>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Imagine a Sup Forums with most of the Americans removed. >mfw.gif
I am so going to dance and cheer when 99% of the Americans are cut from Sup Forums (assuming Sup Forums isn't in the base package of most burger's ISPs).
No weebs, no iphone threads... It will be glorious.
Top fucking kek
Sup Forums just hates being spammed.
>implying paid shills don't have the money to get the Sup Forums package
Good, fuck burgercucks.
I just hope Europe won't follow burgers...
What it's stopping the EU parliament to come to a similar conclusion, tho? Because if this shit is gonna bomb in the USA and people will do nothing about it (and people will do nothing, guarantee you), government will think it's ok.
that's a terrible article full of misinformation and OP deserves to be water boarded for posting it
So burgers should rise up and do gay fox protests across the country?
As flawed as the EU is, their politicians aren't going to do that purely because not doing it puts them at a market advantage (hey look, Europe has cheap, non throttled internet access, fuck the US we're moving!)
>Implying this isn't what Europe has now anyways.
>Using 1Gbps for 20€/month
Non throttled?
Also no download limits. Until Sup Forums I didn't knew there is such thing as data plan for wired connection.
US citizens are cucked by companies and government.
>Land of freedom
And you faggots were memeing against hoarders kek
Thats great, people will again understand how precious information is, it may actually save the
internet in the long run
Unironically this.
When I started browsing Sup Forums (2009) I tought US had one of the best connections in the world and then from various anons posting their home connection I discover that not only they have data cap on a home connection BUT ALSO THAT SOMETIMES COMPANIES SELLS THEM ROUTERS THAT ONLY FUNCTION FOR WIFI.
>google is finally gonna die
>ISPs will have to compete and expand
Can't wait
anime website
explain to me how you get these conclusions
help the FCC is taking my neutrons!
>asking for reason in a nn crythread
silly user
Can't wait for the EU to ban Sup Forums. Europoors truly are the single worst posters in here.
>This much butthurt
US is so mad right now.
Keep dreaming. I'll laugh when burgers will have to pay extra to shitpost.
Don't you think it's about time for you to spend your welfare on videogames and cry about muh ``aninefags" on /r/pol my man?
As if LOL
>knowing the names of those reddits boards
Truly you've bested me, user.
Oh vey!
What if ISPs makes contract with Sup Forums so burgers must pay to shitpost, then Hiroshima Nagasaki gets some shekels to keep servers running and MAYBE he'll remove ads from the site? Maybe even captcha, to enable bots to make it look like Sup Forums is even more "alive" than before!
Thank you, burgers! Please support net neutrality!
I pay 5euros for 100/5 mbps limitless and non throttled internet access right now.
>"muh freedom!"
The US lost its freedom years ago. Now everyone is controlled by the government like little puppies.
>Being informed on a subject means you like it
Epic middle school mindset dude
Ikr, it's good to live in old good Europe. Even in shitholes you have at least good internet connection.
sure you are, mohammed
>animu poster
now I get it.
Stop shitposting and blue board so take down the Justin Bieber pics.
> the verge
t. Greasy fat fuck Nilay Patel
> yuropeons are so busy shitting on 'murica they don't see what's happening to them
Can you imagine an internet without net neutrality? For the first time in history, the Trump administration wants to repeal it. He isn't even going through Congress, he's just declaring it. All to serve the big media corporations which gave so much money to his campaign and bought his way into the white house.
We need to fight this together, conservatives and liberals all agree that this has to stop. dailykos.com
You brang this upon yourselves by choosing Hillary of all the possible outcomes to debate Trump.
I'll miss you burgers
anime website faggot
She was like the most qualified candidate in history.
George W Bush was the most qualified in history since he was the son of a former president.
That's how it works, right? In a democracy family members take on the next presidency.
Guys, even if the speed is that much slower (which I somewhat doubt), keep in mind that this is a German Weinerschnitzel imageboard.
It's just text and images.
We'll be fine.