/spg/ - Smartphone General

For advice provide a list of what you care and don't care about in a device, your budget, and your country.

Good resources:
>Reviews, specs, comparisons

>Frequency checker

>Chinkphone news

>Recommended Chinkphones $80-$300 as of a long time ago (outdated - blame /csg/)
Xiaomi Mi A1 has solid specs and is google AndroidOne certified

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/Satechi-MediaRemote-Bluetooth-Multi-Media-Control/dp/B00824948U/ref=sr_1_cc_1_mimg_1_pc_display_on_website?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1511117613&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=satechi bluetooth remote

best camera + battery under 400€ pls papa

Iphone SE or Xiaomi A1 for my mom?

A1, bitch needs to learn

>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone
$179.99 banggood sale a while back.
Letv x800 4GB ram, 64GB rom.
2k IPS screen, and some hifi-esque audio shit
Solid phone that was amazing at the time for viewing videos, and listening to music, but it had a huge overbearing con. It was cheap as fuck, but botnetted out of the box, and letv denied even manufacturing the phone (even with proof stating otherwise), so they decided not to support any of it. The stock rom was preloaded with malware, and even today the rom scene is pretty sparse.
For me it was a non bank breaking lesson learned, and I now am more choosy when buying things in general. I'd say Letv lost over a few thousand in sales that year from me since I was about to buy one of almost everything they sold ie; TV, speakers, headphones, more phones, and etc. Now I pay more attention to what I'm buying though when it comes to software that accompanies the specs.

Talk me out of the Xperia XZ1.

>I don't mind the low-light camera performance
>while battery life is average, I'm a very light user: no games, no music/video streaming
>smooth as fuck UI
>I love the design

Is there any downside to this phone other than the "it looks dated" argument?

Anyone with a Huawei P10 Plus? Any problems with the non-oleophobic display? How's battery life? Is easy to scratch the back? And the glass of the camera lenses?


Any problems if I get the regular Pixel 2 phone?

Sony Xperia XA1 Plus y/n?

In regards to the screen, no. All the shit is with LG's POLED screen on the XL. The 5" Pixel 2 uses a Samsung display and it works great.

I'm just searching for the most reliable Android to have, something to last at least 3 years without bullshit so now Google is probably how

sad to see the pixel as the only way to ensure updates for at least 3 years.

sad that if I even consider the iphone I face to have a slower and slower device with each software update.

fucking bullshit of a mobile industry.

all that really matters are security updates and if you got a non cucked carrier they will deliver. my AT&T S6 is almost 3 years old and still getting software updates

S6 user here on nougat. Smooth and snappy as fuck with a launcher and animations at 0,5x

Sure. Do you like it more thna any other phone that's in it's price range?
To me personally it just seems pretty meh spec wise for the price without having any interesting "gimmicks", but I'm not the one who's spending cash on it.

I'm loving mine, fantastic camera, good screen great battery life

do you guys use a remote like this for your phone?

I still walk around with my sansa clip for listening to music and the tactile buttons on it are great for navigating my music library by feel. whereas, I have to look at my phone screen to navigate my library on it. I think having a bluetooth remote like this will allow me to use my phone like I do my sansa clip.

do you know any alternatives for me?

only other one i would get is a moto 5g plus

And don't fall for the no bezels meme
Bezels are actually important for holding the phone

The only reason you might not want it is if you want the Compact instead
Otherwise go for it

amazon.co.uk/Satechi-MediaRemote-Bluetooth-Multi-Media-Control/dp/B00824948U/ref=sr_1_cc_1_mimg_1_pc_display_on_website?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1511117613&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=satechi bluetooth remote

What's the best price/performance used phone I can get for Verizon? Was thinking a droid turbo on swappa for $60

Should I buy the op5t or spend alot more for a pixel 2 (non XL)
Op5t = 500 euro
Pixel 2= 800 euro

So it's it worth the big price increase?


no, not at all. go for the 5t

In the Good resources section you should add notebookcheck.net/

Nobody does reviews like them notebookcheck.net/LG-G6-Smartphone-First-Impressions.199364.0.html

How do I know that this is real and not a chinkscam?


