Salary Thread

Let's share our salaries!

The idea is to help get a realistic idea of what others are making in whatever tech field they're in. Then you can compare to your own and see if you're doing well, getting underpaid, and whatnot. And/or get an idea of what kind of salary you should be making, or could be making.

> Only share your salary IF you are in a computer-related tech field (programming, web-dev, app-dev, web-design, dev-ops, etc.)
> Don't lie or exaggerate!
> State your title/position and years of professional experience (ie. employed xp)
> State your location/city or region.
> What tech stack you use at your company
> Ask and answer questions, but don't de-rail the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Central Florida

chef at wendy's

70k after 1 year in MD doing programming shit.

Javascript Artisan

We just had this thread.

But anyways, $340k next year if I include sign on bonus


>Looking for entry-level developer jobs
>Come across decent company, look into more detail about the position
>Salary: Competitive

competitive for India goy! now get in line!

C# intern

>SE Wisconsin
>Employed last summer right out of high school
>Full microsoft stack (TFS, Skype, VS, MSSQL, etc)
all in all bretty good

i do things on barter.

Google SETI
Studied Math.

Stuff you expect to go along with C#
South Florida

How the fuck are you guys making almost half a million? Are you senior devs or technical directors in silicon valley or something? I thought even javascript stuff would cap out at like 150k at most.

41k, front end developer, oregon
Our software is a little old, so our front end is like entirely jQuery.
Am I getting fucked?

work for botnet

write the new sections in the new hot framework to learn them. your salary is way too low though. i'd expect 100k for oregon

- Product Marketing (large tech company of 20,000+ employees)
- 3 years experience
- Silicon Valley
- We use our own software and cloud services. I have no idea what the physical infrastructure is.
- $125k including RSUs and 401k matching (goes up if stock does well, both for RSUs and ESPP)

They're lying. Devs make nowhere even close to that much. Even most PM or Eng directors don't make that much.

Wordpad, typing stuff into IE.

Read this and start studying


it's about on par with what I expected. i'm 5'7" and if I was 6'2", I'd be making 60k+

That kind of shit is entirely extreme outliers and/or just flat out lies. I've seen internal compensation structures at several large tech companies, and almost none of those are in line with them.

>Full Stack Developer, 3.5~4 years
>Couchbase, oracle db, java/spring, node, angular, html5/sass

35k€ first job out of school, mostly java

Hacker news users are probably among the more in demand tech workers tho.

Google just gave me like 500k stock grant user...

No they didn't.

Yes, which makes them statistical outliers. Unless you invented something fairly valuable or went to a very high caliber school, it's unlikely you'd be in the pay ranges those people are claiming.

You don't have to believe me, it's your loss. In hindsight I should have asked for more...

North florida
Software dev
Java and various shit front end frameworks

I want to hit that six figure mark just for bragging rights but my job is comfy

$110k base
$16k bonus
$10k in RSUs
$3k guaranteed ESPP profits

This year my rsus and espp shares went though the roof so that's another $10k

Senior systems engineer, mainly an infrastructure developer, some devops meme stuff. Work remote for Bay Area tech company, but I live somewhere with a pretty low cost of living.

Yeah, i should probably at LEAST be making about 60k.
Oh well, I've only been there a year, so I think I'll probably stay at least one more and learn React or Vue in the meantime. Then find something with a better salary.
Also I have a feeling that jQuery won't be widely used at all anymore in the next 2-3 years, so unless my company changes their current stack I'd be hurting my career by staying too long. Idk

I'm losing literally nothing, and you're gaining literally nothing. I don't believe you for a second based on the internal policies I've seen from Google and I doubt many other people here believe you either. Really makes no difference.

>3000$ monthly
>Oracle dba Jr.
>Costa Rica

All my angular apps no longer uses jquery. React is the hot new shit right now but I hate it.

Non Tech Job. Work for state gov. Make almost $27K (before taxes and other shit). Cost of living where I am ain't bad so I save a good chunk of my check. Plus I got a 401k package + Pension check/paid medical retirement plan setup. Can retire at age 50 with full payout. (mid 30's now). Job itself is pretty easy, just go in on time, do shit that has to be done and leave at end of day. Only thing you gotta really do is not cheat on your working time and not be late. You can't be fired unless you really fuck up (cheat on time worked) or the gov goes bankrupt. You get paid vacation/sick days, 12 a year, 1 per each month worked. That time goes up as your years of service go up, so 8 hr day = 8 hrs sick/vac, 10 yrs service that time jumps to 8.5hrs per month, 20 yrs = 2days vac/sick time per month. any time you don't use just keeps rolling on. At retirement date they pay you for time you got on the books.

jQuery is used everywhere, it's just that it isn't meant to be a "one means" type shortcut language. The newer component based frameworks are built around JavaScript in general. If you have a good understanding of JavaScript you will be fine, React's virtual DOM is a bit odd at first though if you';ve never seen it, but it builds off of modern concepts for front-end.

kill me pls

Temporary Assistance Rent Assistance: $980
T.A. Personal Needs: $160
T.A. Phone assistance: $30
Scam profits(averaged over 5 years): $850
Total: 2020 a month
includes no co-pay health care
I've made it to 27 with out a job or parents(from the age of 15). If I can die a NEET I'll die happy.
Just woke up, gonna get back to lubing my keyboards while pacman -Syu's.