
Guess I'll have to deal with the nag screens and save twice every time now.

>software that was developed with free libraries on an operating system that doesnt charge a developer fee has a price, and license keys, and active anti-sharing code in it
what sort of homosexual takes other peoples work for free, arranges it and then charges people out the ass for it

There are hacks, but I think I'll just switch to VSCode. Microsoft is somehow the less jewish one here.


>using software that can be remotely deactivated

what a cuck

When one stops working it's usually not long before another pops up

Can't you just use windows firewall to prevent it from connecting to the internet? Why would a text editor need internet access anyway?


Its not fucking hard to RE sublime and patch the binary so it doesn't ask anymore you filthy casual.

just rebind ctrl-s to save_all action and it won't nag you, only the default keybind can proc the dialog

Go for VSCode, it's the best editor out of the woman/faggot-friendly ones.
If you're ready to grow some balls, install Neovim, go through vimtutor, then grab the Practical Vim book, install the vim-plug package manager and start hacking, installing plug-ins as you need them.

>trash js bloat
no thanks

send the email saying you own the key since it was bought with your taxpayer money

Just use VS Code, lmao

So you're a developer, but you can't afford to buy a text editor? AND you lack the skills to crack an application? Sad.

>muh vim

uh I'm not in a terminal 24/7 for a reason, thanks.

What about notepad++?

>what is gvim


>what is emacs with evil-mode

Well, he has an aversion to being in a terminal, so...

That also works.

I bet Stallman creamed in his pants a little when he thought of that one

yes I do and I think gvim is pointless, but hey that's just me I guess

as someone who's used vi/emacs since the 90s I prefer vscode for everything other than editing files over ssh

If you're too stupid to find a key for it, you probably shouldn't be using it in the first place. Took me two minutes.

The keys are only deactivated if you update, pretty sure they're hardcoded. Don't update and you're good.

Emacs. It's graphical by default.

Vim is impractical and inefficient for normal text editing and authoring anyways. If you need it, turn on evil mode. Then turn it off because it's intrusive autism for 99.9% of what you do unless your hobby is creatively re-aligning the entries in your i3 config.

Chads use brackets, everything is shit stacy tier.

fight me cia niggers shit bot fuckers

I use the shitty community edition of VS for school, and it annoyed me last week when I had to verify my email address if I wanted to keep using it. I ended up having to work on everything in notepad all day until I could get to my login info at home.


Sublime works for me on Build 3154


>Still using text editors in the current year
>Not using bash to just echo into text files

Honestly just kill yourself.

Just google "sublime text build whatever license" like you did the first time around, why is this a thread...