MEGA account downsized to 15GB

A couple days ago my MEGA settings said my regular 50GB account was a 15GB one with a 35GB bonus.
>Fine, new accounts will be 15GB from now on, but at least I get to keep my old ones as they are.


Because now I log in and it tells me that I have 0MB bonus and the account is only 15GB and 308% full.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Also, if I don't touch those files, will they remain in the account indefinitely or will MEGA delete the latest uploads until it's under 15GB?

Pic related.

If it does what Dropbox does, it just makes your drive read only until you purchase more space or delete stuff until you're below the threshold. Check the EULA/policy.

works for me senpai

>buy Dropbox Plus
>upload media until full capacity
>cancel Dropbox Plus before the 2nd month
>mfw 1TB of online ROM for only $9.99.

I can't find anything about that except
>If a subscription is cancelled, access to the account may be restricted or blocked if the level of use is above the limits applying to free accounts at that time.
Which is pretty vague.

So weird.
It doesn't even tell you about the 15+35 GB stuff.
Something must've happened to my specific account then.

Can anyone else confirm?

Just logged into mine, still 50GB limit.
Member since 15th feb 2015 if it means anything

M8 do you even need to share this shit or you just want to back up?

Thank you.

Just back up.

Backblaze has unlimited backup (cold iirc) for $5, try it.

poorfags btfo

I have literally no money at all and at least for now, no way to make any.

I need MEGA accounts because I have no hard drive space and I need to put the files somewhere when I'm not willing to just delete them to make space when I need it, in hope for a future where I'll have a hard drive big enough to redownload my stuff.

But it's uber slow and you can't choose what you upload. (Seriously. It's your whole disk or nothing.)

Why not use one of those Chinese or Russian upload thingies? The best one used to be Ukrainian, but they sadly closed down due to pressure from MAFIAA.

I don't trust them not to close down at any minute.

With MEGA I worry about that too, but the risk is smaller to a point where I feel reasonably safe putting stuff there, and have a backup on Google Drive for the things I absolutely can't lose.

can confirm, but i have only 2gb out of 50gb

yandex disk is decent, i have about 10 accounts with 45gb space, works fast, never had any problem with that.

Same for me

I wasn't aware there was supposed to be a switch. I'm still good.

> it's not the cloud, its just someone else's computer
And this is what you get you faggot. Suck shit.

What's vague about it? They might suspend your shit. Seems pretty clear to me.

OP here.
I just noticed that I created this account exactly one month ago.

Maybe at the time new accounts were all 15GB but had an additional 35GB that would expire in a month, so my bonus expired today.
This would explain why everyone here seems to not have any problem (I assume they were created before the change).

I was afraid to check my other accounts (for fear I was getting punished for something, which would cause the other account to get flagged as well), but now that I logged in an older one (that I used up to one month ago) I confirmed that the old one is alright.

Thank you.

I'll consider it, thank you.

I know, I know...
But when there is no better alternative all we can do is go for the least bad choice.
In this case it's either cloud or deleting the files.

What do they mean exactly by "access to the account may be restricted or blocked"?
It could be from complete ban (not even getting past the login page) to just keeping the files as read-only, and anything in between.
I wanted to know exactly what happens so I can decide if I should take countermeasures or not.

Here's a page that seems to confirm that.

Pretty sneaky to give me 35 of those 50GB as a 30-day bonus without explicitly warning me lol.
This way if I spent the month uploading more than 15GB, I'm stuck choosing between having a locked account or paying up.

Well, Ukrainian one ( gave the users one month's notice about the shutdown and then actually extended it and operated for another month in read-only mode.

That's not quite enough for me.
If I have tens/hundreds of GBs online, one month is too little to download and reupload somewhere else (a few GBs at a time, since that's all the local space I'd have available).
I have to choose something that's supposed to stay online for at least a few years and not close at all before I can download everything for good.

>I have literally no money at all and at least for now, no way to make any.

Get a job.

I think being able to get a job counts as having a way to make money.

I'm and I created mine when mega was launched