>that flimsy plastic microsd/sim card tray on the S8 that you have to wedge a microsd card into as if it isn't made for one

yikes. remind me to never pop that tray out ever again, I feel like the thing was going to snap.

what's a chinkphone that has official lineageos?
I was thinking redmi note 4 was good but apparently it has some problems

Okay guys, I am looking for a new phone.
Currently I have an Umi super. It's alright and I would like to upgrade from that.
I am looking for:
>a phone with snapdragon processor,
>4 GB of ram(I could settle with 3 but whatever),
>headphone jack,
>usb C,
>sd cards support.
That are the most important things.
Less important but nice to have:
>dual camera
>fingerprint sensor
>being bezelles or resemblin an iphone like mi a1/mi 5x (i'm nit a fag, I just like thr looks, don't bully me),
>around 4000mAh battery, could be less
Oh, amd I would like to pay no more than 200usd, or a bit higher. Any recommendations?
I'm considering
> Xiaomeme mi a1/mi 5x since I had a redmi note 2 and i loved it,
> Vernee Mix 2
> redmi note 5

I have meme A1, I can recommend it.

How's the battery?
Did you root it?
Are you using bluetooth a lot?
How fast does it charge?
Can you post the picture of your battery usage?

How's the audio hissing? Noticeable?

The problem is you can get the Galaxy S8 for the same price as the ZX1 and it provides a far more complete experience.

Besides ZX1 has the infamous faulty camera sensor issue. I don't know about you but it seems crazy paying over 500 bucks for something that doesn't work 100%.

I did root it.

I can't really answer most of your questions about battery, since I've been inside all day and I charge my phone from my PC overnight every day.

One time when I had 4.5 hours of screen on time it had a bit more than 50% left in the evening.

I never use bluetooth.

I can't hear anything out of the ordinary when I plug in my SHP 9500s, that being said, I'm an uncultured swine that uses internal audio on PC.

Any OG Pixel owners around here? Getting the Pixel XL for $500 in the immediate aftermath of the Pixel 2 launch has been one of my better tech decisions.

Yeah, I'm not particularly happy with the hardware quality. I've already got cracks in the screen and the rapid charge feature seems to have stopped working, which makes the shit battery life really stand out.

Stock android is nice though, and I enjoy google fi, except for the fact that most of the wifi networks it auto connects me to are banned on Sup Forums.

I know this isn't really phone related, but what are some earphones that work well with the V30's quad dac that are under $60?

I'm looking for a handheld device with a physical keyboard that I can bring on the bus with me to type and read ebooks (occasionally listen to audiobooks or music). I don't think they really make tablets like this. Is a priv my best bet?

Literally any 2-in-1 tablet?

GPD Pocket

I've tried the surface book, and while a fantastic machine, it isn't small enough for my pockets.

I haven't tried this, but it's both out of my price range and a bit too big.

No replies on the other thread, so trying this one.

Having a hard time finding a decent replacement for my LG G4. So far the options I'm considering are, roughly in that order: Moto X4, Moto G5S Plus, LG G6, Xiaomi A1 and Xiaomi Mi6. I'm not a heavy phone user at all, since I work from home I only really use it daily for messaging, social media and similar things, but on weekends when I'm out I usually have some trouble with battery, but it's still mostly messaging, maps and a lot of music. The main features I'm looking for are build quality and speed, the latter also meaning a clean Android if possible. A fingerprint sensor and headphone jack are very welcome additions, and a decent battery for regular use would be nice.
Are there any other phones I should look for? I really wanted to pick up a 5T, but I need something by the end of the month, and since OnePlus phones aren't available in my country I'd need to import one, which means high import fees and long shipping time. Does the G6 still have any problems with bootloops and whatnot? That's the main thing keeping me from staying with LG. I used to love my Moto X2, but haven't touched any Motorola phone since Lenovo acquired it, which makes me wary, and for Xiaomi I have no experience with anything from them.

