Have you gotten the Humble Java Bundle yet, Sup Forums?

Have you gotten the Humble Java Bundle yet, Sup Forums?

is good any of these books?

Thanks for the heads up.

Sorry, I don't use deprecated languages. Nice shilling, tho.

Backend lovers may found it useful.

>5 official ebooks for 1$
>still complaining

>Fifteen fucking books on one language
Jesus h christ

no I only have the libgen bundle


the performance guide sounds interesting

Anybody read it?

doubt that

Think java is cool and you can get the pdf freely on the website of the author.

Did O'Reilly made a book about gopher and ncurses?

It’s free on bittorrent

I rather put a screwdriver up my urethra than readings Java books

anyone would like to share them?
I'm a poor neet and only can afford the first package.

>java generics and collections
>java web services
The fuck are these animals? The duck footed bird looks pretty cool

bought all of them for 25$ and skimmed through them

There's three or four gems in it worth it, but the rest is either old (SOAP, etc) or targeted at beginners

Sirs are these books worth reading?


Upload that shit somewhere senpai

>one of the most widely-used languages in the world

I abandoned Java for C#, so I don't need it.

the generics and collections one looks like an alligator to me