why doesn't this piece of shit come with a C/C++ compiler?
Why doesn't this piece of shit come with a C/C++ compiler?
Why would a piece of shit come with anything worthy?
You're not supposed to code anything, playing GAIMZZZZZZ is the only thing you need.
Op it doesn't even come with the ability to turn off updates. It's trash.
Because most of its users don't care about programming.
Microsoft C/C++ has had a free edition since 2005, but you get it separately because "muh bloat", considering that the normal install is 15GB mostly due to the new policy of including all languages by default.
You can compile C++++, friendo.
Why the fuck should it come with a compiler? It's useless to the majority of its users.
So is cortana
tfw you remember that warm fuzzy feeling when you were excited about installing suse linux for the first time in your life because it came with GCC right of the box
You're not supposed to be coding soyim. You must play GAYMZ and send your data to the cloud(tm)
The majority of GNU/Linux distros (base install) don't come with developer tools, save for whatever their installer needs (IE: python/perl/lua).
AFAIK OSX doesn't include any dev tools either. BSDs may, I've not siphoned through their installer lately, but at this point they are more hobbyist operating systems, than major OS (as much as this pains my heart).
Why doesn't Linux come with a C++ compiler? At least Visual Studio isn't fucktarded about build and project management.
silly goy, you have to use Visual™ Studio™ 2017™ if you want to program anything on Windows™ 10™ without wanting to kill yourself on a daily basis
You do realize how much VS automates project management, build chains, and other things that are manual in the Linux world, right?
All of the major BSDs come with (some old GCC 4.x/5.x) and/or Clang/LLVM 4.0, haven't taken a look at NetBSD, however.
>what is g++
>Definitely not multiple ways you can disable them
>Definitely doesn't say on microsoft how to do it
Ikr , nobody uses the search function
Its a consumer oriented OS.
Visual Studio IS fucktarded about build and project management. Try to compile a project in diferent versions without major changes in the project file.
Not to mention it adds telemetry
I can finally code on my phone
Unless you have massive amounts of manual project setup for each configuration, it's not that hard.
yeah thats why it comes pre installed with candy crush :^)
it's built for end users more than developers and software on the platform comes distributed in binary format 99% of the time
just go download a C compiler how fucking retarded are you?
all linux distributions come with gcc, which supports C and C++ as well as other languages you dumb fuck. Also, makefiles and git will always be better build and project management systems than whatever shit microsoft can throw together.
>automated builds
Travis CI, CircleCI and many other systems
>project management
git, Mercurial, even fucking SVN
>build chains
not needed because the above can be used in conjunction to make a faster, more efficient and generally superior build+deployment infrastructure.
why doesn't this piece of shit come with development tools?
It comes with a C# compiler out of the box...
Under C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET and a few directories deeper, you'll find an executable called csc.exe. Use that, notepad, and powershell, and you've got some rudimentary development tools out of the box. They're very shitty, but it's better than nothing.
Unfortunately, it doesn't come with any tools to compile native code.
Why would you put useless bloat into the system by default, which 99% of users will not use?
dunno, ask microsoft
why doesn't it come with a fucking TABBED FILE EXPLORER LIKE EVER MAC OS OR LINUX DISTRO!!??
if you are going to code they want you to use visual studio. honestly why wouldn't you it's free now you can do a whole lot with it.
Its called windows not tabs user