What are you gonna do after the FCC repeals net neutrality and your ISP cuts access to Sup Forums...

What are you gonna do after the FCC repeals net neutrality and your ISP cuts access to Sup Forums.org because it's not part of your basic access package?

Are you gonna fork over more money or are you gonna use this opportunity to get a fresh start on your life and stop being a NEET loser?

You tell me, NEET.

Time to move to the darknet. For fucks sake, this can't be the end niggers, DO SOMETHING!

My wife Akari is so cute

I'm not poor so I can pay for the full access package. Only poor people will get reduced internet access, as it should be

Buy the ultimate package because I'm not a neet and if my ISP could raise prices higher they would have already done it, so prices would be negligible at best

stop lying, you sack of shit

stop spamming your plebbit maymays. you are astroturfing in favor of multibillion corporations that don't want to pay the traffic they consume.

Sup Forums is hosted by CloudFlare. They can't block access to Sup Forums without blocking access to everything else CloudFlare hosts, which would be the majority of the internet. Nice try reddit shill.

It's actually in the interest of ISP to provide in a basic package access to the zillions of small traffic websites and make people pay for popular bandwidth hungry services such as youtube and netflix.

So instead of whining, rejoice as net neutrality disappears, as that means the old text-centered internet will be born again.

Or you know, they can do the realistic thing and extort everyone equally for bandwidth transfer rates, if you don't pay millions for the "preferred" fast lanes, you get throttled to near-useless speeds, no matter if you're netflix or your tiny imageboard with 100 users and the latter is sure as hell not gonna pay for better speeds.

This is going to be a per ISP thing btw.

Make a peer to peer imageboard and use 's wife as mascot.

kill yourself

your ISP can see the domain you are trying to connect to even with ssl

no. you.

This is not netflix vs Comcast/TWC/etc.

This is everyone vs Comcast/TWC/etc.

This will not happen in any meaningful way. Implementation of 5G is right around the corner and suddenly dozens of companies will be competing for your dollar. Everything will be fine.

You're actually saying the goverment should regulate isps because you hate comcast? Do you know how stupid that is? Amazing how easily manipulated you are.

Migrate to the Urbit web permanently

It'll actually be nice if americans get driven out by this shitstorm, ironically.

You honestly don't know what Deep Packet Inspection means and is the REDDIT shill. Fuck off, you know nothing about technology except gaming.

this is the most reddit post i've seen here since yesterday

Literally who?

>literal queen of spades coalburner whore

until they start throttling/dumping packets for political reasons

my mommy pays for my internet
I just need to throw a tantrum to get her to buy the "loser" package

There is only one ISP, and its name is Comcast. Prove me wrong. Name literally any other ISP in the United States. You can't. I can't. If you hate Comcast, then logically you hate every ISP in the US, because Comcast is the only ISP here.

I own a VPN

Is this just in murica or world wide ?

>no buns
delete urself

>What are you gonna do after the DoA repeals food-neutrality and your grocery store cuts access to bread because it's not part of your basic sustenance package?

Only approved if the mascot is stacked.


I'd gladly hand over my freedom to the government just to spite you corporate shills.

tfw not a burger so no chance for a clean restart

sry for typo

Don't you dare put words in my mouth, you fucking whore

shut up impostor

You wanna fight, nigger lover?


"white" "people"

yea you can keep her

thanks cracker

>comparing Sup Forums to bread
>comparing the internet (a luxury) to food (a need)
Food analogies, not even once.

You do realize that your connection to random ips is going to be cut/throttled as well?
The "Darknet" will be even more expensive to use.

Peer to peer won't work when your ISP decides to throttle your connection to random peers.

.....buy a VPN?

>missing the point entirely

Just in USA. That's why most here are celebrating that there will be no more north-americans posting here.

doesn't SSL go against DPI (unless the ISP can make valid certs ofc)

There is literally nothing wrong with having sex with black men



Fuck you liberal, Trump is our GOD EMPEROR!!! MAGA



I'll cancel my internet service entirely and use my computer only for offline activities. Anything I want from the internet I'll get at uni or my job and bring it home on physical media.


Are you an actual nigger or something?

what does your heart tells you, cracka?

You seem to be implying that the internet is some sort of a necessity and that every welfarenigger who hasn't worked a day in his life is entitled to it

Why? All my cunt's ISPs throttle speed to USA USA anyway, because we 3rd world now.

I used Opera VPN and a Hiro banned it.


they can see the IP address you're connecting to, and the dns name just links to that IP address, if they know the IP, they can reverse search the domain

This has nothing to do with Trump. This has nothing to do with the left or right

but user. i live in an actual free country. not ameritrash desu

Could this portend a boom in smaller ISPs? Local government or nonprofit run or small regional private company run ISPs? I don’t really know a lot about this but I know such things exist already and this seems like it would re a good impetus to further this phenomenon?


can someone explain exactly what net neutrality is and why repealing it is good or bad? there is too much disinfo on the subject.

as much as one hates the modern web, why the fuck would we want to limit our bandwidth for no one's benefit but the ISPs?
I block as many shit scripts as possible, and still use a lot of bandwidth.

Can you libcucks GTFO? We won you lost get over it MAGA


This has nothing to do with Trump... This is about net neutrality...