Other urls found in this thread:

slow poke

Though this means we will eventually see threadripper laptops now.

>slow poke
No, actually pretty fast and sharp poke in the dirty kike ass.


Well someone has to be first, either way. It's very hard to fuck up RyZen 1700/X even if you're Anus, anyway.

This is gay af where's raven ridge :(

Early 2018. OEMs are preparing for mass release.

oy vey mass release




>people who pay for anus are gay

>Mass exodus of Jews
>Mass humiliation of kikes
Truly the best timeline to be alive here?

Checked 'em

Fuck, I really need a new gaming laptop. My shitty noisy bulky MSI with 6700hq and gtx 950m can only play games at 720p. But all these new laptops are always so fucking expensive.
inb4 someone says le gaymen laptop xd, yes, I like games and I travel a lot. There isn't any other option for me. Don't come up with retarded suggestions like egpu enclosure.

>single channel ram
>5400 rpm hdd
>both cpu & gpu undervolted to hell and back
Into the trash it goes

>single channel RAM
It's two 8GB plaques in dual channel, with ability to expand to 32GB via four 8GB plaques, you dumb fuck. Learn to read.

>CPU & GPU undervolted
KYS, Intbecile. It's stock 1700 with stock 4GB RX 580 there.

15 minute battery life?

Shit. That's better than my desktop.

Check my link above?

RyZen has insanely good power saving features, especially in Idle. Under what rock you've been living for the past 6 months?

Also - RX 5xx completely turns itself off when in Idle/small load (browsing, etc). This combined with RyZen's great power saving allows for very good battery life.

try getting a used one from craiglist or ebay
I manage to get my MSI GS73vr(6700hq/gtx1060) in mint condition for 800 burgers off some indian in craiglist.

>I like pulling shit directly out of my ass: the post

>gtx 950m

Correction - RX 5xx doesn't turn itself off in Idle, but it's fans (which essentially might as well be considered a complete shut off, especially if you take into consideration Radeon Chill feature, as it allows for a video card to go into very low power state, essentially sipping electricity through small straw).

But what if you try to run Crysis on it?

Considering latest "trends" and events in the industry, I honestly wouldn't be surprised even one slightest bit if at least 600$ in that Anus' notebook's price comes purely from SSD and LOTZARAM. There will definitely be cheaper and better offerings out there pretty soon, but hey - SOMEONE had to be the first one, ya know. Yes it's Anus and as usual overpriced as fuck, but still - it's full fledged 1700 with 4GB RX 580 in there. Really nothing to sneeze about.

Low power state is only for idle power saving and heat reduction, naturally. When you're GOYMING HARD - it runs as usual.

pajeet pls


>not even the right thread number
try again

it is pretty incredible, I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime

>single channel ram

literally means nothing unless you do something other than gaming

>1 usb type c
total fail

For fuck's sakes, when will you autistic kids learn?

Say his name.
Say it loud and clear.
You know you want to.

A gaming laptop? That's what will save amd?


listen the fuck up, you fucking shills. i know there are many of you reading this. MAKE NON GAYMAN LAPTOPS, YOU CUNTS

we just want a decent looking laptop without the flashing leds and all the gay shit you put to appeal to kids. just fucking good specs in a neat professional looking laptop. that's it. fuck you.

Why are you whining at OP? Whine at Anus.
It's not like Lenovo established long-term contracts with AMD. It's not like Lenovo will make sleekest and sexiest Zen APU/RyZen notebooks out there soon.