When will electric car companies realize that no one cares about high end cars?

When will electric car companies realize that no one cares about high end cars?

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When will you realize what the purpose of model 1, 2 and 3 were?

> Roadster
It's like that "iPhone vs rock" picture.

Those are still expensive.

Everyone drives teslas here in Oslo. If cars stop on the road when you go over then you are very likely to have two teslas on each side.

Depends on where you are, here in Norway they are pretty cheap compared to other new cars. There is a long waiting line, you COULD buy a used Tesla, but they are often more expensive than a new one.

Why did you intentionally forgot to mention the Previa is also:


Are you a Tesla sheep goyim?

high end car and most luxury items are a trap. once you can afford this you have the desire to buy a luxury item but once you actually bought it then the thing is just meh. you are always wanting something else.

but it doesn't matter anyway because people will still buy them because they think those items will give them status. that's just how human brains work unless you are an INTx

It's cheap there because your faggot government probably subsidizes them to get rid of gas based cars by 2025.

Also your faggy government has a 50% tax rate.

Fuck off Oslo Muslim.


>t. Muhammed

>It's cheap there because your faggot government probably subsidizes them to get rid of gas based cars by 2025.

Yes... But it's the people with gas-driven cars that pay for it. Not the general public who just use public transport (which is great in Oslo anyway, and which i us nearly 100% of the time despite having a car)

>Also your faggy government has a 50% tax rate.
Only if you have an income of more than ~$5 million. Poor schmucks like me who only earn $60k per year pay around 30%.

>Fuck off Oslo Muslim.

t. Carlos de la Sitting Bull

>Poor schmucks like me who only earn $60k per year pay around 30%.

hahahaha you do know that 30% is going to social programs for immigrants like Muhammed with his 5 children who just came in from Syria, right?

Hahahahah dumb fucking schmuck.

You're trying too hard.

Go back to Sup Forums anyway.

I'm pretty sure there's a difference between a typical luxury item and one that seeks to use less fossil fuels. If you don't understand that nuance, you can take your false sense of superiority somewhere else.

They're still trying to fight an outdated stereotype that says electric cars don't perform as well as petrol cars. So they make a performance car to get people interested in the brand, bring people into showrooms, build hype around electric cars, etc.

The next step after releasing the performance car is to release a practical and affordable car that people actually want. The Model 3 could be this car if they don't fuck it up.

'le ebin 'clean energy' meme

>tfw we haven't gone full nuclear yet

>I'm pretty sure there's a difference between a typical luxury item and one that seeks to use less fossil fuels.

except if people wanted to reduce fossil fuels use, they would just stop eating beef, stop using A/C or space heater etc.

but instead they still live a high footprint lifestyle and only spend money on 'green' items that they can show off.

>no one cares about high end cars
kek tell that to Norway where people are rich enough to make Tesla the #1 most bought car of the year

it's why china annexed the congo

>who just came in from Syria
>thinks migrants come from Syria
I know you're dumb, but you should also know that most immigrants stay in Sweden, where Denmark sends them right off the bat.

If you think clean energy isn't taking off, you really don't know what you're talking about. CCS tech is going to be installed in most fossil fuel plants over the next decade, for starters. There's geothermal being developed in the Williston Basin. Wind turbines are getting installed constantly. Governments all over the world are pretty serious about it, even if Trump himself is not.

that's enough to run a few LED bulbs here and there but when you have an enormous logistics operation that relies on diesel and multi-family homes which require heat, cooking energy, water treatment energy, etcetcetc you'll see how useless those things really are

We can produce electricity without using fossil fuels. The notion you're presenting is known as a false dichotomy. Again, away with your false sense of superiority.

>We can produce electricity without using fossil fuels.

fucking brainlet

What do you do, Norwaybro? That's a lot of money. I lived there for a while and made about 250 NOK/hour and that's nowhere close to what you're making. Whose dick should I suck to make that?

Can and do. Do you honestly think geothermal would be being developed in the Mid West if there wasn't serious investment into clean energy?

>Do you honestly think geothermal would be being developed

when it's producing 100GW then you can talk.

meanwhile in the real world we are still burning gigatons of fossil a year

Yes, and those thermal plants are going to have CCS installed. When you know what CCS is, then YOU can talk.

Tesla went for a cool image, instead of scaling slowly. Personally, I don't think this will work, and never have. The market seems to agree, since Tesla is purchasing their own cars via Accounts Receivable in order to meet sales targets. But who knows? Maybe it will work out. At the moment, I see no reason to purchase one over a Honda Fit or something.

>muh clean coal

when you have 100GW of clean coal then you can talk

>still posting without knowing what CCS is
You have no idea what you're talking about. Your opinion is worthless. Clean energy must be considered in aggregate, not in terms of some arbitrary value that you, a layman, has set.

