Rate my audiophile system
Rate my audiophile system
>cables touching the floor
>non audiophile grade plants
Might aswell listen to 96k mono mp3s with $3 earbuds m8.
legit trash in that untreated room
I heard you like floorboards, so I made your floorboards out of floorboards
Are you a klansmen?
>floor not surface RF insulated
enjoy your interference from stepping
>no custom electrical pole
nice 50/60Hz buzz faggot
>anemically shielded audio cables
You're baiting right?
fucking kek. and this comes from a person who has a fucking pioneer stereo system secondhand from salvation army for 15 bucks.
>Not using cable stabilisers
Just throw it all away
I don't see any interference absorbing crystals.
My audio system enhancing stone.
>wires not on vibrationally isolated pads
>Room with glass panes cause reverberations
>Using wall power instead of using a more stable form of energy generation
>House filled with decorations that could distort proper listening
It's like you hate your ears 0/10
Rate my audiophile system
> not having foil over the windows to screen out EM interference
Where did they meme of audiophiles being crazy superstitious weirdos come from? because it's hilarious.
They did it to themselves.
There's good sound, then there's taking it to comical extremes.
OP here.
You salty fags have reminded me why /hpg/ is just an extention of Sup Forums, but with even bigger kissless virgin neckbeards.
OP here.
I like to poop.
Until I see those boxes open up and free of solid state electronics I'm assuming your crushing the fragile harmonics in the harsh crystal lettuce of silicon transistors.
I also don't see any 8-track tape. This breaks my heart.
how is the response of that thing? looks slow.
4/5 but also nice dubs
we wuz oddyo filez n sheeit
just wait till they divorce and ((she)) sells all that shit on ebay for a couple of buckets of the colonels very best
bix nood
WM/BW couples are actually less likely to divorce than other couples
I find peoples buying 144hz monitor more autistics
cos any mw that marries a bw is a natural cuck
>rate the picture i found on the internet
I'm buying one soon...
Is that a wall socket?
How can you bare to listen to anything coming out of those speakers if you are not running the equipment of smooth ripple-free batterypower?
And that room is going to have a really strange reflection pattern, how can you even ensure the stereo image will be the same, when you have 2 different statues in each side.
wtf... I don't even know anymore.
That's because you're retarded son
>all connected to one standard outlet
not even trying.
>ruined his life
>oh well, at least he can enjoy high fidelity audio
what kind of dad rock do you think that cuck plays
The non-symetry really fucks with the acoustics.
>ruined his life
Notice the little roody-poo he's sexually molesting in the picture.
He will go to jail for that.
>glass windows
africa by toto.
stick to computer fami
his descendants will forever be niggers.
That's pretty cool but are the cables isolated from virus noise?
No, I want to audio too
but computer more interesting video
But I maed computer video four day ago
>i hate people who dont like what i like
He is richer than all of us
So he should adopt a white kid.
what pokemon is that
>I find people spending an extra $50-$200 for a superior visual experience more autistic than people spending an extra $800-$10000 for placebo.
Thanks for warning us about the state of your mental facilities, user.
Dude I wish I had that I wish I could come and chill out there for a while while listening to some good old music invite me pls! :D
>yfw you notice that the half-niglet pushed in the dome on that woofer
I have to do it with this oldtimer ;p
>he doesn't have his own studio with audio insulation and everything
This is the only correct option.
You can't get a black woman to marry you unless you get her an appropriately sized engagement subwoofer.
I never knew electric didgeridoos existed.
He could, you know, just love his family the way they are?
That's just a normal stone with iridescent spray covering it.
>sound-enhancing crystals nowhere to be found