Radio shack is closed. Poorfag anyway. How do I make pic related out of a usb-micro cable and a micd pair of headphones?
/g to the rescue?
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go fuck yourself user
>he can't read a wiring diagram
how much more spoonfeeding do you want?
Just be a dear and tell me which goes to which. I couldnt find anything even on instructables.
It depends on the device, what do you need this cable for?
I've been at this all night. I just want to be a faggot and play black ops with a mic and not spend 20 bucks on a bluetooth earthing or adapter.
Are you trying to get sound to come out of your usb port and out of your headphones? That cable won't work like that, you need a dac.
omg... well thanks and goodnight, faggolas.
It's not that simple... What does it expect the poles on the ring sleeve adapter to be connected to? Which is Data +, which is Data -? Which are Ground and VCC? This isn't an actual standard, it could be setup any number of ways....
well... could it be done without components?
The absolute fucking state of Sup Forums
usb over 3.5mm phono is totally non-standard and only used in a few select cases
op is trying to hook up an analog headset to a usb port
he needs a DAC/amp for that
iPod shuffle represent