/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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Learning python in about 2 minutes because it's my 5th language

crypto trading bot

fuck opengl, though

>Text based combat game with basic rpg stats for your character

Just something to put in my portfolio.

pretty generic, desu.

A blind carpenter picked up his hammer and saw

get off my board dad reeeeeeeeeeee

75% of German shepherds are dogs

Yeah, but I figured it'll let me show off some event based and OOP knowledge along with basic inheritance and class stuff.

Hihi, I am database developer (ms sql) and asp.net developer (c#), live and work in Russia Moscow and get 2000$ per month. (25 years old) my dream is to come to Canada or Australia.
What do you think: is 2000$ per month is good salary?

I'm freelancing for the first time. Let's say someone needs some backend stuff implemented on a Windows Server they own which is hosted by godaddy. How do I do work for them? Can I ssh in? remote view, etc? I never really work in Windows and I don't know what the standard practice is here

Hired lisp programmer here.

Can you make my frappuccino with no whip pls

Doesn't that make you filthy rich over there? Why would you ever come and be poor in US?

i want a soda and fries, please.

>check out web dev general
>they're referring to lambdas / anonymous functions as """arrow functions"""

2000/mo is low in the United States, idk about canada or australia but it probably makes you richer than Putin

i have unfinished business in the US.

>lambdas / anonymous functions
kill yourself

it's true though.

maybe you're the retard here.


>Doesn't understand semantic implications
>Whines about "muh improper naming"


std::sort is mergesort, right?

God damnit Sup Forums I don't know what to do.

I hate my life and my job in commercial construction. I want to get into the tech field. I am 21 and have $25k saved. Is community college worth it? What am I supposed to do?

I started with Lua and taught myself JS and C# so I'm not a retard. I've made game mods, small bots, and a windows program for personal use that just hosts my bots with a button push.

I don't want to blow my savings but I think I'm going to kill myself from drinking or suicide or both if I have to do this my entire life. I'm playing with Unity and practicing my C# but at some point it just feels like I'm spinning my wheels and not really going anywhere.

Please help me /dpt/.

So you don't want the hear the one about the gypsy with a glass eye and a crystal ball?

>tfw no motivation
>tfw no ladder to climb
>tfw nothing left to accomplish in life except try to make a few more dollars an hour

It's quite much here, yes, but I don't like many other things here, i can not buy my own home because of very high prices and 11% mortgage , I can not afford to create my own business, because of taxes and different other troubles. I just want to live normal life without everyday shit and fear.

Don't think, that Putin is so poor.

no you dumbo

>11% interest rate
you guys are getting robbed

>JS and C#
>not a retard

Come to the United States, having an accent makes chicks instantly wet

do not go to college it's a waste of money if you reallty have the skills just get a job.

>having an accent makes chicks instantly wet

only if youre white

asian/african accents are horrible

I said lisp programmer, not fine arts guys.

>grab a good book or two
>try to learn the basics

Only then should you consider the possibility of college.

>Come to the United States

The process to enter in the US is so fucking long though (correct way).

>double h
>double e
>double m

Oh dear

oh, right
std::stable_sort is merge, right?

int independence; // declaration of independence


but it is!

__stable_sort(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last, _Compare __comp,
typename iterator_traits::difference_type __len,
typename iterator_traits::value_type* __buff, ptrdiff_t __buff_size)
typedef typename iterator_traits::value_type value_type;
typedef typename iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type;

typename iterator_traits::difference_type __l2 = __len / 2;
_RandomAccessIterator __m = __first + __l2;
if (__len

How is kotlin better than java?


it isn't.

Also will you do if you want to add new items of expenditure? Create new variables?
Have you ever heared about dictinaries?

which shitty and niave stl implementation n are you using lol

Correct answer

>what will you do
Slow fix

reading llvm thingy

I just meant I understand programming at a reasonable enough level to consider further education. If I thought I was great I obviously wouldn't be considering college.

I've been doing this for the past year but work makes it difficult full time. That's how I taught myself the languages I know.

