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On which device?



shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine shine SHINE SHINE SHINE ShINE sHiNe s h i n e S H I N E

>tfw the ultimate shit poster posts in your shit posting thread

I'm honored.

>implying *nix users would install windows
>implying windows users can install windows

all win 10 installations are forced updates or preinstalled, you know this is true

I've installed it after using xubuntu daily. But it was for my sister, and I don't use that pc anymore :3


is she hot?

I'm tempted to try again.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

install gentoo

>need new features of VS
>W10 only
>install W10 (some pro edition i got from uni) after years of W7
>installation is trash compared to older ones
>spend time un-botnetting
>mfw its overall upgrade compared to W7 after getting used to it
many things feel better, i recommend giving it a try on some spare HDD just to see how it works. some issues i had in W7 are gone too (vsync problems on one screen). from features i think that are pretty good - generic audio drivers allow for better headphone/speaker changing/controlling (much better than base realtek), menus are better after unbloating them, gui overall looks better, system is faster (booting too, even after disabling the feature that puts your hdds to sleep rather than turning them off).
interface has some really shitty design choices sometimes and in few places you can feel like it was designed by different teams without coordination.
currently running Manjaro + W10 dual boot, its alright. sometimes trying for yourself can be much better than believing every Sup Forums meme.

>need new features of VS

typing this much after establishing your opinion is worthless samalamam

>windows 10 is better than windows 7

bost tits and vegen

You heard the man.

I'm going to admit that at least some things have been somewhat improved.

For instance, scaling was a bitch. Blurry shit all the time for some applications, unlike on 8.1. Now there's an option to select which kind of scaling you want for certain applications.

Disk Cleanup is way, way faster. Fuck. It takes me at least 3 hours to clean maybe 1GB worth of leftover files from updates on previous versions.

And updates are also faster. You lose the ability to choose which to install which is the most important thing, but hey, at least the fuckers let you check how long does it actually take, and it doesn't take that long at all.

Other than that... people are going to hate me for this but I just use the mail application on W10. It's a decent client for what I want to do which is 3 things: Read emails, get notifications at any point in time and be able to mark as read or delete from said notifications. I don't need the 750 features the average recommended client has, just want something simple.

I need to reinstall windows is 10 bearable with all the nagging shit turned off?
I meant to follow this
Already tried it on a laptop and it seemed okay, just don't have time to test it thoroughly

No and with frequent updates it's a pain in the ass. I'll never say embrace the botnet, but fuck me I'd rather just go with 8.1 than do all this nonsense.

8.1 just completely fucks up after a few months for no reason, I've already tried it atleast 4 times

Weird, 8.1 is the only system I managed to have for several months without something stupid happening. W7 is more prone to get shittier.

both win7 and 8.1 do it for me, but 8.1 often gets me weird stuttering issues that I can't seen to fix, It's absolutely annoying. Also seems to bug out often as I leave my PC on the whole time

Remove the botnet.

Why would I when I have Windows 7?

I tried. Not even two spins in the thot-b-gone cleaned it.

>Other than that... people are going to hate me for this but I just use the mail application on W10. It's a decent client for what I want to do which is 3 things: Read emails, get notifications at any point in time and be able to mark as read or delete from said notifications. I don't need the 750 features the average recommended client has, just want something simple.
same. it just works. i had mozilla firebird before but it was way too heavy, many options and shit i dont use. i only dislike how sometimes icon gets bugged.