>tfw good browsers don't exist anymore
Tfw good browsers don't exist anymore
wrong, use Lynx
Pale moon exists, fa.m
Use Lynx you autist
Vivaldi and Waterfox are good browsers for me.
>blocks addons due to ideological concerns
Google Chrome and Firefox Quantum are perfectly good web browsers, even Opera and Chromium.
Just end yourself.
please stop posting that pic
its so sad ~
this was true until FF57.
Now you can actually have a browser that wasn't designed for tablets while spending less than a minute waiting for it to load.
It's the future!
code quality > abusing tty for pic rendering
I just want to access remote file on domain with 9P protocol. But no, instead the technology dictates colossal software taking over OS's features to run remote software with undesired capabilities in inefficient and restricted fashion.
>what is nightly
If you want a browser that meets your expectations, make it. Can't make it? Then quit complaining. Learn to appreciate what you have and stop being an entitled brat.
Just use Firefox Quantum or Icecat (ESR release schedule) if you really need muh legacy addons
upspin might become something like this.
Just a namespace for online files and directories.
Simple, encrypted, and secure.
I am using it, and it works reasonably well.
A good thing about it is access management.
Just write the identifier of the people you want to give access in a file in the directory.
This way you can share some folders just with friends while others can be available to anyone.
Yeah, pretty much. We need to start our own web desu senpai.
Would start with reading all the papers on 9p and distributed (file)systems in Plan 9 to avoid reinventing the wheel in terrible fashion. This could be a seriously nice learning experience.
Would you make threads about this? Not necessarily the specific approach you're going with but more sensible web in general.
Hell, this could even tie in with the decentralized/distributed systems discussion that pop up every so often.
>you can't complain about shit if you can't make it better!
Probably no, I'm a brainlet. I'm pretty sure ipfs or that upspin could do what I have in mind. Once you can mount the remote resources as file hierarchy, you can use any program to open it without it having any network client code at all. Using existing protocol is an advantage because someone more competent designed it and it can already have a driver to mount it.
The bigger problem is that a good internet doesn't exist anymore.
Dam, rest in peace homie.
you dont need a good browser if the internet itself isnt good anymore
You do, because your job requires you to.
I use IE11 for my job. It's a shit, but if something breaks i don't blame it automatically.
10/10 Firefox Quantum you dense motherfucker.