This is the mentality I've had learning more languages but where are you supposed to learn the skills aside from them? What is going to teach me databases or networking in depth enough to get hired and not immediately fired for incompetence?

Thanks to the latter two of you for helpful replys.

I don't know what you mean by this. I didn't choose C# because I think it's great I chose C# because it taught me OOP. I don't mind changing languages and I don't understand how declaring doubles is somehow derogatory.

I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do here. I understand and can teach myself languages but how am I supposed to make the jump from syntax smart to work experience smart with no prior work experience?

Erlang or go?


I'm not a cuck.

>What is going to teach me databases or networking in depth enough
projects, certs, books.

network+ or ccna are considered good starts.

Don't underestimate your skills too much because you're self-taught, once you start looking for a job.

Thank you user I will look into those. I feel like my problem right now is getting the field experience needed to consider getting hired so this should help me.

New seppelfag
What is ownership, and why should i care about them?

I just want to say, that variables with names
>a, b, c, d
Tell developer no information about their mission, you just need to give them clear names. More than that, in your case it will be more usefull to use dictionary and add there any types of expeditures.

c++ lambdas giving me a hard time

auto f = [](){}; // what's the type of f?

how do I store lambda as a class member when auto members are not allowed (if not static const)? std::function? what if I don't know template parameters yet


Yeah, I want to actually get employed.

Why have programmers never unionized?

Oh I realized after I sent my reply that you were commenting on the picture and not the body of my post.

Pic not related I just thought it was funny. I know to give variables detailed names and sometimes I leave notes further explaining them or methods.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for trying to help.

Damn bro how big is your dick right now?

If you have no standards, should've just said so!

In that case:

why would you store a lambda as a class member

make a class template which stores a functor

How'd you do it?

whats the best book to learn C niggas is Kernigan and Ritchie a meme?

what did he mean by this?

Can't a driven young African American apply himself to the sciences in these trying times?

what did he mean by this?

If you gathering college students for a project, Would you pick the math major that knows how to program or the CS major that knows how to program?

So something like that senpai?

struct boo
ret operator()(arg &&a) const //or std::function
ret res;

return res;

CS major, the math major probably writes unmaintainable garbage in matlab

>this triggers the haskell-tard

shut up whitey

>pick math major
>"I'd prefer to rewrite everything in Haskell"

>be pajeet
what did he mean by this?

he can even decide C++ future rocking a cool cowboy hat


Where the Physics major?

What's the story with Kotlin? Been seeing it shilled a lot lately as a better Java for people who don't like Scala

Lisped in my free time and applied whenever I saw lisp vacancies.



Ignore all the russians. I'd unironically rec Clojure over it anyday and i hate Lisp.

>Ignore all the russians
Is it a Russian lang?

Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Thanks user.

Unfortunately it's now officially supported for Android so we'll be stuck with another mediocre language for decades.

Anyone here used angel.co to find jobs? Is it good?

It's a shame we now live in a world with only two equally incompetent choices. But atleast Apple knows that having one language for their platform is the logical choice.

Trying to experiment with some accelerometer stuff on my iphone using React Native


what is the standard way to represent xml as s-expression?, it is (name (attributes) rest) where
rest could be some text or another s-exp?

worker market's flooded with H1B1s and idiots who thought a CS degree would make them rich

H1B1 issue might end if trump gets his way, he wants to require companies to pay H1B1 workers higher-than-average wages for their field. he also wanted (wants?) to greatly slash the total allowable H1B1 visas per year

how smart would it be to dual major in CS and math

I'm in college and some professors are asking volunteers to do an EEG (electroencephalogram ).

It has the duration of 2 hours and they pay 30 bucks.

should i do it?

Why do the shittiest languages pay the best?

Just cut the bullshit and major in math. Instant competitive advantage in all fields. Most schools are too retarded to teach CS properly anyway.

>they pay 30 bucks.
literally not worth your time.You can give blood and make more money in a fraction of the time.

struct boo
func x;