>best DE, zero screen tearing, cleanest looking
>runs like shit on older machines

>be XFCE
>biggest competitor, deal with screen tearing, lightweight as fuck, everything is customizable
>runs flawlessly on older machines

When will XFCE eliminate the screen tearing problem without having to download packages? I love XFCE, but goddamn.

I don't want to use GNOME. My laptop barely runs with GNOME.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck gnome

>When will XFCE eliminate the screen tearing problem without having to download packages? I love XFCE, but goddamn.
I still have screentearing issues even after installing COMPTON. I've loved xfce for years but I cannot conceive why it doesn't work well on my t420. Does LXDE do this as well? I can't remember if it does

>best DE
>have to open a fucking Activities screen to do anything
>everything hidden behind 5 clicks
>ugly black bar that shows a clock
>buggy as fuck
>best DE

Enabling Intel Tear-Free in xorg.conf fixed tearing for me.

You should use a Qt-based environment such as KDE instead!


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LXQt uses less RAM (about 100MB like some user posted) and looks better.

use weston dumass

>>buggy as fuck
uh no? wtf, its the most stable and polished de and yeah i don't use it

Install windows 10

>and yeah i don't use it
And it shows.
Even gedit is ripe with bugs. Basically the only GNOME software that never failed me is SimpleScan.


What about mate?

Last time I checked this screen tearing should be gone in xfwm4 4.13 (a testing release), unfortunately there is a bug though which tanks performance because it does the new vsync and the old rubbish vsync at the same time. It's fixed in the git but it would mean patching it yourself (not as scary as it sounds).

gedit is abandonware

I found a solution, you just need to add experimental to your sources.list, then update xfwm4 to the latest version (which is not experimental at all) and restart the session. It doesn't break a thing.

Then switch to QT, GTK is garbage. KDE best DE.

Obviously, like any GTK based software.


I like how they considered to actually create a paint software one year ago and nothing ever happened.

>4k monitor
>install xubuntu
>no scaling
>can't see anything

wow linux sure is good

Why don't they just ship compton? I never understood it. Compton is lightweight, very configurable and just works.

you should kill yourself instead

try kubuntu instead

When you turn on full composition pipeline and use propriatary drivers

XFCE will never get any new features. No wayland either.

Every single de and wm is shit EXPECT for Dwm.

>Have to open activitives screen to do anything
Install dash to dock extension

k monitor
what size?
>>install xubuntu
dungoof'd only gnome scales


time to switch to i3
so simple nothing can break, plus it actually works with HiDPI

it does?


>not Sway

Let me guess you run a Meme Distro too like:
Arch, Gentoo, Mint

no, i use Debian
>Arch, bloat
>Gentoo, too hard, I'm a brianlet
>Mint, don't get me started it's fucking disgusting


i3 tabbed desu i3 tabbed
or weston

Cool but hipster also the documentation is shit. I personally stick to distros with good documentation like gentoo or debian. Arch is complete fucking shit. They are soo fucking vague and use old standards

>dae gnome is good

shut up you cuck

no. dwm or bust

Hmm, now im curious can we get some screenshots of the desktop?

>best de
>remove basic features like tray icons because fuck you we feel like they are a ""legacy"" feature
Funny enough GTK itself is legacy crap.


Not mine cause i don't like posting but here is another user's


Use i3 or dwm

why this pic
why this name

>hit printscrn while dragging window around


This desu. i3 if you are a newfag that is tired of using bloated DE's such as xfce, kde, gnome.

>screen tearing when attempting compositing bullshit

That's just life man


dwm doesnt look comfy at all, Ill stick with Xfce + Tmux for when I need the terminal. Thanks user.

i3's comfy

>Mint, don't get me started it's fucking disgusting
Found the newfag that's trying too hard to impress random faggots on an anime imageboard

It's literally the best distro.

>run compton
>it just werks

Fffs, maybe i posted a bad screenshot. Not mine either


Ive used it before, I see the point of it on a Laptop or low end machine ,don't see the purpose on a high end pc though. But I guess whatever works for you.