Not who you were responding to, but most clean energy is deemed unreliable, and therefore has to be treated as though it doesn't exist. Nuclear is the only form of clean, reliable energy, and those plants are shrinking instead of growing. Furthermore, nobody is going to invest in Wind Turbines or solar panels, and then pay to back it up via nuclear.

"Clean energy" is doing more harm than good, both in the short and the long run. Ironically, it's leftists that are stopping from clean, reliable energy being a reality.

>can't afford full electric
Buy a prius or other hybrid then

>muh special key word
>it's not like anybody could literally google "CCS coal" and have the answer

weren't you complaining about superiority before?

but ofc the economically illiterate green goo is gonna be a giant hypocrite

Clean energy can offset peaks, especially in winter climates for heating. That much is easy. Beyond that, we can use water towers to store energy, etc. That's before you even consider batteries like Eldon Musk's wall or whatever it is.

You can google all you want, but that you're still talking about CCS in reference to coal means you still don't know what it actually is or why it's significant.

>You can google all you want, but that you're still talking about CCS in reference to coal means you still don't know what it actually is or why it's significant.

when you have 100GW of carbon-neutral electricity in the US, then we can talk

fucking dumbshit brainlet

Even with fossil fuel burning, it's still more efficient as the generators always run at their peak performance.
Gas cars are rarely hitting that spot, unless you make some weird cucked hybrid that the motor always run at it's maximum efficiency speed, which means a car that always have the same exact droning noise.

>Even with fossil fuel burning, it's still more efficient as the generators always run at their peak performance.

nice. that's like being at the top of the special kids class

thinkingemojiman . png

It's better than nothing.
What's not so much better is the pollution you cause with the manufacturing and disposal of all that fuckton of batteries.

>not having insurance on a brand new car

This. Elon Cuck is taking your taxpayer bux and wastes it on old technology instead of working on new, promising, battery technology.

>use public transport
thanks to your kind of people, my town turned into a green nightmare with no parking spots and heavily restricted access for cars

It's because we can't build cheap electric cars yet. Even if we were to design a barebones electric car it would still be in the high end price range.

>green energy is only worth perusing if we can instantly have an arbitrary capacity that I pulled out of my ass

Actually, companies know exactly what they're doing. High-end cars are overpriced for what they do to begin with, so a good way to cover the high costs of batteries and AC motor controllers is to target rich customers. If you try to make an affordable vehicle you are pretty much forced to design "toy cars" like the G-Wiz and Renault Twizy because that's the only practical option. For example the VW E-UP! is literally twice the price of the gas-powered VW UP even though it's the exact same chassis.

They are working on new tech but the problem is that every hyped new battery tech winds up being shit for EV. They need a holy grail combo of high energy storage density, low loss of total capacity over time (or dense enough that it doesn't matter), can charge fast without fucking the batteries up, can discharge fast without exploding, inexpensive, more sustainable. Right now, we're very lucky to see advances in just one of those areas, but usually it comes at the price of reduced functionality in another.

The funny part is that regardless of how clean we make our cities, we'll still be shitting up the atmosphere if we don't clean up the maritime shipping industry.

im a data scientist... Apparently it's just slightly above average wages. I have no idea how people get all that cash.

Public transport is cosy and convenient tho. They should have parking spots with dynamic prizing so that there are always two spots left. Just keep parking super expensive then everyone who wants to park can do it.

>When will electric car companies realize that no one cares about high end cars?
Mercedes, Volkswagen, Ford, Bentley, etc. apparently still haven't realized that, so I guess it's gonna take a long time.

People want to reduce their fossil fuel use without changing their lifestyles, so buying an electric car makes more sense than going vegan.
It could also be argued that giving money to the electric car industry has more of an impact than trying to reduce your individual footprint, since having only electric cars is necessary in order to ultimately stop emitting CO2.

>since having only electric cars is necessary in order to ultimately stop emitting CO2.

not true

you can fly a private jet as long as you throw some money to some dodgy company that will 'neutralise' your carbon foorprint for you

You know exactly what I mean but you're completely ignoring it. Most people who buy Teslas don't have the money for a private jet anyway.

if they care about the environment they would just stop eating meat. but they don't.

>only 30%
Jesus fucking Christ I would never want to live in Europe.

Fuck that shit.

>32.7% of Tesla owners already get clean electricity
>the rest still probably emit less CO2 because grid -> battery -> electric motor is more efficient than directly burning fuel to propel your car
>all superchargers will be solar powered within a few years anyway

There's a bigger picture. Tesla obviously wants to make all self-driven cars a reality. The Model 3 is the first car ever intended to be a ride sharing car.

