Joke's on you the fcc only a problem for Americans.
the countries literally ruining itself with its greed and corruption lol. its beautiful to watch. like the fall of rome, but you get to live and witness it happening.
>new hobbies
idk, probably making offshore vpns at blowout prices
>officially dead
Pick one
Oh, good, I was worried that we didn't have enough threads about this subject.
Is Net Neutrality spam the new Trump-as-Emprah or the new Furry? Or is this clever reverse psychology to turn all of Sup Forums against net neutrality?
Some of us don't need Vox Media to tell us what to think.
Its getting more vibrant by the day, that's a good thing. Kill yourself billybob.
>reinstated [a] ... rule that allows ...
There is no rule in deregulation. Only the lack of rule.
>Ajit Pai
top kek as always, bugers
>Ajit Pai
suck it up.
thanks to lack of "neutrality" i can watch on mobile, as much video as i want
Probably at 480p and it will still throttle down if you visit a website outside of the selected few that are allowed.
The FCC loves to claim mobile internet is so great and how it will replace home broadband in rural areas and yet its allowed to have these dumb limitations even if you tether and use an actual computer instead of a phone.
so I've been thinking of moving to some mountains and live on my own, I just don't know what I'd do in all that free time and how I'd feed myself.
Should I just train and meditate and become the next buddha or some martial art god?
you need to regulate it... like the economy.
>and become the next Buddha or some martial art god?
Soon you will learn that there is a heaven above the heavens, and a sky beyond the skies
What do you honestly think will happen without regulation? That the ISPs will be unleashed and we will all prosper with gigabit home and mobile speeds and they will be angelic and not charge people to use websites like tv channels.
I got sick of waiting for the USA to get its shit together.
Bought a house in Japan.
It's already wired with fiber optic.
It's in rural Hokkaido.
Town population ~20K
I can't get fiber optic in metro of ~1.5M in USA
how the fuck did you get residence in japan
This is also how I see it.
I just sit back and watch America destroy itself.
Patrician taste
Japanese waifu
Oh yeah, and the house cost me $35K
No mortgage
Don't believe it?
Believe it.
Here's a house in Otaru that will set you back a whole $15K
Stupid cheap houses
Stupid fast internet
Solar panels everywhere there now too
USA is sooo far behind
>After tomorrow’s vote, incumbent telephone companies will be able to discontinue copper services at will, with no notice or analysis of its impact on its customers.
how the fuck is this a bad thing?
Hokkaido Japan is best Japan
Sapporo Classic, only in Hokkaido
Haskap Lohas, only in Hokkaido
Hokkaido has exclusive everything
They have a fucking robotic chocolate factory at the Chitose Airport
Holy shit it is the most amazing place in Japan
>Japanese waifu
maybe some day.
i just hope nuclear is still a thing in japan when i finally get out of the navy
Time to move to the UK or Canada.
Do yourself a favor
Don't get any tattoos
You can't get into onsen if you have a tattoo
Yakuza not allowed
You can't buy a house in small town either
Yakuza not allowed
Literally 60% of the paperwork was swearing I am not Yakuza
Just don't be degenerate
>Just don't be degenerate
im a pajeet working for the US navy, so there go my chances
>tfw no qt jpn waifu
Aren't yakuza supposed to be ethnically homogeneous?
Why would they assume some blond eyed blue haired gaijin speaking no nip is a yakuza?
just more proof foreigners ruin everything
>mfw going to japan as software engineer is literally suicide.
Should have picked a more japan-friendly career.
No worries if you are not a criminal
There are some people from Nepal in my town
They have a curry shop
Lots of people eating there
Literally the best occupation for moving there? Work remote. My VP gave the thumbs up. Bought house. Visited this year. Moving next year.
>be in 3rd world balkan shithole
>120mbps internet for cheap even by our standards
>clean drinkable tapwater
>city crime levels lower than Germany
>free (as in freedom) internet, ISP doesn't care
>clean pure forest and mountain 30m away from house
>city I live in is the country capital
Americucks, why? Please tell me, why do you still live in your fascist violent prison contry.
Born here, sure as hell don't have the funds to move.
Tell me more about this shithole.
It's your standard "shithole", aka. a country where your job nets you much less money per month than in """"""""developed countries"""""""""
A name, give me a name!
probably south africa
Are mesh networks promising?
Thank you, I'll look into it.
Thanks mate. But do try one of the scandi countries first, and try to go as rurally possible. Even I'm considering joining a self-sustaining village with some people
But user I don't speak Japanese
No, at least not unless you're only looking for local coverage of your town.
>born and raised in blessed Costa Rica
>fast,unlimited data home internet for reasonable price
>free as in freedom country
>free health care
>free education and state actually gives me money so i can focus on only studying
>gringos un-ironically think theyre the best
So basically, kill myself?
I only know a few words myself. I plan to learn more once I'm living there, immersed in it. A lot of the words are English.
Most Japanese know English too. I've had qt3.14 schoolgirls chat me up to practice their English. Everyone seems nice to me.
still waiting for the net neutrality repeal apocalypse
Canada is really shitty you would hate it here don't come here Americans
>What do you honestly think will happen without regulation?
The same thing that happened until the government decided to butt in.
Where the fuck do you idiots learn that regulation is good? Read Thomas Jefferson, Louis Brandeis, Richard Maybury, and John Stossel then tell me regulation is good
Regulation - the road to hell is paved with good intentions
>be third world
>government barely functions
>free market at work
Prove me wrong
>be in communist china
>get away with more shit than in US
>land of the free
croatia's the landmine hellhole, right?
>Most Japanese know English too.
on what planet?
most Japanese know about enough English to tell English-speakers "I don't speak English," and no more
China is a bubble and will collapse unless the gov spreads out and takes hold of Asia and Africa
Yeah I don't think so.
