Is Krita newbie friendly?

Is Krita newbie friendly?
What are the alternatives? Doesn't matter if free or paid/proprietary.

By user friendliness.
Inkscape > Krita > Gimp.

Why not just try it out?

Yes it is. The interface is also great. You can just jump in and start drawing. Perspective tools are awesome and easy to use, using LAB is also nice feature.

The only awful thing is writing the text.

Alternatives are paint tool sai (light, fast, simple, abdonware) and Manga Studio (only on MacOs and windows sadly).

I'm asking beforehand from people who might know.
Is it even worth to invest the time in trying it out.

medi bang is also ok, pic related is what I created in 2minutes


>In order to use MediBang Paint on a DELL PC, please update Dell Backup and Recovery Manager to the latest version.

Try MyPaint, it's simpler than krita and others

>human Krita
Holy shit this is great

:s/by/by inverse order/

Because it comes with 500mb of KDE dependencies

Gtk may be ugly and have a shit file picker but it is light

180MB on Windows

Krita and Inkscape do different things
t. use them both

She's Kiki!

Go to Krita's website.
Scroll to bottom of download page.
Click appimage download link.

$ du -h .local/bin/krita-3.3.2-x86_64.appimage
82M .local/bin/krita-3.3.2-x86_64.appimage

I tried Krita for a bit and I think it's alright. I've been using Paintstorm Studio for a good while now and I'm seriously loving it. It's pretty rough around the edges and it's missing a few core features (like text and some other things) but it works really well for what I use (illustrations).

Inkscape in that list is just like saying

AutoCAD > msoffice > openoffice


binoculars > anal beads > dildos

>>human Krita

I wanna fug that squirrel

It's very newfriend friendly, with a lot of cool shit under the hood if you dig around/read the documentation.

By degree of difficuly:

chinese arithmetic
rocket science
brain surgery
pissing a hole in the snow

Not a drawing program.

gimp is easy?
try drawing a circle

It's the other way around.

>GNU Image Manipulation Program
obviously not a drawfag program

circle selection
selection to path
export path
save as circle.svg
GIMP just DREW a circle.
checkmate atheists

Gimp is for image manipulation not drawing

Image Manipulation, not Image Creation
It's pretty good at being a photoshop replacement, if you can get past the UI, but it's no substitute for an actual drawing program.

it actually just rendered it
you didn't draw it

So's your mom.

>What are the alternatives?
Easy Paint Tool SAI

looks very professional
is it the weebs choice?

To my best knowledge no.


It still mostly is, but Clip Studio Paint is gaining a lot of popularity.

Depends on what you expect.

Know that it's meant for drawing, not for image processing.

The good about CSP is being advertised as a professional tool a d having its price on sale almost all the time. The shit is 80 and like 35 on sale. Thats cheaper than sai .which is 55 iirc.

Yes said us not free.

The main problem with krita is being laggy as fuck even with that instant preview while said can run flawless on a 386 cpu

fuck, man. have you thought about joining art school or something?

they haven't accepted me, I'm posting on Sup Forums now

I switched from Sai to Krita not too long ago since I wanted to use Linux full time and didn't get sai working in WINE on my first try.

Overall, I think I like SAI a bit more just because it's lighter, faster and more stable but Krita is still decent. I'll probably stick with it for the foreseeable future.

Pinta. It's the only image editor where cropping an image is simply 'select > crop'

we dont need shitware edition 5. abandon it and contribute to krita. the community settled for it already.

Funny enough it was made by some jap on his free time decades ago and it has been updating it as the years go by and is still miles better than the shit a bunch of open sores faggot crews pull out
