I prefer windows because linux is hard

>i prefer windows because linux is hard

>i project because I'm insecure about the fucking choice of software that i use as a part of my absolutely inconsequential life

I use windows because free software is pathetic compared to the good alternatives which don't run on loonix.

That was a pretty fast burn.

>i prefer windows because linux is hard

I prefer Linux because Windows is hard.

I prefer Linux because Windows kept "updating" my drivers to unstable versions and making my system unusable.

haha oh wow

I prefer Linux because Windows is hard.

I dual boot, but use linux most of the time, and would use windows an even smaller portion of the time if running updates every month or so didn't take half a fucking day.

>I purposefully make usage more difficult for myself so I have something in life to feel better than others



I really like this one. I love Illithids

i prefer windows to linux because it just werks™

>>i prefer windows because linux doesn't have 99% of the software that I need and that is industry standard
Really make me think.
Unironically I would like to try linux but why bother?

That must be an exciting lifero you lead there.

>Using linux make you part of the cool guy
You using linux must be an exciting lifero huh?

>absolutely inconsequential life
>implying any life is consequential
Theres no point to argue

>i prefer Linux because Windows is tard.

I prefer Windows because there is literally no use for Linux on your personal desktop unless you want to be a special snowflake cuck.

Fpbp, pseudo intellectual elitists with an inferiority complex eternally btfo

So much Sup Forums butthurt, pathetic.

>want to use linuix
>getting it will invole me reinstalling everything to the linuix version and most stuff wount have a linuix version

>more projecting

The absolute wew of lad in this thread.

pick one and a half

>I prefer windows because i've used it my entire life.

>t. POO

>i prefer linux because windows is hard