I've been it does suck they're America 2.1
Even though its supposedly safe now nobody in South Korea drinks tap water.
I'd love to see Freecuck faces when nothing bad happens, but I know you faggots will just SAY something bad happened when clearly nothing bad happened. Probably falling back on some tired "failing youth" argument about how things were back in the days when the internet was filled with academics falling on their swords.
I think they do that to hide their power level. They know.
I know it sounds unreal... $15,000 houses with fiber optic, cute girls who approach you to chat, solar panels with integrated AI and smartphone apps, toilets that lift the seat as you approach, vending machines in the middle of nowhere (how do they even power them?), co-ed nude onsens.
It all exists. Magical land of Japan. Can't wait to go back again.
>safe tap water
fucking culture taboos man. i missed out on some cool shit because of that. and hot fuck i could feel the stares old folks gave me when they saw a 1inchx1inch tattoo on my forearm. that was literally all it took for some of them to walk away.
Because it's a third world country, and we are in the mass denial.
>Where the fuck do you idiots learn that regulation is good?
Because common sense dictates that if I can't trust the group of people who make up the government to do what's best for me through regulation because of inherent human flaws, then I equally can not trust the groups of people who make up various corporations as they are still people and subject to the same flaws as those involved in running the government. The logical solution is a balance of how much power the competing forces have rather than placing your faith in one and claiming that the other will only cause damage due to the inherent human flaws of those in charge of that entity.
I'm sorry you live in Arkansas, user. But there are actual First World states like California that you can always live in instead.
Yep. Tattoos are *D*egenerate. So are the pot heads with a misdemeanor. Go home. Not welcome in Japan. They're zero crime thanks to that zero tolerance though. Nice place if you've played your cards right.
hope none of the websites you use go through america
oh wait they all do
>guys, deregulation will lead to more competition!!! :D
Kind of like how President Clinton deregulated the media, so now a handful of Jewish-owned (I'm not anti-semitic, just pointing this out for your own information) media conglomerates own almost all media in the country? :)
Or how President Reagan's FCC removed the Fairness Doctrine, which stated that the media must discuss controversial public issues and do so in a fair way, presenting different points of view? Wow, that was great deregulation! :)
:) :) :) :) :) ASdkjshgksahgkjsahdfkj fUFKC YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS
i hate the idea of having to live your life sucking some hardcore dick "to keep the famiree honor". it's kept japan overly conservative and very myopic in social acceptance overall. hardly a "nice place". that's just you believing your animes a little bit too much.
on Sup Forums
never heard of AWS regions
thinks all web traffic travels to the US and back
Is Japan accepting of fat fucks? Will they give me citizenship if I'm 100% clean but fat?
Nice chart bro
Calling everything else a third world shithole is how you lards validate your existence, at least here on the internet which is what I've seen myself. People from fucking Costa Rica and Brazil lead happier lives than the average american. You can see up there in the thread the user with cheap housing and internet (that's also not getting regulated to the ground).
I also have safe tap water down here, nearly pure air quality, 99% employability, low index of violent crime and good healthcare. You aren't getting a country name from though, figure that one out yourself.
Yeah, it's terrible. I'll never run into pic related in Japan. They really need more liberal attitudes. I guess I'll have to console myself with beautiful nude bathing women.
Oh and to be clearer, that other user has housing in Japan which everyone agrees is a first-world country, but even places like seem to be prone to be called shitholes.
Which countries are you sitting in that havent been destroyed by central bank scams, Sorosian democracy and fast burning socialism schemes?
Legitimately curious.
It's stressful pushing the human race forward, alone. Going to work to make rockets that get us to Mars makes me happy and suicidal all at once. But it sure as shit is better than being a simpleton live that's generally happy.
You need to lose weight to be accepted. Fat people are considered to have poor self control. It's worth it. You will live longer and happier.
Finally a reason to lose weight aside from "muh health".
First, why does it bother you that someone does that to themselves. It affects you in no way.
Secondly, you're full of bullshit if you're the same as . There's absolutely no way rural Japan is going to be accepting of a foreigner that doesn't speak a lick of Japanese.
Japan has 100% domestically produced rockets delivering supplies to ISS :)
well a wife beater does not affect me in no way either. your point?
Wrong word to use. I meant to refer to the countries labeled as safe-to-drink tap water.
Absolute misrepresentation of my point. The tattoos harm no-one.
They hurt my eyes.
Sorry user, the Japanese do not like fat people. Went to a Japanese school here in the states for 12 years. They are very nice and welcoming people, but they are incredibly judgmental.
Thanks for telling me you have no defense for your irrational hatred.
Hokkaido sounds nice.
>tfw not even the same user
those tattoos are hideous.
Net neutrality is a meme.
facebook and google support it so it must be bad.
>being this dumb
Sure, I agree. But that should have no bearing on your perception of the person nor should you limit what they can or cannot do. They've got shit taste in fashion. Who cares?
that is where you are wrong
besides, the guy in the pic is using piercings. if that is not hurting him, i might try stabbing my heart sometime.
who knows.
Why surround myself with people that I despise even looking at?
Shit troll and your link has no relation to the topic. Try harder.
Can I be a sumo wrestler or is that an Asian person exclusive thing.
learn japanese and teach english
or learn japanese and become a codemonkey
I have a Japanese waifu but she doesn't want to live in Japan because too little vacation and many work hours. I need to find some real good job to get her to move to Japan, I would love to. Best way to learn language is just living there being forced to be in contact with it every day, and Japan is just nice in general. No idea how's the pricing of houses in Nagasaki/Fukuoka cause that's probably where we'd settle down.