Java was a mistake

Java was a mistake
Javascript was a mistake

Most programming languages today were created JUST TO AVOID USING EITHER JAVASCRIPT OR JAVA.

Prove me wrong.

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They are bad languages. But definitely, way better that any meme languages promoted by Sup Forums. Thank god you retards and your cancerous opinions/suggestions are confined to this echo chamber.

I'm a newfag to programming and currently learning Java for an elective at school, can someone explain to me what makes it so hated by Sup Forums?

The only thing a man needs are C, Python, and Bash. Anything else is a low tier meme.

used by pajeets, is associated with a ridiculous number of layers of abstraction

The only language that will get you a job in the financial sector.

I know java and js are a big mess, but why are they so popular? and why do they have such a massive amount of libraries? Did people came to them for the libraries of did the libraries came because of the popularity?

>financial sector
Pick one rajesh

uh what's abstraction

You have no idea what you are talking about, Ivan.

java is okay, it survived long enough. javascript is shit flash was miles ahead.

Just because you were subsubsubcontracted to develop some part of a website for 3$/hour that may or may not be used by some legitimate firm doesnt actully mean that you work in financial sector.

But you slav scum are no better. Crawling out of your shitholes countries and taking jobs away from more experienced and polite Indian and Western European/American professionals.

>slavs live in a shithole
Well, maybe slavs live in a shithole but not literally unlike pajeets.
>experienced and polite Indian
Never met one and never heard of one.

Only thing indians are good at is shitting on streets

>*the sound of OCaml and Haskell laughing in unison*

C# .NET is a Java clone


It's where you change:
int a = 2 + 2;
int addfunc(int src1, int src2){
return src1 + src2;

int operate(int (*func)(int, int), int src1, int src2){
return (*func)(src1, src2);

void add(int *dest, int src1, int src2){
*dest = operate(&addfunc, src1, src2);

int a;
add(&a, 2, 2);

Basically, the process of changing "2+2" to "x + y, where x=2 and y=2" to "x (operator) y, where operator is '+', x=2 and y=2" and so on.

but what's the purpose of all this?

that's not abstraction. that's the opposite of it.

I think you mean "Java done right".

he's a retard. that's the purpose.

The biggest mistake is that everything isn't programmed in Haskell.

um ok

I was being deliberately redundant in my example, as if only to highlight drawbacks in potential implementations of abstraction.
But yes: that add function was a mistake; possibly my birth, as well.

It gives more space to swap out parts, I guess.
Instead of having 104 different functions performing very similar tasks, you have one function that can, taking an extra modifier, do all of them.
So, to add, multiply, divide and subtract:
int add(int src1, int src2){
return src1 + src2;

int mul(int src1, int src2){
return src1 * src2;

int div(int src1, int src2){
return src1 / src2;

int sub(int src1, int src2){
return src1 - src2;

int operate(int (*func)(int, int), int src1, int src2){
return (*func)(src1, src2);

int a = operate(add, 2, 2);
int b = operate(mul, 3, 3);
int c = operate(div, 3, 2);
int d = operate(sub, 12, 4);

nice maths bro

Read about pure functions concept, faggot.

Fuck floats, bro.
Never have to worry about 0.1 + 0.2 ever again.

I... I don't understand.
I've had a quick look at pure and impure functions and, unless you're referring to the use of pointers to functions as impure or having lazily left a, b, c and d outside of a function, I don't see the problem.

Explain this then

Everything should be written in Haskell. Brainlets should change career.