Chinkpads BTFO

Why use a chinkpad that looks like you stole it from an office in the 90's when you can run coreboot on a thin sleek Chromebook and not look autistic?

Because I want a computer with a real-world clock-rate above 400MHz.

Lying about specs because you fell for the meme

Because that's the only way to get (you)'s

no thanks

How much disk space does that have?

>looks like you stole it from an office in the 90's
>he doesn't like that 90s boxy A E S T H E T H I C C
>uses the word "autistic" as an insult because he's a brainlet that happily gives up his freedom for convenience
Go spelunking without any equipment, Google shill.

16/32GB on that specific model

How does one run coreboot and not look autistic? Teach me master.

>Gives up freedoms
>Google shill
What is coreboot

I'd totally would if installing a real operating system wasn't such a bitch on these things.

tfw people love thinkpads so much, actual chinks make darknet replacement parts for them with modern components

yeah, it's just a meme...............

Don't let people see it boot for a second?

You can't do much with that. Even high end phones have 64 GB of onboard memory.

Runs Linux or Windows fine?

Case by case, I personally work mostly off a portable drive including from my desktop so its a non issue to me

Why the fuck it would run windows?! Who needs windows besides pajeets of 10 year olds who play games.

Runs Linux just fine.

>real OS
kek not really

What specs does it have?
What's the battery life?
Can you run linux on it?

If it takes too long to compile a big project then it's useless to me so I will continue using my 2011 macbook pro.

Most Chromebooks can run coreboot now so specs vary though the Acer CB3 in the pic only has a Celeron paired with 4GB of RAM so I would look at a higher end model
Most will have a 5-10 hour battery life I get 8 hours of solid use
It runs Linux perfectly

Gonna stay with my slab of aluminum then.
Battery life is nice tho but that's easy to get with sucha shitty processor.

I would never ever use a laptop with that chrome logo on it

To be fair there's nothing wrong with the aluminum aesthetic

Exactly why you cover it

How about security?
I'm not sure what google did to hardware or software. Not mention Chrome OS.

Don't buy a Chromebook Pixel then hardware isn't an issue
ChromeOS/Software is gone with Coreboot/Linux

Thanks user

I use a Lenovo N22 that I installed Linux on by replacing the firmware with seabios. Literally the comfiest of both worlds.

Good choice user

>not look autistic
good luck with that

Cover chrome logo so it looks like a normal thin laptop
Big bulk of outdated design

Are there any chromebooks with yoga like capabilities? IE tablet mode + touchscreen? Please inform

Probably look it up for yourself
But yoga hybrids arent aesthetically outdated like the thunkpad models shilled here

flip C101

I'd rather pick ARM
Only me_cleaned i5s are acceptable for a laptop

>Only me_cleaned i5s are acceptable for a laptop
what about i7s?

i suppose you could route your downloads ssh like to a data cluster? tell me Sup Forums how would you do that? pi with hdd?
