS. What the fuck is this bullshit?

A better question would be why you don't have root privileges on your phone to begin with. Normies have had admin privileges on windows for ages, and it just werked, but jewgle and crapple love locking their devices down.

You are fucked in the head dude.
The only requirement is a custom recovery. Follow the guide on the LineageOS wiki. All you need is the recovery on your phone. You picked a Samsung device so you have to suffer with Odin3 or Heimdall.


You do not need root at all to flash recovery.


>Normies have had admin privileges on windows for ages, and it just werked
Sure, if you ignore the insane amount of malware you'll find on those PCs.

>have to suffer
For future reference, what's the easiest phone to 'hack'?

Google/LG and OnePlus was pretty easy to root.

Any device on which you can unlock bootloader easily. I prefer devices that has fastboot and devices that are not chink shit with MTK. No carrier locked trash!

Next time before you buy a phone go to XDA and check if your phone has custom ROMs. If it doesn't then it's not worth buying.

This is a thread by someone so retarded they can't put a binary in a folder

What has Sup Forums become?

>can unlock bootloader easily
I remember going to jailbreakme.com on iPhone 4S to jailbreak it in 1 click back in the day.
Is there such a thing on Android?

Because you have a Samsung phone, you dummy.
Want root o custom roms? Get LG/Moto/Google phones.

Do you have autism or something? A bootloader unlock should be painless and easy.It's one toggle in developer options and it's one command in fastboot.

You can do it on Samsung phones as well. If you have the knowledge and can follow simple guides.

That was an exploit. Android had similar ones up to KitKat if I recall correctly, however unlocking the bootloader depends on the manufacturer.

And there's no exploits involved.

Sometimes you have to make an account but the bootloader unlock code is free. They just want to make sure that you know that your warranty is void if you unlock your bootloader. So they can cover their asses.

No, I have ADHD and cannot begin to sieve through dozens of forums to find the right combination of programs that will potentially unlock my bootloader without ransomwaring it or something.

The latest Samsung phones are the worst for root or custom ROMs. Too much developer fragmentation between exynos and snapdragon versions, rooting a S8 will cap your battery to 80% capacity, and going with a custom ROM always definitely means you're getting a worse camera of inferior features because of lack of Samsungs drivers.

That's your problem then. Don't use a phone if you have any disorders. It makes sense for most of us and you are probably looking at the worst places possible.

the technical answer is that not giving root access protects the integrity of the security sandbox the user is in

one can then question how necessary this is of course. my phone sure as shit hasnt got anything on it thats more sensitive than whats in my less secure pc.

You are 100% right. Older phones have better support. Samsung pumps out way too many devices and variants of devices. It's a mess. I don't care about fancy camera apps and features. If I want to take pictures I use a DSLR.

This seems like the right place to ask, is this still the correct way to install LineageOS on an LG G3 (D855) with android 5.0?

I'm asking because there's a bunch of different guides out there, and to root it I had to use a specific guide as well, a bunch of others failed.

Yes that is the correct guide.

Just root and continue following the guide. Here's an example on how to root: youtube.com/watch?v=KijSEtdIOJs

Okay, thanks. I already rooted my phone by the way, but that video didn't work for example. I had to use an older version of that script he uses.

Nexus devices.

Or just use the guide in that wiki that brings you to XDA.


It should work.

Great! Now recovery and then it's like every device. You backup, wipe, install.

>and then it's like every device.
Oh okay, that's good to know. Biggest problems I have with these things is that every phone requires a slightly different approach, shit's annoying to find out what to do specifically when even guides for the specific model you have (D855) fail without good error messages.

Google devices are hackable on day 1.

>buys device from manufacturer
>complains that menufacturer's solution, which is not meant for end users anyway, is "hard" to use

Carriers don't want people rooting their phones because then they'll be losing money. Some carriers charge money for mobile hotspot sharing and getting a custom ROM to bypass that payment fee is what the Jews fear.

I only used Nexus devices. No issues there. It's pretty straight forward.

Yup. That's why I bought one.

Fuck carriers. Buy unlocked phones. No Verizon bootloader locks there.

Of course, you can hack anything. But Samsung is not worth it. I like what I read somewhere about 'Samsung being the Android version of Apple' live in there ecosystem and you'll be fine.

