>he still pirates with torrents
He still pirates with torrents
>he still pirates
>he still
>he still
>>he still pirates
>he still pirates with torrents
>he still pirates
>he still pirates with torrents
Out of curiosity, what is the alternative?
>not using mom's Netflix account for free streaming in $currentYear
>not stealing mom's credit card to pay for Netflix while streaming off neighbor's wifi with laptop you stole in $currentYear
>he has
>he still torrents with pirates
>not ... $currentYear
>he has no style
he has
We Wuz
>he has no grace
>this kong
>pay 9.99 a month for streaming subscription.
>4 months later realize a decent album hasn't been released since 1969.
>start spending 9.99 a month buying used cds from second hand stores.
>this kong has a funny face
this Kong has a
>mfw i've pirated all my gnu/linux distros with torrents
>paying cia nigger monkeys to harvest your data
torrenting =/= piracy, dum-dum.
We Wuz kongs and sheet
I know I won't get serious answers, but:
How does one get into Usenet, anyway? Torrenting is fairly straightforward: get a Bittorrent program, download from a public tracker or join a private tracker, etc.
Besides autists meming about Usenet being better, I've never *actually* seen any guides or information about getting it up and running.
fuck off r3ddit
I like this thread. NIGGERS
>implying streaming isnt licenced yify
Go away, summershit. Learn to lurk.
>he bought into the streaming meme
as if, you glow in the dark kike, I torrent it all.
I got an Android tv with Kodi and Quasar on it
>tfw it's like streaming but it's a free torrent with better control and quality
Its not worth it dont even bother
>I’m a stalker?
>Not using watchseries