Yep Norway subsidizes them. Only reason people buy them. Denmark used to do the same, in 2015 a total of 2738 were sold. In 2016 as subsidies slowly tapered off only 176 were sold. In Q1 2017 a total of 6 were sold.

Terrible cars incapable of succeeding on the open market and rely on government handouts to work.

I can only afford the down payment on a hydrogen exploding car if i sold both my lungs in singapoor.

Oh you want capitalist prices? Welcum to singapoor... and japan and korea to a lesser extent.


Well no shit they are cheap there, cuck taxes fuck you out of every fun car.

oops wrong europoor nation ;)

>tfw cheap chinese electric cars where i live
>just have to drive in constant fear of the battery roasting the whole car while i'm inside
>if i wait a few more years until they get the tech right the govt will just tax the electric ones to recover the gas taxes they lose and it'll all be for nothing

>fun car
GT is just a loud fart cannon. just test drove it over the weekend.

Good. Fuck cars.

Seriously , read a dic

> I don't understand exponential economics

What the fuck are you quoting me for faggot, you think the govt won't tax them accordingly when the day comes that they can't tax gas anymore? go read a book on public finances, mong.

mad europoop

>no you can't have those fun cars, they promote toxic masculinity
>stop manspreading, smash your balls together so you don't offend a woman
>muh sit down to pee because women can't
>your muscles are too big, time to get drug tested for steroids

Pussified then. Is that better?

Not a fair comparison. Toyota Previa is king of vans: mid-engined, all wheel drive, supercharged.

In Denmark it's about 50% and we have taxes on both electric cars and solar panels so nobody can afford it and at the same time cutting the tax on gas cars. Tldr Denmark makes electric cars more expensive and gas cheaper.

Why not Leaf? Norfags have too much money to burn.

>forget about lessening our dependence on fossil fuels or mitigating their environmental impact, just stop eating meat

You need to take your ideology and stuff it. Eating meat doesn't create atmospheric CO2; burning fossil fuels does. You've got an insane bias you need to deal with. And to be clear: you are correct that current agricultural technology is inefficient in terms of carbon output when producing meat, but that is a symptom of the technology and addressing a symptom rather than the cause is not an effective strategy.

>Eating meat doesn't create atmospheric CO2
are you a literal idiot? how do you think animals are kept? do they not breathe?

bro you gotta be trolling right now

Based Denmark commies outsmart the electric car agenda.

Can confirm. Bear in mind you can get this car with manual windows and no air-con, it's that low end. The electric one is still twice the price. It's a solid car but it's not worth literally low-end hot hatch money.

Why can't Twingos be a thing in America? :(

is that why Tesla saw a record number of people pre-ordering a 200k car?

the new Roadster is a bugatti chiron tier performer for 15x lower price.

it even beats it 0-60.

what is this "fun car" term
cars aren't fun, they're vehicles

you've been brainwashed by car companies

It actually gets even worse if you do the math. There is a ~18,000$ price difference between the two models. This means that assuming a fuel consumption of 6L/100km and a gas price of 2$/L, you can buy a regular UP along with enough gas to drive it 150,000km for the same price as an electric one. Not only that, but if you consider how many recharge cycles the battery pack has and its capacity, you will *never even come close* to reaching 150,000km on the electric version.

To put my tinfoil hat for a second, it's quite possible VW ran those figures before determining the price for the e-UP.

In order to own an electric car, you need to have your own, private, sheltered garage to store & charge it every night.
Nobody is going to wait 30 minutes at a "charging station" 3 times a week. Not one person.

By definition, electric cars are out of reach for anyone who isn't upper-middle class and higher.

The Congo belonged to China?

Imagine slant eyed niggers

With selling one Tesla Roadster you make the same gain like with selling 500 Toyota Previas. Guess what makes ore sense for a small company with limited production capacity.

>implying the roadster won't have an AWD option at minimum

Lived in a '96 Estima in New Zealand for a bit last year, great times

>The American is immunized to all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back: "Whiter than you, Muhammed."

fuck off muhammed

fun car? car that you feel alive in.

separating morons from their money?

>every thread on Sup Forums now turns into an amerifat vs yuropoor thread
Can this board get any worse?

Electric cars are a meme born out of state subsidies from expropriated wealth by people who have no say in it all

It'll get worse. Wait and see.

"fun" means miata/86 or loud fart cannons

Which car doesn't have a botnet what so ever?

Electrical cars will only start to make sense once we make a massive breakthrough in energy storage technology.

Current batteries are still too limited in endurance and use a number of heavy metals in their construction. You are just trading CO2 pollution for heavy metal pollution w/ less CO2 pollution (still needed for mining those metals).

nigger in the beggining 100 years ago all cars were fucking electric.

Retard, in the beginning all cars were steam driven.

Actually parasite is more offensive, as it's a huge deal to be independent in America