Getting a new computer. What OS should I on it for maximum performance?
Getting a new computer. What OS should I on it for maximum performance?
And I'm not even saying this ironically
The speeds would be god-tier
It's like 20 times faster than W7 on me with a 10 year old pc
temple os
Are we talking a shitty old PC with garbage hardware being used for basic tasks, or a shiny new PC being used for intensive tasks?
If the former, lightweight Linux distro of your choice. If latter, Windows.
Can you cite an example of your Gentoo setup binaries operating more quickly than something like Ubuntu or Arch?
Fucking brainlet dipshit.
Idle Ram and CPU usage is lower on light Linux distros but windows has directx so it's obviously going to have higher performance in gaymen
Please take it to this thread
>Init process completes in less than two seconds (1.839s) and I now have a woeking environment because it's not systemd bloat
>B-but user if you already spend all this time configuring shit like USE flags you'd do it too on Arch to remove Systemd
Matter of principle, but let's assume you need other examples too
>the Linux Kernel (TM)
That thread seems too general.
Your OS will most likely be dictated by your main use(s) of the machine rather than raw performance. What software are you running that needs to be as fast as possible, and what OSes does it support?
Performance in what?
Efficiency you should probably go with Arch, Gentoo or LFS if you want sleepless nights
For everything else like content creation or games you're better off with Windows 7 or 10
I think that is the idea. But seriously, count the total threads on Sup Forums about choosing distros.
Just Linux. Then carefully select programs. I.e. musl is the fastest c library, rc is the fastest shell, clang is the fastest compiler, use busybox utilities, etc.
Trying to shovel a bunch of discussions into one thread is stupid. It isn't an idea, its an exercise in narcissism.
>pick Dolphin and install a bunch of KDE bloat, then install some Gnome shit for (insert program name)
If you pick packages individually, they may have a shit ton of dependencies so care for that
Is pretty much the same discussion, over and over and over again. Distro recommendation is that is.
You fail to distinguish other peoples topics and discussions from your own interests and feel an obsessive need to try and contain what you consider an excessive thread in a way that is selfish. You aren't helping to foster discussion with borderline abusive shitposting about a general thread.
Look into crunchbang++ it's not like bunsenlabs its super minimal debian 9 ot has same repo as debian 9 and its very minimal, and has openbox as default wm
Woah, wait there buddy. Thread isn't mine and I haven't forced anyone into there, I just stated my opinion. No need to be so mad about it.
I still think is a good idea to have one thread, because as you say is probably going to get more people talking about different opinions if we have all the scattered posters into one place.
Its totally fine for you to hold that opinion but I believe you should look beyond your own interests when you make judgements like that.
Not only does your comment pointing to a general not "fix" you taking issue with a thread of a similar topic, your motivation for doing so is almost definitely not altruistic.
tl;dr I'm accusing you of shitposting and harassing people for starting threads.
You started so respectful and then derived on accusations. Anyway, I still think this needs a common thread.
Minix is by far the most popular OS desktops. Almost every intel PC runs it.
Use compile time optimizations on computational heavy code and watch yourself. Maybe moronix have some test about it.
You know the answer, install gentoo.
>fucked a crackwhore raw and caught STD
Have I missed something?
>Use compile time optimizations on computational heavy code and watch yourself.
>It's like 20 times faster than W7 on me with a 10 year old pc
>computational heavy code
>10 year old pc
sounds retarded
go on
Performance of what?
Using shirty OS made you so used to waiting that using 10 year old machine sounds retarded to you. Bad news: using perfectly fine machine is not the retarded thing here.
I have a few hundred dollars to spend on a new computer
I spend 30 hours a week on my computer, no need to have one a decade old
He fucked a crackwhore raw and caught and STD.
Are you new to Linux?