Windows 7

>Windows 7

The fuck? Is Valve cheating in their own statistics?

Now refer to the chart showing languages used on those operating systems and see if you can arrive at a conclusion.

>Simplified Chinese

What the fuck man? I thought Steam was banned in Japan.

doesn't this only account for people who are actively playing? like it doesn't mean people changed OS, just that less people who use that OS are playing because of some problem.

It's not people moving away from other operating systems, but a huge influx of Chinese users who tend to use 7, increasing the overall percentage of 7 users.

this is literally just because of pubg
millions of chinks play it and most of them still use win 7

Yep, pubg attracted the chinks in a massive swarm

From the stats we know that Chinks are primarily Windows 7 users with low end Intel quad cores, midrange Nvidia GPUs, and on 1920x1080.

I thought Sup Forums was still calling Win10 a literal botnet, with the massive amounts of telemetry?
>tfw I'm apparently a chink

Are the Chinese even allowed to use Windows 10, what with all the spying by Microsoft

Nope, Korea would never ban Steam since games are a big thing there.

One implies the other, not the other way around.
God Damn you're retarded.

What are you going on about? The greentext? It's called a joke you fucking autist.

chinks use windows 7 because the hacks they pay for only work on windos 7

chinks use windows 7 because they are not retarded sheeple that fall for microsoft's spyware "os"

this right here.

>chinks aren't sheeple
LUL, chinks love apple and any expensive brand shit

>chinks love apple
Well of course, the Mac OS is objectively better than Windows, and nobody really cares about the hardware it runs on as long as it "just werks"
>and any expensive brand shit
They can afford it

Thats the definition of a sheeple.

This, chinks are the biggest brand whoring sheep on the entire planet. It's so wonder they eat up apple shit.

>he doesn't know they updated 7 to include the telemetry
>he also thinks it's okay that Steam does this but not when Microsoft does it

>>he also thinks it's okay that Steam does this but not when Microsoft does it

>Steam is a program
>Windows is the entire operating system that every program runs on
>it's totally the same thing guys
really makes you think

This is fucked up. When devs look at hardware results they're more likely to design games around bindows 7 and shitty API's like defectx11.

As opposed to what? The exact same things but different version numbers?

Good, fuck Windows 10.

Win10 with FCU is superior to all previous versions of windows.

A lot of games are still made in dx9. As long as w7 has at least 10% marketshare dx11 will be used.

except it steals your data and feeds you ads in return

ill go with the old version, thanks


desu im surprised my own country (britain) allows this shit, microshaft must have cut a deal with them

im also surprised the company i work for allows this shit, all their company secrets are being shared with fuck-knows-who

based chinks

It's alright user, the future is Vulkan.

you can easily refuse/delete those updates for 7, unlike 10 which has it built in

>surprised Britain, the CCTV capital of the world is OK with spying

Vulkan supports 7.

Their statistics gathering is pretty shit. It detects changes pretty much randomly. I have almost never seen it on GNU/Linux but if I so much as plug in a mic on Windows that shit pops right up.

This. I have seen the steam survey a grand total of twice since it was released on Linux 5 years ago yet seem to get it all the time on windows.

Windows 7 is placebo tier, it's still spying on you. The only operating systems that make sense for desktop are Windows XP POS, Windows 10 if you want DX10-12 and Vulkan, and Linux.

browsers arent updated for xp anymore.

Opera doesn't have this problem. :^)

Because it's not updated at all?

Sup Forums is a reddit colony now.

I love how im not a chink yet my desktop setup matches that.

This. I heard from my Vietnamese wife's son that Pokemon is a big thing or something

Uhm, no.

something china something
recenrtly there has been an influx or chinese with old PCs adfing a lot more of Ntvidia 660, old shitty Intel and old Windows to the chart

devs must have some better sources than this

so does every other windows too.
if you using windows your computerhas AIDS anyway, might as well use a newer version of it

>delete those updates for 7
enjoy your wannacry and miner trjans.
The real spyware never asked the user's permission, the only visible updates you're aware of are the useful features and security patches, all malware is hidden

And you think you can uninstall the software one?

they are insects

>>Steam is a program
a program can still access all your shit tho you could forbid it outgoing access but then how will you play pokeamum

>A lot of games are still made in dx9.
great! wine can run that natively

u can do that for every windoze it's all in system32