>the state of apple
The state of apple
>we want the Samsung userbase
>taking it to some unlicensed "raper" guy
That's what you get when you don't go Genius.
>if you puncture a Li battery it explodes
no shit
The state of this 'technology' board
>our dipshit retail monkies are clearly better because they wear blue shirts
You can see that the phone is completely smashed up, the guy was pushing on the broken screen and probably punctured the battery by doing so.
That's what you get when you accept the EULA without reading it.
Thats nothing I once had a ange grinder that cuaght fire and almost burned my arm away.
the guy I got it from was to lazy to fucking clean it once in a while
never saw a video of a galaxy note 7 catching fire, yet the ridiculous amount of media atention over the small percentage of faulty units were enough to ban them.
>breathes in
did he die?
Why do they want to inhale the fumes? First thing you do when something burns go away...
Apple is unironically using the "don't do that it makes mustard gas" method so people don't open their phones.
the iphone in that video caught fire because the screen and chassis were in pieces
meanwhile note 7's exploded in perfect working condition.
And evidently, so were you.
Perhaps apple could use something OTHER THAN LIPO CELLS for once in their god damned lives.
>that numale bugman running for his life
oh my fucking sides.
> perfect working condition.
did you know that Li battery explodes only on NOT perfect working condition?
>Starts leaking poisonous gas
>Goes in for a closer look
iphone was like
Magic iphone smoke :D
Where is this from where people find it fitting to be at an office dressed like a whore or like they are out fishing or something?
>the state of bombPhones
>getting a chink to repair your phone
>getting a chink to make your phone
*breathes in*
>putting on a suit and tie to take your phone to the repair store
Are you reveiwbrah or something?
holy shit, is this real?
iToddlers will defend this.
Calc app is only for adding two numbers at a time. It's working as intended.
i just tried it on my iPhone SE...same thing happens...
*breathes in*
>it's not a bug it's a feature
well it was broken before it started exploding....
Not defending apple, but the reason it burst was because the screen was shattered and the guy pressed on it gently, puncturing the battery underneath. It's actually fucking dumb that there isn't something separating the two or some sort of failsafe for this but hey
>Apple Quality Control.
>the state of apple
d00d, I'm a ricer
> 1+ 23 = 24
>TFW iCalc doesn't even math
>plus very obviously isn't pressed
really made me think
>the state of apple
>his phone doesn't vape
Don't be mad just because you don't know common core math.
anyone who says this misses the point entirely. why isn't the phone able to handle more than a basic 1 + 2 + 3?
human's weren't designed to count to such higher numbers in the first place, why do you think we have only 10 fingers?
Thanks Sup Forumsrandma. I'll call on Thursday if you stop posting.
they exploded by design of samsung.
you're dumb
touches the edge and the button doesn't turn white. fuckin faggots ITT
>broken phones exploding
wow its like they're broken and being handled by retards.
thank dogs it wasnt because samsung designed a phone to pinch corners of a battery in an effort to have the extra 100mAh on the spec sheet
>the state of pajeetdroid
dumb brap posters
>half of the planet carries a bomb in their pockets
> People who haven't finished gradeschool buys a phone
> Doesn't understand what Lithium is
> Doesn't understand how volatile it is
> Thinks phone runs on a tank of liquid electricity inside the phone that they refill with their charger like a gas tank
> Bends, crushes or otherwise deforms the phone
> Gets surprised when the battery emergency vents or catches fire
No. Literally 99% of everyone who had their phone battery fail catastrophically were entirely at fault because they were retarded and treated a volatile fucking lithium battery like a goddamn downs syndrome child.
The remaining 1% were the unlucky few who encountered batteries with manufacturing faults like the Note 7.
Lolno. Lithium batteries are completely safe unless you do retarded shit with them that you shouldn't be doing with any kind of batteries, like puncturing, bending or shorting them.
Most batteries don't ship encased in nothing but a plastic bag.
>Adds 1+23
>Why it not add 1+2+3?
Yesss breath in the fumes.
Thus why you select whatever shipping option involves a box, or add a note to your order asking them to ship it in a box to avoid bending.
And of course, don't use the fucking batteries if they've been bent, crushed or otherwise damaged or deformed. Instead contact the seller and request a refund or replacement because obviously you cannot use a dangerous product.
look at how easily he touches the = button asshat
You really think someone would go on the internet and tell lies?
iToddlers have defended this.
look, retard, at the second time he presses the + button. It doesn't turn white. That's what it says 23 because he hit 2 then 3 without pressing the + button
fuck you
>t. AIDF
They don't.
what kind of crack do you smoke?
>look mommy I posted the debunked webm again!
Lithium polymer batteries react violently with water.
How will iToddlers ever recover?
Apple products are not designed to be used by fat people. In fact, their machine AI rejects being used by lardasses.
Doesn't your mom use an iphone?
rly maed me think...
Holy shit you need to seek help the news was reported everywhere that the calculator wasn't working because it had to wait for the animations until they patched it.
>you might be able to takeout a plane by puncturing the bomb in your pocket
Oh it’s patched?
We can stop talking about it then can’t we?
rly maed me think...
No because it's still funny and will never stop being funny that such a basic feature was an issue.
Why are iphones so fucking shit?
Meanwhile the Poogle Pixel 2 gets shipped with no software on it.
Though I suppose you can’t have any bugs when you have no software :)
>copilot plugs his personal effects into the dash, where the sun is, as well as placing his phone, iPad and perfume bottles on the dash
>wonders why things went bang
Hmmmm lying through omission rasheed
t. only buys the cheapest chinkshit
Cant believe nobody has mentioned this yet
> the fire and sparkles burst out
That’s all android users can afford.
The pixel 2 is trash it has no headphone jack
Funny how Apple removed the headphone jack and now the other Android manufacturers are following suit (HTC, Google, ZTE, Motorola)
It's not funny, it's a terrible travesty. I refuse to buy any phone that doesn't include a headphone jack. Phones need to get full sized USB and slide out keyboards again as well. And possibly be X86.
holy shit you're a shill
why don't you list that statistic that shows that a shitton of niggers get the cheapest iphones they can on 3 year plans because they hafta hav 1
Burden of proof is on you to provide that.
WTF? I love google now.
I was going to install LineageOS anyway.
Where can I get one of those?
lol just go outside in any first-world city and look at the plebs on public transportation etc, a lot of them have iphones
Do you ever get tired of being banned iToddler?
>he takes public transportation
>>copilot plugs his iPhone, iPad
>wonders why things went bang
This is my last post to you. Did you see the + button light up when the guy attempted to press it after hitting 2? No. I don't care for apple but you're obviously a retard