>run windows
>it just werks

XFCE4 does do scaling just fine but you'll have to configure it yourself, settings, appearance and fonts and fill in a custom DPI setting. If you're (ab)using one or more 27" 4k monitors then 158 is the DPI you're looking for.

What is annoying is that you can't scale individual monitors, there's one DPI setting for xorg and that's it. This does make it problematic to use something like a 27" 1080p side by side with a 27" 4k monitor.

>Found the newfag
Install gentoo

Windows doesn't have a usable shell.

>run weston
>it just werks

>Defending outdated Ubuntu the distro
Please stop.

>having to install an extension to fix a piece of shit

>babbys first meme

dwm is comfy

>run windows
>something happened

It's not something to be fixed, niggerman.

>something happened

Is there a reason you use Dwm like what was the reason you switched and what does it do others cant do well?

Other than being lightweight of course.

pajeet gtfo

Name 1 (ONE) distro that is more stable than Linux Mint

Do any Window Mangers actually use Weston?


yes weston

>using weston by itself

OpenSUSE, any *BSD, Debian.
Just to name a few.

I dont think you understand you actually cant defend Mint its just a outdated ubuntu it doesnt do anything other than being new user friendly that you cant find somewhere else.


screen tearing has been solved 10 years ago

it's called putting the "tear free" option into xorg.conf

It's just fucking minimal. That's it. My first de was kde, then i found it was bloat. Then i switched over to xfce, pretty damn comfy but still bloat, I didn't like the concept of icons. Then i found out about i3, i thought it was perfect cause of the usability and easiness, but i still wanted to go barebones and dwm was the choice for me.

its called vsync

Unironically gentoo.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification user. I currently run Xfce and i3 on my laptop cant get myself to run a tilling WM instead of just a complete DE

protip: mod + shift + space on i3

Apparently, tearing will be minimized on their next update. But you can't fix tearing without getting less lightweight. They'll just let you enable vsync and guess what, it's not even gonna be selected by default.

Did you try adding "compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc" on session/startup > application autostart?

It's basically the worst of GNOME and Xfce combined.

Because it isn't really lightweight. It dropped the SOT of my laptop by around 20% (when compared to Xfwm), making it almost as battery leeching as windows 10.

Appearance > fonts > custom DPI
Desktop > icons > size

>no Wayland
Good. We have GNOME and KDE for that. Not that it would be difficult to implement Wayland into Xfce, but there's lots of software that's X dependent so moving to Wayland by default would be a bad choice for Xfce.

OpenSUSE, Xubuntu.

its nice it makes your 8====D bigger

weston 8=====> dwm

Yes I know, still doesnt feel right. Even if you set it to default non tiled feels odd.

>Appearance > fonts > custom DPI
>Desktop > icons > size

>I currently run Xfce and i3
Bro thats a clusterfuck, just use dwm

Xfce on Desktop.
i3 on Laptop
Sorry for the confusion.

yes that's exactly the parameter affected by tear free option

it's been solved ten years ago

first time i've heard xfce has tearing ever since

what the fuck, you niggers never touch xorg's conf

it's not an issue of xfce.

ironically if you run MATE with tear free, Marco compositor crashes or displays glitches or simply kills the entire user session

I have a 23 inch 1080p monitor. By default Xubuntu set a custom DPI of 96. What is the best font/DPI settings for me? Everything in my web browser looks small as fuck and I have to zoom in like 150%.

You need to enable "TearFree" in xorg config.

MATE with compiz was tearless without even having to edit the xorg file
xfce with intel tear-free option kinda removed tearing, but it had some kind of micro stutter when I was scrolling

Tear free in xorg config makes it a little better but still doesn't fix it totally for me. Any other tricks?

yeah this was the case for me too
I had intel HD 4000
I'd see these weird micro stutter&tear when I was scrolling in XFCE & gnome wayland
I didn't get this when I was using Unity or MATE with Compiz

yea that's what i'm saying, MATE doesn't need it, it even fucks up with it

it's weird, on hdmi over 60 hz i don't have this issue.

i recall on vga 90 hz neither


try xfwm4 + compton?

maybe it's nvidia's fault or amd's, intel should be flawless