>not designing your own hardware
Other urls found in this thread:
>not designing your own ICs
>not designing your own semiconductor wafer etching system
>not sculpting your own cpu out of sand
>not hypothesizing your own formal model of computation
I like your cat
OP got botnetted.
Nice shill, Aleksander. Also, wtf is a „Technical Marketing Engineer“?
>being a literal shill trying to make your products look cool on Sup Forums
i'll be sure to use cadence from now on. also wear a fucking tie next time
last time i checked there is no such thing as "marketing engineering", so he's a fraud
OP here. I just took screenshot from the product demo video on Altium's web site because I'm not installing that shit just to get a screenshot to start a thread on 4chin.
sure thing alex
looks comfy desu
Kill yourself shill
>not synthesizing your own sand
Tbh, I don't think designing circuits is that difficult. Most IC manuals have reference designs. You'd be surprised how far you can get with just knowing how to program in C and learning some EE basics (e.g. with the help of Arduino).
Unless you have a local foundry that can make your designs, what's the fucking point you imbecile?
what a fucking pleb
>he thinks foundries make PCBs
PCB design != hardware design, they are the webdev of hardware developers
do they actually make computer hardware in a foundry?
>not designing your own plane of existence with its own laws of physics
>not going on Grindr to hunt down a hung daddy instead of shitposting on Sup Forums
could I get an actual recommendation for superior PCB software?
I'm using eagle
>Not using the superior LibrePCB
This is why you can't get a girlfriend, user
Eagle userbase is slowly moving to KiCad after Autodesk decided to Jew.
>Taiwan Semiconductor, is the world's largest dedicated independent (pure-play) semiconductor foundry...
Yes, the chips are made in a foundry like I said.
So like I said, unless you have access to some cool foundry that would make your designs your "make hardware from scratch" stuff is just lame shit.
>he doesn't know the difference between a semiconductor chip and a fucking printed circuit board
> I just took screenshot from the product demo video on Altium's web site
Shitposters like you should be gunned down.
The OP said "hardware" no "PCB" you fucking retard.
Holy fucking shit! How many vias are you using? That thing looks like someone shot a pcb with birdshot.
8 layers nigga. It even worked on first attempt, even though the sd card was accidentally reversed
Here's one with components. Photography is not my forte.
What was it supposed to do?
It's a special purpose convolution accelerator. I mostly made the logic on the FPGA, pic related is the core memory conveyor. The thing was fucking fast.
It was for a course counting twice that of a normal course (and 4 times the workload)
Most of us went on to get nice industry jobs, while me and another guy got nice PhD positions. The course is the fucking greatest course of all time, which is funny seeing as we're from the norwegian university of science and technology, not exactly a well known uni..
>Not creating a fundamental fabric of space and time then creating then injecting God matter then waiting until the creatures of this universe create super computers then ripping off their designs.
> not being an Omnilock who knows how to code a random omnipotence generator
>Not being a distro-hopping NEET cretin on Sup Forums with zero applicable programming skills
>Not BEING all things at every point at all times.
kicad is objectively the best pcb design software, and it is open source and it is definitely a big step up from eagle
Kicad should be your go-to pcb designer program if you're unsure which program to use. The commercial programs are "better" in the sense that they have features useful if you pcb design for a living, but for sheer usability and it being opensource I'd choose kicad any day.
So Altium/kiCAD or Eagle.
I only know eagle and think it's fine, but never tried the others... and big advantages to Altium/KiCAD?
I'd just give kicad a go, it's libre after all, so can't hurt.
Yes, that's a common picture of a single transistor being forged.
Wish I knew how to
pcb1 is the comfiest
>hurr durr, he's somewhat smart and i'm not
good post
>designing your own hardware
I mean, why?
webdev spotted
can you design occult sigils to gain more cpu power?
>designing circuits
>reference designs
>EE basics
fucking plebs are getting asspained now
how do I learn FPGA programming?
Dunno, probably Google or something.
any tutorials?
what about this pcb design?
Why is anything written in delphi still
Start with chisel is my advice, that's what I used and it's a lot better than the ultra-shitfest that is VHDL
>look Sup Forums I'm so smart!!!
Faggot, kys
how much extra was the drilling?
back to the arch ricer thread with you, cretin
it wasn't a mooc by any chance, was it?
How the fugg did you even solder that Spartan BGA? Looks like a CSG324.
>I mean, why?
for money
Is that... NON-FREE software???
how do you use it, where do you plug it etc?
>not designing your own video tutorial to learn hardware design.
No, and we worked in teams making a functioning computer with FPGA for the processor, an ARM cortex m3 IO processor, soldered up everything ourselves and designed the PCB. It was an insane amount of work, but it was incredibly fun and rewarding! It's how I got in touch with my PhD advisor and he hooked me up with a super cool PhD.
It's a spartan 6, fairly sure it's the CSG324 but I'm not 100% sure. Soldering was hell
Video data goes in via HDMI, get's convoluted and goes out via the other HDMI. The convolution accelerater has it's own instruction set and can be reprogrammed via the IO processor, which can either reprogram the convolution processor, or even flash with a new bitfile.
(And for the record, we did not plan on doing data in via HDMI, but turns out it worked really well! We actually had to implement the HDMI module ourselves for some technical reasons that I don't fully remember (I didn't implement HDMI))
stopped reading right there
You will never be a PCB artisan
You mean sandwich artist.
You will never eat an 8 layer PCB sandwich
>why dont you design something or other
>posts mpv video screenshot
Come on OP, post some of your personal projects, something that (YOU) have designed.
You could have saved space and money by designing smaller pcb without a huge ass area to include names of your local cicrle of jerks
The cost would have been the same, you don't pay for material you pay for machine time. (Roughly speaking)
so convoluted or permuted?
btw, for what fucking purpose?
Convoluted. For stuff like edge-detection, sharpening etc. This was for a course, not a commercial product, but the idea can be applied for stuff like neural nets (especially quantized neural networks on FPGAs)
It's not useful in its current form, but as part of an image processing pipeline it could be pretty useful.
Brainlet here
What the fuck are you doing?
current year
Each pixel in the output image is a function of its neighbourhood. Useful for sharpening, edge detect, and with repeat application can be used to solve heat equations etc
>Not even using paint
>Not foregoing the design stage altogether
So whats the best PCB layout software? EAGLE is shit.
How do I get a copy of Altium? I don't mind paying but if they're still asking for like $5,000 a year I'll just keep using Eagle.
our chink friends at bbs.eetop.cn :^)
use google translate
Did you autoroute this? Those RAM/FPGA traces are disgusting. Just remap some pins yo.
>Needing a plane of existence
Keep your botnet