>infamous faulty camera sensor issue
what? care to elaborate?

be aware that model is the dual SIM international model. I would suggest looking to see if its bands are compatible with your carrier if you are in USA

Get the X4, as long as it is an AndroidOne X4, it will meet your criteria

What's the best carrier anyways? I don't care about data, I'm usually on wifi and most of my activities on the phone barely touch data anyways. Is the google fi botnet the best bang for my buck? American, near a major city.

No, your best bang for the buck would be a GSM MVNO that works off T-Mobile or AT&T, both of them work very well around most metro areas, and you have the flexibility to use more devices than either Sprint or Verizon

Why are front cameras on Samsung so shit? I was seriously considering the s7 edge but it's front camera is terrible. Why are they much better in every aspect in comparison to Apple EXCEPT the front camera??

That's the problem, I think all of my local Moto X4 are on 7.1.1 with no mention of Android One. Not sure how much that matters, but even considering that I'm leaning heavily towards it.

I didn't even know those existed. Thanks.

I would double check to make sure, if not the cleanest Android out of your list is as follows:
>Xiaomi A1
>Moto phones
A used Moto Z Play or HTC 10 would be pretty decent in that range as well

The A1 does have a cleaner Android, but ideally I'd need to import and that would take longer than I'd like, otherwise I could buy it locally which is more expensive, with a relatively similar cost to the X4 which has better specs. Pure Android isn't that big of a priority for me, just something nice to have. I've been dealing with the LG UI on my G4 for a while and it doesn't bother me that much.
I'd also like not to go for used phones. Searching around a bit the Z2 seems to be priced similarly to the G6, so I guess the choice is to go for the X4 or something slightly cheaper with the G5s plus or even the G5s, or instead go up the price bracket a bit and get a Z2 or the LG G6.

Which Z2 are you speaking of?

The Moto Z2 Play.

Oh I wouldn't even bother with that, I thought you meant the Zuk Z2, if you can get the X4 for a good price, then that's what I'd go for

Alright, that's probably what I'm going for. Already found it for the same amount I paid for my old X2 and my LG G4, which is my sweet spot for phones, but I'll keep an eye out this Black Friday and maybe get it for cheaper. Thanks user.

I want to upgrade from an Axon 7, my choices are LG V30, Razer Phone or Sony XZ Premium.

I really want to do it. I really want that blackberry keyone.

No, no you don't
You're pumping yourself up for a letdown

but i want a physical keyboard. Is there a way to force update the priv while keeping the blackberry software?

Nope, but good news! The Keyboard MotoMod on Indiegogo is almost ready!

>I want to upgrade from an Axon 7, my choices are LG V30, Razer Phone or Sony XZ Premium.
I went from an Axon 7 to an XZ Premium. It's not much of an upgrade. The speakers are shit in comparison, the battery life is worse, and the Axon's screen is sharper and more colorful out of the box despite the XZP being advertised as the only 4K/HDR phone. The only advantages the XZP has over the Axon 7 are the camera software and the minimal benefits of the SD835 vs the SD820.

Honestly you're better off with one of the other two or something like the U11+

Ausfag here, I want an OP 5T but it looks like it isn't going to be available here. Should I wait on more news in case that changes or is it hopeless? Just buy a 5 instead? Import a 5T from overseas?

How the fuck is Australia not getting a fucking chinkphone? You're like they're fucking neighbors and shit, you import half their fucking country every year and they can't give you a fucking phone? Fucks sake

Are there any recourses on how to customize lockscreens like you can customize a home screen?

I just checked gsmarena for a comparison of the 5T and the Oppo r11s and they look almost exactly the fucking same. Any major differences other than the memory?

I just bought the XZ1, should arrive tomorrow. It checks all the necessary boxes for me. Plus I actually like the design, it's grown on me after 4 years of using the Z2.

What's the best bang for my buck with €250?

Xiaomeme A1


is the original Moto Z Play still worth it? $300 now at Wal Mart unlocked.

Need a good (free, hopefully open source) weather widget.


any thoughts on the new oneplus?

What do you think about this?
Currently I am on Lineage OS with my Redmi Note 3 PRO Kate, is it worth the reset?

