Harassing me pls help

This kid is harassing me and hacking into all of my accounts. he hacked onto my email gyazo.com/387087914805aec48b9156c0d785e77b

and hacked into all my steam accounts. Please help bruh

>Windows 10
>Naruto vs Obito
>google translate search
>Unironically playing CSGO in 2017
no, fuck off Christopher, install gentoo, and go suck a giant dick

install gentoo

>that csgo wallpaper

underage bait

what's the best non-saas replacement for google translate

Hacking into your discord account right now.

Reset your password and install GNU/Hurd

Try pressing secure account?

an actual (human) translator

It was me who hacked your account. I sold all your items, faggot. Get cucked LMAO

>Please help bruh

why is everyone commenting underage bait because i was playing csgo??? im 19 cuck fuck off. I was on csgo and i was changing my pass because it keeps logging me off

the weak shall fear the strong

Hey everyone, Im the kid who tried to log into this faggot's account. He has given me his password for steam and discord before, no one fucking hacked you Chris, quit trying to cry on Sup Forums

>playing Cancer Stroke: Globally Openly (getting anal rape by valve) in the current year
get out nigger

Whats wrong with csgo? wtf do yal play? shitty ass black ops?

don't pick a retarded password

how shitty must your passwords be if a skiddy can get into your accounts? Step up your game m8, install keepass, change every password of yours for an automatically generated one and store them there.

gaming is a waste of time, my dude

maybe try secure your home network and delete the botnet malware you must have to allow him access to all your shit

Is it really that bad? I was never a CS guy myself, how much did valve fuck up with that version?

Install Arch

I play csgo but queue with my friend and we try to make our team as angry as possible while still winning (anger is the priority)

I cannot tell if these threads are actually real or just multi-layer ironic baitposting. Every once in a while a thread like this pops up where a fucking kid requests hacking assistance.

I'm wondering how do they even find here. Does Sup Forums really show up in a google search about hacked accounts, or are they told on reddit to come here?

they're regular posters bored so they decide to shitpost

not rocket science

nah gaming is fun to do when ur bored. Fidget spinners are a waste of time

nah im not requesting hacking assistance just a little help or advance.

and im not a regular poster or someone who shitposts so fuck off

Your own fault for being a faggot.

I was just asking for advice* i dont give a fuck about hacking assistance

fuck off

Get fucked, its word reference. Stop relying on type-and-click translational jew.

Press "Yes, that was me."

how do we know you are not that kid user?
for all we know he hacked you too!!!!


OP here, i figured it out, no need to reply anymore

Hacker kid here, thanks for teaching me how to hack the OP earlier.

Yes, it's microtransactions everywhere. Plus, the average community from every CS game, this time even worse with the case opening streamers.

i can help but first you have to install gentoo

Read what you are saying. I'm telling you he hacked me and you're saying "he hacked you too"
I'm not asking to ddos or anything just advice like some software's to keep changing my passowords automatically

np B

nah just confused. Csgo a fun ass game idk why people think im a kid just because i play a game

Jesus Christ. Reinstall Windows. Log into your shit on another machine and change all your passwords. Enable two factor everywhere. You're compromised. Nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.

>he already got you
Quick user, stick a usb with gentoo up your anus and install before he decompiles your parser!!!!

Don't listen to those faggots, csgo just caught up with 1.6 in terms of positional sound and valve just introduced a new prime matching method based on your steam profile rep.
Also, source2 is yet to come.