Ctrl f no *fetch thread

ctrl f no *fetch thread

What is even the purpose of that screen shot?

to show off my screenfetch duuuuh
lol r u dumb

>chromatic aberration
>meme anime
>meme theme
>retarded minimalism
fuck off forever OP you fucking faggot


You keep using that word but I don't think you know what it means. . .

don't bully people
please don't be dumb in the *fetch thread

what word????????? dumb? p sure my usage was correct

woah nice screenfetch

wow thanks you 2

Pls post wallpaper.

what will u give m,e for it?

>timestamp filename
that is not your kumiko, you are an impostor

woah r u a detective

where's the *fetch?

u blind?

post wallpaper user







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