Make your own using kwgt. Either that or you could use kwgt and get a pre-made widget and change it to how you would like it.

Anybody here have the Essential Phone? I want some options on that phone. I was thinking about getting that or waiting until the OnePlus 5T comes out then getting that.

>Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with LineageOS vs Mi A1
I know the hardware differences between these two but what about firmware? Does the stock Mi A1 ROM have all the options and flexibility that I'm used to? I'm running LineageOS on my LG G3.

S8, G6+ or Huameme P10?
Or any equivalent.

best custom ROM for the redmi note 4? I want usability and custom features, security is not very important

Is the slightly more expensive Moto Z2 Play worth it over the Moto X4? Don't care about Moto Mods, but would really like an AMOLED screen.

I like the Huameme Mate10 tbqh

Good deal, ZTE Axon 7 Global version is available for $229.99 / 196€ with the code ZTEAXON7

Band support:
>2G: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
>3G: WCDMA 850/900/1700/1900/2100MHz
>4G: FDD-LTE Band 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/19/20/28AB TDD-LTE Band 38/40/41

been under rock, am need newish phone
>sick custom rom unless it's already sick af
>battery lasts at least a full day
>under $200-$150 usd
>needs a case that actually protecc
whats the reason for the whole no heaphone jack thing idk
>headphone jack(?)
uhhhhhhh what else can i want in a phone

I need a new tablet which one to get?
>Samsung Galaxy Tab E 8.0
>Huawei MediaPad T3 10

Do you have it? How is it, camera wise?

try to get a AMOLED phone if you can, the quality and battery life makes a difference

fuck im still using my redmi note 2 which is going strong except battery life sucks fucking cocks

Help anons
Need a phone that will get years of updates, has latest soft, no bloat,and well built and waterproof

I narrowed it down to xperia xz1 vs iPhone 7plus

7 cause of aluminium back
Xz1 cause.it ships with Oreo and is treble enabled

>OnePlus 5T

This phone seems too good to be true. What's the catch? Every single component except the screen is better than the Iphone X for like third the price.

I'm trying to decide between the Note8 and the S8. While money isn't a big deal, I would like to avoid spending unnecessarily. I love the pen, but I know I could live without it. My bigger concern though is, can s8 run AppPairing as well as the Note? I know you have to launch both apps one at a time, but after that is the performance noticeably different?

>Last night
>Roommates were toking up, I drank to excess, we're all generally fucked up and completely out of it
>One roommate went outside to toke up one last time and forgot to lock the door, worse still he left it fucking open
>Some nignog walked into the house while we were all sleeping / stoned / passed out drunk
>Stole TV, PS4, Ninja blender and roommates' iPhone 6s, iPhone SE, Macbook Air and Galaxy S7, which were all on the kitchen table
>My Blackberry Q5 was left untouched despite being left charging on the same kitchen table all the other phones were stolen from

Based Blackberry. Their logo is the greatest and most effective anti-theft device ever conceived.

Get the iPhone. Going apple is the ultimate tech redpill

Don't fall for the anti apple pajeet droidbots memes

Made by chinks who put rootkits in their devices. Not bad enough for you to drop that garbage ?

Samshit has bloatware

So whats a better phone for the same level of high end function?

Can't I just flash the device and install a custom ROM and get rid of all that shit?

If you want something that will function impeccably well as a phone and general communication device, despite being dependent on a desktop, get the iPhone.

If you want something that sort of functions like a true portable computer, even if the OS is slightly half assed, get the XZ1.

At the end of the day neither has a glaring problem and it really depends on which operating environment you prefer. And no, the lack of a headphone jack does not constitute a glaring problem, because you can get excellent USB/Lightning DACs whereas the vast majority of built-in DACs on Android phones are trash.

Thank you for the good reply.
I'm still undecided . I never used apple products before

I will use it mostly for surfing, work, Google authenticator ,...

I'm leaning towards the xz1 but I do like 5'5 size of the iPhone more

I can't decide...

You can disable it with a package disabler app or remove it with root.

Ok I will go for the XZ1... Thank you
I guess Android is more for me