Also what said. Just like Sony and there proprietary blobs for a better camera, which is okey if that's what you want out of a phone.

So basically, here is where I use the boot.img of LineageOS?

Do you know there are exploits that can remotely enable some developer settings?

No, where do people even get this general knowledge? Exploits, the concept of rooting, the concept of recovery images...

Wow! You are such a noob. Use Odin3 if you are stupid. Get TWRP from site, and put it in AP. Heimdall will melt your ADHD brain.

> needing rooting because your stock launcher and OS is absolutely shit
Get a phone that doesn't suck OOTB baka user

>Odin 3
>from sites
I've no idea what's going on and at this point I am willing to send you bitcoins if you do this for me through teamviewer or something

Send me a message [email protected]

Pretty funny, man

No need to give me anything. [email protected] samefag.

Just give up already

Lots of googling, trying shit themselves, xda. I think at least.

No email, no help. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out with your ADHD.

Is that seriously your real email

Yes. Throwaway one.

I also made one with nada but I can't send messages
[email protected]

If you want help [email protected]
Last time asking. I will leave in 30 minutes.

Well I only have one question and that's: where do I put these files if I don't have an SD card on my phone.

Sent an email to that. Reply.

You copy the file to your phones internal storage with an usb cable?

instead of flashing a custom recovery, you should flash yourself a brain

So you managed to install TWRP. That's progress. You can put in your internal storage as well.

Well I mean you don't have to be a soggy cunt about it but if that makes you feel better, I guess the happiness in the world just increased *whistles*

/sdcard is your internal storage even if you don't have a microsd card. Still waiting for your email.

I don't need an email anymore, you can sage if you want, though.

Good! Finally after countless tries you managed to follow a guide. We called you a fag in the process but that's ok. You just have ADHD.

Oh, I'm very sorry for being so aggressive.
You might as well download the .zip file on your phone or, like that image says, use adb.

Minimal ADB & Fastboot is a small tool you can use in order to copy/ flash files to your phone without having to download the complete Android SDK.

Visiting the XDA subforum for your phone can be helpful, because most of the subforums have a guide on how to root/ flash a recovery/ custom rom.

Thanks a lot for the help!
Also, adb doesn't detect my phone even though I have the usb drivers. Restarting adb doesn't help, either.


do you know any new flagship phone that easy to root? like the galaxy s3 days where i can just backup the whole thing in odin
im running a5 2017 right now and rooting is like 200 steps

Sometimes it takes a while/ some restarts to work for me.
Did you allow USB Debugging in Android Developer Settings? Does Fastboot work? (You might have to look up the button combination you have to press in order to get into fastboot mode)

OnePlus is easy to temper with, mainly because they support unlocking their bootloader. They don't mind any of that at all and your warranty will stay as well (as long as you don't cause any hardware defects by messing with your phone).

Let's not get into that. You need to enable developer options and do some shit on your phone to use adb.

Boot into android and download latest zip from your browser: download.lineageos.org/i9100
Download folder is also sufficient.

fuck me, i was choosing between a5 and oneplus 3t 5 months ago

going for oneplus in my next upgrade

I don't think he enabled developer options or even adb debugging in developer options. I think he's still in Download mode. No wonders it doesn't work. It's not a fastboot device. It's a Samsung i9100.

He still needs a custom recovery in order to flash it. Or did/does Samsung's recovery allow that as well?

>do some shit on your phone
What are you even talking about

Follow the thread fag. He seems like he already managed to install it. He moved onto the next step.

I'm not really a Samsung guy, never owned one myself so I didn't know, thanks for the info though

Debugging mode is enabled, yes.
I just clicked Camera mode and now it appears.
Wish me luck

>What the fuck is this bullshit?
Samsung lockdown, blame them. I have an OnePlus phone, it has native fastboot support which is part of the official Android tools.

This is pretty much the same for any android device. Using adb. Do what I said. Download from browser on your phone. You will flash from downloads folder in TWRP after you wiped the phone. TWRP has a file manager for picking zip to flash. Just do not wipe internal storage. I'm out. Instructions are clear. Will be back in 2 hours if this thread is still alive. Don't fail user!

You could've just used sideload, it flashes the .zip while copying it (kinda, but it's easier to understand this way)

Ok... not sure why you renamed the file. I hope it's the correct file for your phone. But that's it. One step closer. Back in two hours.

