>5 paragraph essay due tomorrow
>can't stop shitposting on Sup Forums
5 paragraph essay due tomorrow
five WHOLE paragraphs wow high school sure is tough
>5 paragraphs
>Shitposting on Sup Forums
Dont worry brah Sup Forums will shitpost you a five paragraph essay in no time starting now.
tomorrow is sunday
I live in America bro
Rip brah
We'll help you out OP. What is the essay about?
>Didn't finish my work on Friday
>I'll just work for a couple hours over the weekend
>9pm Sunday, haven't even gotten my laptop out of the car
Exam in 8 hours
Can't stop shitposting on Sup Forums
>whole 300 word essay on dinosaurs due tomorrow
>Spent all weekend on Sup Forums
I think I'm just going to kill myself why is school so hard??
you mean a 3 paragraph essay, since the first and last ones are summaries of the middle 3
>Quicksort implementation in C# due tomorrow
>LibreOffice crashed and corrupted my code
Jesus christ wait until you get to college (or if you are in college, wait until it gets harder). Five paragraphs? That's an hour of work, homie. You need to step it up.
>100 word essay due tommorow
it's over bros
>dropped out of high school to pursue freelance webdev cuz I started to make some money at 17
>working 8 hours a day and 8 hours can do what I want
>earn enough to take a trip once a month and to sustain myself
the real lesson is capitalism, kids
newfag here, am i missing something?
why would you code in libreoffice and not an application built for writing code?
5 paragraphs is fucking nothing. What is this?
>he doesn't know
help guys i have a 2 sentence response due tomorrow what do i do....
>captcha: bois xerxes
OP here. I finished the Essay but it's pretty shitty, but that probably wont matter because ever other thing I've handed in has been shitty and I've mostly gotten A-s
I've survived 3000 words essay that was due in 6 hours.
ass is a good thing to get my friend