He has stock firmware faggot.

Alright the tutorial says to reboot into recovery and select wipe. But there is no such option, it just asks me to confirm to continue or reboot normally.

Also, there is no install option....


oh fucking really sherlock, dang you sure cracked this case
oh wow look at that, seems like he didnt install a custom recovery, idiot

that's because you aren't using a custom recovery. The stock recovery doesn't support this.
You'll have to flash one before being able to flash a custom rom; forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s2/development-derivatives/recovery-twrp-3-0-0-0-t3330457
Samsung doesn't really want you to flash shit

>Flash via HeimdallSuite (Windows only)

>Download HeimdallSuite & Samsung USB Drivers
>Install Samsung USB Drivers
>Connect the phone in Download mode (Vol. Down + Home + Power)
>Go to Heimdall Suite/Drivers & open 'zadig' (Run in admin mode)
>Select 'List All Devices' under 'Options'
>Select 'Gadget Serial' & 'libusb0 (v1.2.5.0)' from the drop menu & scroll menu respectively
>Click on Install/Replace Driver
>Close 'zadig'
>Reboot again into Download mode
>Open 'heimdall-frontend'
>Select 'Utilities' tab & click on 'Detect' under 'Detect Device' option
>Make sure the 'Output' window says 'Device Detected'
>Scroll down to 'Download PIT' section & click on 'Save As...' under 'Destination File'
>Type any name under 'Name:' and select 'Save'. Do not give any filename extensions
>Click on 'Download'
>Reboot again into Download mode
>Select 'Flash' tab
>Load the downloaded pit under 'PIT'. Do not select 'Repartition' checkbox
>Click the 'Add' button under 'Partitions (Files)'
>Select 'RECOVERY' from the drop down menu in 'Partition Name' under 'Partition Details'. Make sure 'Partition ID' reads 7
>Download the latest TWRP image from the official website
>Load the img image under 'File'
>Now click on 'Start'
>The image will get flashed in '/dev/block/mmcblk0p6' partition under mountpoint '/recovery'
>Device will automatically restart when flashing is complete

Weird, I already did this as described in the Lineage OS website.
I'll do it again your way, thanks.

when you were at this step ( ) you should've used the .img from the custom recovery you want to install (most likely TWRP)

>Beginning session...
>Releasing device interface...
Then phone doesn't restart. Download mode is still the same.

Props to OP for still trying to flash a custom ROM even though he's retarded.

just stick to an iPhone kid

The damned TWIP thing doesn't want to run. I uploaded it as per the tutorial and it still reboots into the samsung recovery

u sure u flashed it as recovery?

This is a weird but known problem, you need to boot straight into TWRP after flashing, don't let your phone reboot. Only after loading TWRP and then rooting your device, will it stick.

I also have ADD, and I did exactly that last year with my RMN3P.

You're just a lazy fuck.

Someone banned my IP for some reason.
Anyways It successfully installs TWIP and I see a blue bar. I plug off the phone and try to immediately reboot to download again only to see the samsung recovery.
How do I reboot another way?


what if someone would flash twrp image of a different device that it was flashed for? is there a way out of it?

You probably got banned, because Sup Forums is not tech-support.

Are you sure you actually *flashed* the recovery and aren't just booting it.
If you are able to access the custom recovery, just flash lineage by either going to Advanced>ADB Sideload and then typing "adb sideload /path/to/your/file.zip" in Minimal ADB & Sideload or just going to Install and then choosing the file in the file manager, if its on your phone.

Right thank you. Heimdall and TWRP are supposed to be ran from my PC, right? Or do I somehow put them on the phone and access them in download mode?

This entirely depends on the phone retard. If you have a pixel nexus I'm pretty sure it's one command in fastboot.

Not anybody here, but do you have USB debugging enabled in the Developer Settings in your stock ROM first?

If yes, you should be able to turn it off at your own pace and hold down the recovery buttons before you power it on after flashing TWRP. Also, while holding down the buttons, if you see the boot logo flash twice, then you've held the buttons too long and have to do it again, if you're on a older Samsung device.

it might brick your device, although you shouldn't (be able to) flash an image not meant for your device anyway.
For a lot of phones there are unbrick tools, but you might be able to just flash the correct recovery.
fastboot boot /path/to/CORRECT/recovery.img might work.